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  1. My two favorite things, Skyrim and Hoarders ^^ I've been thinking about making a hoarder character for ages though. One house just for cabbages, one just for wooden spoons, one for useless tools like saws.... I'm just too lazy to hoard lol
  2. I love my mage! But I don't really use illusion so probably most of my comment will be useless to you but I'm going to leave it anyway. Maybe some will be helpful for you. My "focus" was destruction, restoration, enchanting, and a lil bit of alteration for the low level mage armors (oak/Stoneflesh) and a little bit of conjuration. And a little alchemy because I relied fairly heavily on pots. Oh and some speech so I could afford to buy said pots and soul gems. And I had to grind enchanting to make it worthwhile, but it paid off. Every item I had (but one) did Destruction magic cost reduction so my novice skills were <1 to cast. It's like infinite magicka ^.^ The other item is a health +30 or something. That mitigates the need for lots of +magicka items. I expected this build to be problematic because it was all over the place, but it actually worked well and I had very few problems playing on mostly Master. When things got too rough I just turn it down to expert or adept, but I rarely needed to. Most of the time just um, running away for a minute worked pretty well. Some of the strategies that really worked for me (but might not work for you): * Conservative dual casting on destruction. gets expensive. Impact is nice but not really necessary. I only used it when I was confident about my magic supply/totally desperate. * well placed Atronachs! I didn't bother with putting much in the conjuration tree because they are fodder. They don't need to live that long and I almost always had enough magicka to just cast another one. Use them to block tunnels and hide behind them. Cowardly, yes but who cares. No one's handing out purple hearts. Except maybe Steam :D * Get a tank helper. Give them a soul trap weapon and all your empty soul gems. Voila, soul gem vending machine! * Re-summon the Atronachs before they die if you're in a fight. Place them a little further away so the enemy has to work for it, But not so far away that you are an easier target. * Summon your helper before a fight you to lure out enemies/set off traps, but maybe not so soon that they run off and grab aggro before you're ready. Sometimes after fights I waited for them to die so I could start fresh in the next fight. * Using restoration on the helper during fights when I was not under attack. When needed. Didn't bother much except in emergencies/after fights. I also had most all the perks except the wards and stamina restoring one. * Run away! Exit the dungeon if you can/need to. Sometimes they will follow you out in more manageable numbers. * Use the right dest. magic spell on the right target. Shock for mages, fire for draugr, ice for fighters. Jack up your destruction accordingly-I basically hit everything in the tree. * Use pots that increase the effectiveness of your offensive spells. * Do a lot of strafing and hiding behind pillars and such * Use two different types of offensive spells if you aren't dual casting and have spent the perk points. Ice is a nice choice because it slows everyone down. * Use offensive shouts liberally. The freeze shout was awesome because it paralyzes at the second level (I'm pretty sure?). I checked the wiki and got this early on. It was a huge help. So was the ethereal one, whirlwind and detect life. I killed Janessa an awful lot with it though. Maybe you'll have better aim than I do. **** Anyway, I'm not that great or thoughtful of a player, but this is what worked for me.
  3. Sorry if this is a repeat. It seems like it would be,but I didn't see it after many searches. A container next to the alchemy/enchanting tables would be so, so super convenient :D Or probably there is a way to just plunk one down wherever using the console? I tried clicking on ones around my house in the console to do a placeatme, but all their IDs were "00000014" which seemed wrong. And didn't work lol.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think it's RAM. 2G on the VC and 8G on the comp. Should be enough, right? ;) Don't have too many things running in the background. I'm also not using an HDMI cable for my monitors. Usually I can get rid of it by fast traveling out and back (although sometimes not), so I was leaning toward texture loading issues, but I don't know that much about it so I'm not sure what you'd expect to see. The other texture loading problems I had were a sort of bright lavender-purple color. (Periwinkle, lol). Thought I'd google and ask around a bit before starting the usual trouble shooting, to hopefully narrow it down a bit. So thanks again for the suggestions. Let the fun begin! :D If I find a solution I'll post it for others.
  5. So, anyone else have this? Everything is pink, And orange. And aqua. Pink!
  6. Another update! Just keel them. Not that you need a mod for this but it's kind of funny XD Mod link
  7. They better not fix the giant "bug"! Is that even a bug? I thought they just did it to be silly.
  8. I have a similar build, but instead of conjuration I'm doing smithing and alchemy with a side of enchanting and destruction. And I chose Imperial. It's the ultimate a.d.d. character lol, but whatever. I'm doing ok so far.
  9. Pervert! Probably you have gender confusion issues or something. It's ok. I think there's a mod for that too :laugh:
  10. Lol well you know it would have to be the Thalmor behind the evil Big Underwear conglomerate XD
  11. Behold! : Emphasis added XD I was nit picking your nit pick of a nit pick. See, it's like Russian dolls lol Yeah I know. But you could say that about any mod or fix because there will always be something else that breaks immersion. (Well, cause it's a game and no one is ever going to be %100 immersed.) And because other people's peeves are always silly. And the Skyrim undies are way less brown and diapery than the Oblivion undies. This is true. Still, bandits generally die pretty quick, right? Who cares about their non-unique bandit armor? You're too busy stabbing them in the face or roasting them alive or whatever. But afterward, during the cleanup, you have plenty of time to contemplate the philosophical ramifications of a dead man in a brown diaper, don't you? It's like finding a dead man in Zubas. You don't really want the man to be naked, but somehow you know that if he was it would be more dignified for him and less existentially painful for you. Moral of the story: Even the silliest of mods serves a profound human need :D
  12. Oblivion didn't do anything. Modders and players did. You're nit picking here.
  13. Love it. Love everything about it. Lol :D I should confess that the kilt was my inspiration for that comment. See it's not pervy- you just don't expect there to be a pair of boxer briefs under there!
  14. Straight female here and I used the Nude Oblivion mod for similar reasons that Janus mentioned earlier, but also because I just thought it was weird that everyone wore brown diapers. Honestly, the underwear was more unseemly than the nudity. Besides, everyone knows that real barbarians freeball it XD Just kidding. I'm pretty sure the mages are too.
  15. Update- Louis just cloned himself again! There are now 3 above-ground versions of him and one half-buried. I think I'm still just going to let this go lol.
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