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Posts posted by Riprock

  1. First ten pages of recent uploads: 12 mods per page.


    12 total had no image. Of those 12 several were things like 'All Nightingale and Thieve's Guild armor will be considered heavy armor.' Nothing to show, or a patch to fix something in another mod.


    Yeah, everything's in the toilet now. I guess I'll go move the the desert and await the end times.



    I have been playing this game a long time- like most of us- and I still don't know squat about the Dwarves. They are supposed to be related to the Elves aren't they? It was nice for Beth to put them in Sky so everything usually lore-breaking can just be attributed to the Dwarves. :tongue: Flying mechanical airship- built by the dwarves. Guns and gunpowder- invented by the Dwarves. Honestly, I cant count how many people credit the Dwarves when looking for a way for ideas to fit into the lore of the land. According to lore their race was far advanced in comparison to the rest of Tamriel. They were building massive underground complexes and machinery while those on the surface were barely scratching a living off the land. But then they started screwing around with Elder Scroll until *poof*- they just up and vanished. For a race that recorded every detail of their existence there is a serious shortage of books that survived to the modern era apparently. And the way they utilized soul gems in their machinery and automatons could have revolutionized the surface of the world had those secrets not been lost.


    Anyway, just wanted to write a little about something in the game that always both fascinated and puzzled me. Anyone want to comment on their lore-savviness?

    First thing first.


    All elves have names ending in -mer. Example: Dunmer.


    The 'dwarves' are not "like elves". They are elves. They are the Dwemer.


    Yeah. I just felt like acting stupid. I know the Dwemer were Elves. But thanks for pointing that out. Did you have a comment on anything else?



    Yeah, I sure do.


    When you choose to take it upon yourself to act stupid, expect to be treated as if you're stupid. I'll think of you that way until I see proof of something else, and your tough guy routine doesn't do it.

  3. I have been playing this game a long time- like most of us- and I still don't know squat about the Dwarves. They are supposed to be related to the Elves aren't they? It was nice for Beth to put them in Sky so everything usually lore-breaking can just be attributed to the Dwarves. :tongue: Flying mechanical airship- built by the dwarves. Guns and gunpowder- invented by the Dwarves. Honestly, I cant count how many people credit the Dwarves when looking for a way for ideas to fit into the lore of the land. According to lore their race was far advanced in comparison to the rest of Tamriel. They were building massive underground complexes and machinery while those on the surface were barely scratching a living off the land. But then they started screwing around with Elder Scroll until *poof*- they just up and vanished. For a race that recorded every detail of their existence there is a serious shortage of books that survived to the modern era apparently. And the way they utilized soul gems in their machinery and automatons could have revolutionized the surface of the world had those secrets not been lost.


    Anyway, just wanted to write a little about something in the game that always both fascinated and puzzled me. Anyone want to comment on their lore-savviness?

    First thing first.


    All elves have names ending in -mer. Example: Dunmer.


    The 'dwarves' are not "like elves". They are elves. They are the Dwemer.


    A small competent shop can turn things around faster than a large, incompetent one. Available work always fills available time.


    Not saying That either Beth studio is incompetent, I'm making an analogy to point out that more warm bodies does not guarantee speed.

    Except beth is not really that competent.



    Your personnel axe to grind is your problem, not mine.

  5. W3 "works" and is true to itself. It has a gritty realistic flavor but deftly melds the fantastic with the pitifully mundane and allows them to occupy equally valuable space in its world.


    A lost shoe in the gutter gets as much notice from me as the textures on a necrophage, and W3 allows an appreciation on so many levels. The high overall quality coupled with the intriguing story would be good enough but the game is beautiful, finding its own style without being cartoonish in any way.


    One thing I really like is that the game goes right along and will go over your head if you're not a Witcher series nut, and it does so unapologetically. If the player misses the reference, then the player misses it. the games doesn't stoop to hitting the player over the head with a situation until it is obvious.


    Not only an excellent game with high quality, but a breath of fresh air, surprisingly, in a genre that is well represented by dozens of games.

  6. If you want to have a puritanical and draconian definition of "modify", than yes, it is a modification since you changed that file which is not accessible in-game and therefore was not something the developers gave you an option for as part of the user interface.


    That said, you're not actually introducing anything that isn't already in the game. You're simply changing how what is already there is presented. Why this would be a concern is confusing to me; this sort of self-imposed restriction has no point in my opinion other than to hobble the person making the strict differentiation.


    The "why" is a question I would be more interested in; ok yes that is your choice but then again playing with mods was a choice too and I'm not sure I can appreciate the concern over this hair-splitting over the definition.


    If making the game display that way on your screen makes you happy, just do it. This is life, not a rulebook. :)

  7. A small competent shop can turn things around faster than a large, incompetent one. Available work always fills available time.


    Not saying That either Beth studio is incompetent, I'm making an analogy to point out that more warm bodies does not guarantee speed.

  8. Silent Service by MicroProse

    Gunship by MicroProse

    Red Storm Rising by....MicroProse

    Autoduel by Origin Systems

    Superstar Ice Hockey by Mindscape




    ....but even before that, Blue Max for the C64, on a casette tape drive. And even before that, ColecoVision, which was frankly some of the best fun I had before I was uninvited from a wedding due to extra-curricular activities with the bride. In case you're wondering: worth it.

  9. Top five:


    1. Grand Prix Legends

    2. Il-2 Stumovik

    3. Witcher III

    4. LA Noire

    5. Skyrim


    Yes, a maddeningly difficult racing simulation that only covers one year of F1, in which historically no household-name, ultra-famous driver was World Champion, made in 1998 by a company that is long dead is still my favorite. The disc is in my blu-ray player right now. It has been modded up the wazoo for a decade and a half!


    However as far as just games- as opposed to simulation- go, Witcher III feels like the most polished game I have ever played. It simply worked out of the box and had a high quality of...everything...all the way through. Flawless for me and that *really* helps the experience. Plus the universe it is set in just works and makes sense to itself given the parameters you're handed. It never feels contrived or that the developers tried too hard, at least to me. It's not afraid to take a chance at going over the player's head, either. Well done.


    I love LA Noire because it is so different from most games. I wish it had been more popular and much more content had been made.

  10. I have a teensy tiny little bitty slice of this *exact* issue.


    Eorlund Graymane's name shows up just like that. Just him, that's it. I have decided to overlook it, but I am interested to know what caused it.e



    It almost strikes me as Elvish from Tolkien's books

  11. To be truthful...the vanilla mannequins are damn creepy. They look like a horror movie villain for god's sake. I think it's the hoolow face and outstretched arms.


    I was hoping that an equivalent of Reznod's mannequins for TES V would pop up, but so far I haven't seen it.

  12. It'll come. Maybe not this time around but they will be displaying some things that might hint at what's in store. TES VI will be around before you know it. It's funny, when I was younger, time was so slow. Now holy crap! A week, a month...no time at all The weird thing is that when I was in my 20s and 30s, spending 300 hours on a project seemed like no big deal to do. 300 hours? Yeah I can do that this summer, sure. Now? Forget it. When I was 32, I spent 300 hours doing bodywork on my classic car to ready it for paint. Now just driving up to storage to even look at the damn thing is a hassle! And somehow I have also learned how to wait. Bizarre.


    Thanks to goodness that there's some quality games and simulations out there for my non-firearm and non-automobile free time entertainment- it's tough to go shooting one of my rifles at 11 pm in s snowstorm, you know? The club would frown on that. And fun with the car? Fun sure, but when I get a talking to from some kid in a cop suit who's half my age and doesn't understand that manual transmission cars get a throttle blip on a downshift so you don;t pitch forward in the seat and he thinks I'm showing off...that's not s spicy meat-a-ball, dig? But still, all of this is much better for people than that dumb TV is. I dread the "what's on TV tonight?" years of my life. That's got to be the sign I have become old.


    Enough rambling, the painkillers have apparently kicked in, lol...I want to see the new TES titles too, but, well. Patience.

  13. I had the random CTD every hour or two previously. I hadn't played in six months. Now I get CTDs constantly and almost predictably in Whiterun and around Whiterun. Same mods as before and that PC doesn't go online. Maddening.


    I am going to try playing with Immersive creatures in MCM, good tip, thanks.

  14. No, I never thought she threatened. She has no need to threaten or punish. She can use you, or somebody just as insignificant as you. Petty anger over your choice is nothing. Time and space are nothing. She'll get somebody as utterly meaningless and trivial as you. The individuality doesn't matter to her. Transient 'care' for an individual doesn't exist at least as you and I know it.


    This would be like getting mad at a bee for landing on a flower.... or for not landing on a certain flower. A bee will eventually come. That's what bees do.

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