Anything BUT the Dwemer and the Falmer, I freaking hate everything connected to them, Dwemer ruins are horribly boring and the Falmer are nothing but a pain in the..eye... Their loot sucks and not once have I had a "nice experience" with any of the Dwemer dungeons, I agree that they should add something about the Thalmor, it feels like it was left out, and also it feels like they left out the moot for the High King, which also sucks, they should add that too, and stop crying for going into other Lands, you can't expect Bethesda to make a massive DLC that includes another huge part of the world that some PC's couldn't handle, I would like that to happen but it probably won't. Yes,yes it can be done but the game is buggy as it is so the next DLC should be focused on fixing some of the issues and add some major parts of the story that are missing or were just left out, and don't start attacking me for commenting this, it's just my opinion :)