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  1. Ok, I managed to resolve my issue, it seemed to have something to do with my editing of the ini interfering with Darn UI, Immersive HUD, and HUD unification project. I reinstalled the previous three mods, and now everything works fine. Perhaps this will help other people in the future.
  2. So I've been using mods for Fallout 3 for a while now, but this startup crash is a strange one. I can deactivate all mods and leave either just Fallout3.esm on by itself or with the official DLC and it still crashes. I was just trying to start a new game but it crashes at the first slide you see when the game starts up. I do have ENB .150 installed but I had played previously with it. The only thing I can think of that might have caused an issue is when I tweaked the Fallout.ini for the Pipboy 2500. I have made Fallout 3 large address aware (3gb enabler). I already played the game modded with this. Previously I had played the game with different mods, with the same ENB installed and I experienced no crashes. My game began to crash on startup after I: 1. Installed new mods (mostly textures, a few requiring FOSE (flashlight), and a vats and fast travel disabler, Pipboy 2500) 2. Tweaked ini settings for Pipboy 2500 The game would still crash on startup even if: 1. Enabled Fallout3.esm only 2. Reset ini (by deleting and then starting up game) If anybody has some tips or advice for troubleshooting, please let me know. I'm not sure where to go from here. I can post load order if necessary, but like I said, game is not running even with just Fallout3.esm enabled.
  3. Well, that sounds great! I got permission from weijiesen to do the port, so I guess you'll want to verify that through messaging weijiesen? Anyway, I give you a ton of thanks for the help, I'll begin looking at gimp tutorials (weijiesen suggested maybe grafitti on the YCS/186, but I'll begin with the basics)
  4. I thought about that but I'm unfamiliar with textures and porting and well, creating/editing mods. However, that does sound like a good idea to at least try out. I'll ask the author of EVE about permissions then. Could you point me in the direction of some tutorials for editing textures and porting content?
  5. I use both EVE and Millenia's weapon retextures and they are spectacular. I usually play as an energy weapons character and I find that the two must-have energy weapons are Pew-Pew and the Gauss Rifle (preferably the YCS/186). EVE covers almost everything. Almost. The Gauss Rifle is sadly not covered which is strange because EVE covered it in Fallout 3. My request/prayer is that somebody give the Gauss Rifle and YCS/186 some justice and love and retexture them. Many thanks to those who read this post or are even slightly interested in this. (Also I do realize on the Nexus there is a slight texture fix for the YCS/186, but that is all I have found)
  6. You should turn off autosaves entirely, and use this mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3729 CASM is a great autosave system. Be warned though: don't use CASM's F8 quickload function. Also, don't use the "continue" button from Fallout 3's main menu if you've been doing that. Always load using the... well, the load button on the Fallout 3 main menu XD. That's what really helped reduce crashes for me.
  7. Well, I'm trying out using Project Nevada (all modules) and Cirosan's Classic Overhaul together, and while I installled both mods correctly and I don't have any specific problems with it, I noticed that in Cirosan's readme that it talked of a merged patch. Cirosan's readme did not specifically say "use a merged patch" and Cirosan's mod already comes with plenty of patches so that it will play nicely with DLCs and Project Nevada. So my question is: should I make a merged patch? If anybody has used these two mods in conjunction, let me know if you used a merged patch or not. Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm sure there's a simple fix for this, but I'm unsure of how to do it. I need to load my FWE - Alternate Travel esp lower in my load order but every time I use FOMM, it puts it back where it was (near all the other esm's). I believe this is because its file header marked as an esm, but its actually just an esp. Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?
  9. I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but personally, I've never used NMM and I've been able to get FWE working through FOMM. Try using the FOMM at the newvegas nexus: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36901 As far as I know its the same version as the one on the FO3 nexus, but it seems slightly different and its always worked a bit better for me.
  10. Yeah, I started modding Fallout 3 pretty late, so lucky for me there were a lot of tools. But I still couldn't get FWE working with the FOIP patches. Fallout Remastered has been working for me though so I'd at least give it a shot. Try not using NMM and see if that works for ya. I've been through so many reinstalls of Fallout 3 that it feels like second nature XD. Fallout New Vegas is a different story though, mods seem to work better and crash less on there. I use CASM on there as well, cause my game would crash after a certain amount of playthrough and autosaves.
  11. The Fallout Fake Fullscreen should recognize nvse and the 4gb launcher, so you should just need to launch the Fallout_Fullscreen.exe
  12. @cndblank There is a 4gb launcher that is compatible with nvse. You can find it here: http://nvse.silverlock.org/ Just scroll down to the Troubleshooting/ FAQ section and look for the question, " Is NVSE compatible with the "FNV4GB" loader that enables the large-address-aware (aka 4GB) flag?" Edit: if you use 4gb launcher and the nvse isn't detected but is installed look at my other post on this thread.
  13. That mod seems to have been removed from the nexus, after a quick search. I found a mod creating a ramp up to the shop, and when I tried to follow a link in its description to the excalibr shop mod, it could not find the file.
  14. @rusiano Well, I had a problem similar to yours after installing 4gb loader and Fake Fullscreen where nvse wasn't being recognized even though it was installed. Try running the game directly from the nvse launcher. If you get an error that says, "couldn't inject DLL", then start the game through Steam. After you've started the game through steam and you get to the main menu in the game, quit the game, and then try running the Fake Fullscreen and starting a new game to see if nvse will run this time.
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