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  1. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49953/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D49953%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1332775&pUp=1 I would like this armor to be made to use the CBBE body. Thank you.
  2. Ok So I am trying to create a spell in Skyrim to fire a laser beam out of my hand. The problem is that Skyrim doesnt like the FO3 mesh. Please would someone tell me how I convert this mesh to work in Skyrim? Thank you. P.S. I have included a copy of the .nif file I am wanting to convert, in case it may be usefull to help explain to me what I need to do. Or in case some kind soul decides to convert it for me, as that would also be awesome.
  3. Awesome that should be exactly what I need. Thank you.
  4. Okay so here's the deal. I took a race mod that I liked and I am trying to use it to create a Dark Elf race that isn't ugly. I took the meshes copied them to a new folder, and did the same with the textures. I edited the textures with, and pointed the .nif at the new .dds in nifskope. Now I loaded the original mod (not as active of course) so that I could just copy the race files and point them toward my edited meshes / textures. This is where I got lost, I can not find where it is told to use whatever textures / meshes in the CK. if someone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction I would be most appreciative. If you hadn't already guessed I have a pretty good idea of what I am doing and how to do it (and have in fact done this exact thing once before in Oblivion) just that I am not completely used to the new CK. Thanks.
  5. So is the mod at the point to need texturing, if so I will give texturing it a shot. Well not really me but I have some friends that are good at that sort of thing, if you send it to me I will try and get one of them to do it.
  6. I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well? Reload rate, sure; fire rate, no. At least not with automatic weapons since clothing should have no effect on the working internals of the weapon, but then again, it might make sense if you could limit it to only bolt/pump/semi-auto weapons. And modding movement speed has been done, as with the Powered Power Armor mod, but I think limiting it to run speed multiplication would make a bit more sense as well as not making the walk animations look silly. Furthermore, it would be great if NVSE could allow the armor to keep equipped weapons from slowing you down, as you will notice when drawing a heavy weapon you usually slow by 5% or so. As for jump height, I've heard there are issues modding it, but workarounds, too... Ooooooh yeah, I like the idea of not being encumbered by your weapon, that sounds awesome...good call. Now that I think about it if we could get it to also reduce sway when standing/moving to what it is when kneeling it would be awesome. With increasing the run speed the only mods I have seen doing this (FO3 mods haven't checked NV yet) do it by increasing the game speed, which is why I said they don't work too well. If it can actually increase characters speed but keep the game at the normal rate that would be fantastic.
  7. Makes me wonder what the specs will look like... Certainly not as heavy as any of the power armor currently in game, but perhaps not as high of a DT either? Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations. At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility. However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.
  8. I agree about the plates going down the arm not fitting in too well, but if you remove them the whole shoulder pad would have to be revamped to flow down to cover that part of the arm. What about something like this...don't look at me like thart I am serious. Now obviously it wouldn't need the detail work, but the way these are set up they still offer good range of movement, by being two pieces. The lower part will move up under the upper part when raising the arm...not sure if that would work in FONV but it will give the illusion of more mobility, and being female PA I think mobility trumps strength a little bit.
  9. Technically that's not true, it is possible to mod the 360. We here however do not have the ability to help you with that. I would say google "360 save editing" and see if you can find a site to help you out.
  10. I think the loincloth would work better as say a kind of skirt instead, think like the clone troopers from Star Wars. Normally I love long flowing capes and skirts but the fact that they are all completely static (stupid physics) make me shy away from that kind of stuff in FO and OB...just me though. Even still you could st that kind of stuff as addons to the armor to more personalize it, options are always nice. Where can I find this midwest PA, I am interested. Nevermind, I found it, it looks good but I like this one sooooo much more...umm better.
  11. Hello dragonhunter, I created a thread asking for female power armor and you directed me here, and DAMNIT MAN THAT IS BEAUTIFUL...sorry got a little excited. Please tell me this is going to actually happen, there was a site I used to frequent that had a fem PA WIP (actually it had two of them) that just kind of died (now the site is dead too) and I was soo dissapointed. Any idea as to how soon I can get my hands on this, no rush or anything just curious. Anyways this looks fantastic, can't wait for release, keep up the awesome work. Oh couple of suggestions... If you add a backpack like r4y30n mentioned please make it something you equip yourself in the backpack slot. I also agree with r4y30n on the spine thing, there should be a spine to A: help support and B: add a little to the overall look. Last but not least, some kind of belt, like maybe two belts crossed hanging slightly lower than the waistline. If you throw something like that in the leather will act as a contrast to all the metal. Also the crossed belts thing hangs down a little but doesn't fal off because it is caught on her hips, which halps accentuate the female curves.
  12. Sorry dood but I don't care about lore. Now I don't want crap like elves running around the wasteland because it would be out of place. Slimmed down female power armor might not fit the FO universe per-se, but it fits in what I think is resonable for the time/setting. I am not trying to be an ass (I just read through it and I kind of came off that way) here or anything, I just don't see why the game can't have something you say it can't just because it isn't lore friendly. If you don't like it don't use it, but let the others who do want it have it.
  13. Wowo thanks for all the suggestions, but those don't really fit the bill for what I am looking for. I actually am already aware of all of those. Think more like hese here.
  14. Agreed the Vanquish battlesuit would be awesome, I also request that if this is made we also get a female version. Just to let you know Vanquish is not a PS3 exclusive, it is also available on the 360.
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