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About cuddleman1976

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  1. Thank you for the response icecreamassassin. I was actually able to fix some of this to a degree. I created their (raccoon) own faction. I then listed for example: spider, wolf, bear, sabercat, skeever, etc and listed them all as ally or friend of the raccoon. That resolved them attacking, which is what I ultimately want. Putting the player faction as neutral solved the issue toward the player. So that part is solved. At least I believe it is. However, after thinking about it more and knowing that as my level increases, so do the leveled creatures that spawn, I decided I did not want that nearby spawn point. All I need is a bear or sabercat mauling children. So that brings up one additional question added to those already asked. Can I safely delete the leveled predator marker (green M in game) and their xmarkers spawn points linked (x3) to them? Or better yet a way to disable specific ones without the need to delete? Thanks again.
  2. First post here, so I hope I am not posting in the wrong area(s) and creating more work for moderators. I have a couple questions regarding specific needs for non hostile animals in SSE. Let's say I have built a house and on the property I have placed animals, raccoons to be specific. Currently I have them doing everything I want them to do except for a couple of things. 1. I want them to have a "wild" animal behavior to them. What I mean by that is them running away from the player, or anything to be exact that isn't there own kind (raccoon). And for the most part, I have them doing that now. The problem comes in when say a wolf from a nearby cell ventures in and attacks them. Even though I have them listed as "essential" the player still goes into combat mode, thus not allowing the player to travel, wait, etc within the vicinity. Same thing if I accidentally hit them. Now I could list them as part of the player faction, which resolves the combat with the player part, but then they won't run away from the player either. Which, to me, takes away the "wild" animal feeling I am going for. I could delete the hostile animal spawn points, but I hate doing that unless I have to. Also leaving the area then teleporting away and then back again seems to reset everything, but that is just a pain and in reality, doesn't fix the issue. 2. Lastly, I am wanting the raccoons to only come out at night or during certain hours. Not sure if it's any different than a person going home to sleep at night since it is an animal. So to recap, all I want is for my npc (raccoon) to run away from everything except it's own kind (raccoon), but if attacked by another animal or even the player, that it doesn't put the player into combat. And if only having the raccoons come out at night during specific hours would be awesome. So if you have any knowledge of what I am asking for and what steps are required, I would really appreciate your input. Thank you so much.
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