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Posts posted by AndyXvers2

  1. when entering the Chemistry crafting station menu the camera switches to third person and then proceeds to bob and weave and duck and behave in a manner befitting someone who had a few too many alcoholic drinks.


    i would like to request a mod that holds the 3rd person camera steady while one is using the crafting station.

    quite frankly the camera shakiness makes me a little nauseous, and considering a good number of mods seem to prefer the chem station for a sort of all-in-one crafting, this seems like a nice compromise.

  2. i was talking to a friend at work about this and how skooma doesn't have any negative effects anymore like it had in the previous TES games.

    he made a comment comparing it to refining crack cocaine into 5 hour energy

  3. yeah for a while i was wandering around thinking that NPCs telling me " i wasn't looking well" was just random dialog too, but i had noticed when i was leveling up that my stamina wasn't at it's default 100, it was lowered to 75. i immediately went in search of the cause.


    Honestly i liked morrowind's interface better, icons for buffs both permanent and temporary, were awesome to see on the HUD, in fact permanent buffs were rather a goal for me there, to get as many as i could piled up along the bottom of the screen. they also had a better menu system as far as having bounty and reputations and stuff from the same menu screen that you could equip items. let alone morrowind's equipment stacking.


    it still seems strange to me that Active effects are in with the spells when bounty and such is in the Esc menu

  4. apparently the file size of 135 kb is too big to upload any more than 1 picture per posting. Sorry about that.


    this one i cropped the arrow head and flights off the icon to try and better punctuate that it is a disease and not a poison that you are afflicted with

  5. was thinking about this. maybe when you contract a disease an icon will appear next to the Stamina bar,

    i'm thinking that whomever is kind enough to complete this mod, could use the Poisoned weapon icon,

    just place it on the HUD


    maybe add a flashing "outer glow" effect to it to add some sense of urgency

  6. saw a mod the other day that either added, or turned an existing sword into the famous Buster Sword. so that's a good place to start. you could possibly even find who uploaded it to skyrimnexus and pester him request additional FF:XIIMXXVII weapons
  7. just like the name says i'd like a map locator icon for Risaad and any other Khajiit caravans in game.


    i don't request the ability to fast travel to them, i just want to know which city they are located at so i can fast travel to the stables close to there. also so i don't waste time guessing. Maybe see about using a modified Maximal (beast wars) symbol for their caravan.

  8. might be cool to have multiple followers, girlfriends, wives.

    however the punishment part of your idea feels a little too "Sims"-ish to me

    just got done looking at mods that allow for unlimited rings and amulets, so i don't see why removing the cap on followers or whatnot would be that difficult.


    though it might be rather awkward to get married and have your other wife(s) show up as guests as well.

    I don't know about anyone else but I kinda get bored of the same wife all the time but I don't just want to get rid of her either. I think it would be cool to have another wife/husband/girlfriend. I don't know if a mod like this would require the creation kit but I think it would be cool to have more than one wife. Any thoughts?


    Food for thought:


    It might also be cool to have some sort of punishment system or something if one wife/girlfriend finds out about the other

  9. certainly i'm not the first person to have noticed this. they don't need to be overly anime huge either, but yeah i'd like to see a mod that increases the bust so that they get just a little cleavage.


    so if you know that this has already been made plz feel free to post a link or the mod name in the reply

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