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About Videniofthesith

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Battlefield 3 and Mortal Kombat
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    Metal Gear, Skyrim, Final Fantasy 8 & 10

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  1. Ok, I have been trying to get this fixed for the last week with no luck. With SOME luck I hope someone here can explain to me how this works. I created a new Npc for a follower, did everything just right and she works fine. I then learned of a program called "Skyrim NPC Editor". So of course I downloaded that, follow the guides and created a custom look. Well, this didn't work at all. It Always kept the CK look no matter if I deleted all my mods, installed the BSA or Folder files, even deleted all the skyrim facegen files in the folder(deleted the folder too). By the grace of the lord somehow I was able to get my SNE changes to stick on a Nord race. Only problem is I wanted a Nord Vampire race. I made a few backup files of all four files, Esp, bsa and both texture and meshes folders. Glad I did to cause no matter what I did, the vampire wouldn't expect the SNP changes. She kept the glowing dawnguard eyes (running the Underworld glowing eyes), but never the makeup or custom hair. So, I made a brand new Comp and picked the Vampire Race from the start. Used the glow eyes, but lost all the other features and not to mention her entire head is 10x dark then the rest of her body. Yes I did read all the forum topics I could get my hands on and download mods that claimed to fix it, only to have the eyes change back to a normal pair. So with all that being said, I would like someone to show me 1 of 2 things. 1: Step by step show me how to create a custom pair of eyes using the custom dawnguard vampire eyes to place on my follower. or 2: Show me how to remove this burnt/dirty face from my 2nd Vampire follower, or show me how to USE the SNE and keep the changes. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and a bigger thank you to anyone that can help and give me some insight into this matter.
  2. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  3. I deleted everything like you said and did a clean save and it was fixed, but when I added everything back, it was back as well. But I found that MY mod where I changed some stats and stuff on a custom sword I was making from an original model was already in the game, I think was causing it. At least that is what I think it was, I went back in the CK and changed the stats back and from as much as I can tell, its gone. Perhaps it was it, perhaps it wasn't. Thanks for the help!
  4. Thanks man, I will try that tonight as soon as I get home.
  5. Ok since the 1.6 update both myself and the NPCs in my skyrim game have been acting strange while in combat. Sometimes an attack sound will play (sometimes with or without and animation) while doing a single attack motion. This also causes double damage when struck. I had thought this might be because my Dance of Death was not upgraded, so I upgraded and the same thing was happening even on a clean save. So, I took everything off using the NMM and made a clean save, same thing was still happening. So after 1 by 1 upgrading everything on my game and even removing some things, it is still happening. So I'm down to thinking it is something screwed up in the 1.6 update, yet again. Unless of course someone has had this happened to them and knows how to fix it. So if anyone could help me, I would greatly thank you for it.
  6. Thanks everyone for all your help! I think I like the look of stakado's best of all, it looks to stick close to vanilla but changes enough to be different and not so BLAH in your face like most I have seen. I will download and try it out after work. But from my research it seems like the "grass shadow" bug is a problem with the latest Skyrim patch 1.5 (go figure right) and not to do with any of the mods. I have downloaded a few that claims to fix it, and they haven't but I will give this new one a try.
  7. Alright, I'm currently looking at other ENB mods out there and going to give another one of them a go to see if it fixes. But this may be a dumb questions, but which one is AFAIK? Possible link or full name so I could do a search.
  8. Thanks, I will try downgrading my drivers because I do have an ATI, lets hope that works. Thanks. Will post results here.
  9. Alright, did I miss some important update or download one I shouldn't have? I stopped playing Skyrim for a few moments and during that time everything was running just fine. No problems at all. So when I come back, just a few days ago, this is happening. On the grass only I am getting this strange wavy line texture ontop of the texture, or it could be behind it or something. This only happens when I am moving around or running, once I stop the textures seem to settle and they go away. So to check out the problem, I reduce the grass setting to 0, and the textures go away. So, I remove all my mods, only Skyrim running. Same thing. So next step I remove my ENB series video mod (Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB) and the problem goes away, but is replaced by flickering white dots that cover almost everything. Argh right? So I reinstall the mod, and the problems goes back to the Grass issue. So I figure it has to be the ENB mod, so I find a new one and download it (the said one above) and same everything, wavy lines. So I break down and delete everything from skyrim, and using Steam I download Skyrim from the ground up. Once it is done, I start it up with nothing installed, not even the HD textures and what happens, same freaking thing. Little white dots. So I reinstall a ENB mod and it goes back to the lines. So I uninstall the ENB mod again and file by file reinstall it. What I learn is this, the same file that fixes the white dots also add the lines. Its the d3d9.dll file. Also I am running DirectX 10, my video card is updated to the latest version and to my knowledge Skyrim is on its latest patch. Please! Can anyone help me?
  10. Great Mask! Keep up the good work!
  11. Greetings my new best friend! Glad you decided to work on my project with me! Can't wait to check out your work!
  12. So far the mod is up to 12 Quests and over 40 quest stages. Will it be just a mod? An Epic perhaps? Or just maybe an Expansion pack? Muhahah.
  13. There! Your first comment!


  14. Almost done with the rough draft of the mod, almost done with 9 quests with over 30 different stages in all . . . its goign to be an epic. lol
  15. Cool deal, if you need a beta tester or something feel free to drop me a line. And perhaps I could get you to do the same for me when the time comes. Later man.
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