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Everything posted by cossayos

  1. I guess one of the problems of MEA is that it shines in it's side and companion quests. If you confine yourself to the main quest, you might get disappointed pretty fast. When I first started the game I couldn't believe how boring it is. Now that I'm 40 hours in, I have to give it credit. Apart from the aspects I mentioned above and which I still don't like.
  2. The game started to freeze with 1.05. Right after cinematics usually. It didn't do that before. I guess we have to wait for them to patch the patch.
  3. Without creating a spoiler, there needs to be an option to shove her (Addison) out an airlock... and I finally got to Liam's Loyalty mission... missed it somehow through my first 3 play throughs... I wanted to shove him out an airlock!!! On that mission I very nearly threw my controller against the nearest wall. Not so much because of annoying Liam, who's one of the blandest characters anyway, but because of the excessive jump jet requirement and the necessity to find the sweet spots useage the developers graced us with.
  4. My request would be for more varried and appealing casual outfits. Would being the operative word, since far as I understand it, frostbyte can't be modded without the proper tools. At least not in the mesh department, which something like that would require. Seriously, the baggy track suit they make the character wear as the only option, is just plain ugly.
  5. On the plus side, they finally managed to present an appealing asian face preset. I always tried to create an asian face for ages and was pleasantly surprised by their preset. It's the only appealing preset, by the way.
  6. It's not the best. But it's certainly not a bad game. My major issue with the game is that it takes give or take 15 hours until it picks up speed and the missions get really interesting and it takes the loyality missions to even care for most of your companions and their motivations. Before that they are just bland - apart from Pheebee, at least in my case. Another gripe, but that's on a pure personal level, is that I hate riddles. If I wanted to play Sudoku, I wouldn't play Mass Effect. If I wanted to spend hours to figure out some console configuration, I would go for a game based on that kind of stuff. I guess I spent an equal amount on youtube looking for solutions as I was actually playing. And they love their jump jets a little to much for my liking. Virtually everything requires you to jump for it and to figure out the sweet spot where you can actually reach your desired target. The lack of customisation isn't only confined to the creator but also shows in the outfits menu. Long sleeves, short sleeves and jacket - of the same ugly outfit is all that you get. That's again on a personal level, but in games like this, I always loved to style my characters to give them some additional personality. I know, they probably meant that cryos couldn't get their whole wardrobe on that ship, but it's still ugly. Other than that, I have fun playing it. I'm not as hooked as with my playthroughs of previous titles, but the game is not as bad as many make it out to be. When I look at metacritic and many basing their reviews on garbage like SJW or anti white racism, I can only say, go, play a straight shooter without any storyline to mention where you don't have to deal with real life issues and be the red blooded male you always wanted to be. Bioware always got criticism for that, but they're simply showing a mirror of society without being judgmental of any social group.
  7. Calling in an artillery strike also works. I did that once when I got tired of settlers and Brahmins standing on the roofs.
  8. You stop it instantly when killing that guy in the black suit, who's son you obviously killed. Can't remember his name. The quest with Cooke where you get that chem shipment, I assume.
  9. Hilarious problem. Let them wear drag and have a good laugh at their expense.
  10. As has been said, the game would be worse than FO3 and certainly FNV without settlement building. Apart from that aspect there's virtually nothing memorable at all.
  11. Without the mods I wouldn't even buy them. The only reason why I bought FO4 in the first place was the knowledge of modders taking care of it. If vanilla Bethesda was the only option, I wouldn't bother.
  12. Yeah, but CBBE points to another mod taking care of the black patches. I assume, OP hasn't used it.
  13. Which is the operative word here. Hear, Hear. I never bought them at release for that exact reason. Beth games just aren't worth 65 bucks. Your whole post pretty much hits the mark.
  14. It turns into an addon once someone pays for it - apart from a voluntary donation. With all strings attached. Once there's a price tag on content, it turns into a product and they are entitled to a product that integrates smoothly. No bugs, no conflicts with other (paid?) mods, let alone official DLCs. Sure you might get away with selling faulty stuff once. But the internet will make sure that people give you a wide berth in the future. Apart from all kinds of legal stuff being involved. Not least of all the game company giving you permission to alter their content, which, in the case of paid content, certainly doesn't come as a freebie. And if you create just something like the infamous horse armor of days gone by, people will ask themselves why they should pay for something like that.
  15. In short it adds everything the vanilla game should have had in terms of settlement management.
  16. OK, that's a different pair of shoes. I thought we were talking about environmental enhancers.
  17. This is what I was afraid of, other mods nullifying all that hard work :sad:. And would it be harder for the authors of each mod to adapt their mod to the overhaul/fix? Bugger, guess its a new PC several years from now then. guess I better get started on skyrim..... The better question would be why someone would keep these other mods running when there's a general fix. I have removed quite a few mods when another one added their functionality anyway.
  18. How does that kind of theft even work? Someone had to port the files to make them useable, I assume.
  19. Don't forget they're doing these mods for their own satisfaction and just make them available to the public. It's not as if they were taking orders on what to create. Sure, they deserve credit. That's what the endorsment and paypall buttons are for. Turning this into a business would be the road to hell. With Bethesda determining what's even allowed to do when making money, and in all probability cashing in on licence fees, since it isn't provided for free anymore.
  20. In some cases they even revert to their vanilla outfits. Even if you took that from them and destroyed it. It just spawns back. With settlers taking showers or using the toilets staying naked is the only option.
  21. Are you sure you haven't Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals installed? They're not properly potty trained and tend to stay starkers after taking a dump or a shower. That's another thing to watch for. But in my case it's new settlers arriving and waving their junk.
  22. I'm posting this here because I'm not actually looking for a solution. These last weeks some of my new settlers show up completely naked. They also got the animation to go with it. Hunched over and slightly shivering. I'm not sure what caused it. Maybe better Settlers, maybe in combination with some other mod, I wouldn't know. It's not actually hurtful, only something peculiar to behold.
  23. But guess what ... This work turns into a product with every liability attached once you pay for it. That's the difference to mods. It's also that a game company and/or the publisher of any given game, would approach paid mods differently. You'd have to pay license fees for altering their products or they would outright forbid any alteration being made.
  24. it's available if you google it. It is hosted else where. " (Don't Call Me Settler) " Outdated version. Several updates are missing. The hosted version is 1.70 and the last version was 1.73. The hosted version is blind to Nuka World, since it was published before release.
  25. Or would they? They would have released the exact same games they're releasing now. Don't forget that console mods are a new thing and anything but on the same level as PC modding. And yet they always sold their products on console. I'm not sure if they already started with Morrowind, but their later games always made it there. So there's no indication that they would have invested more time and effort,
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