The long script detects which shrine North, South, East or West is activated. When activated they return a value 1,2,3 or 4, These values are stored as globals to make a 3 digit code. E,g, 2,1,4 is East, North, West. ShrineActCount counts to 3, stores the last 3 numbers that were activated, checks if it matches any of the 3 digit codes which 'does stuff', if not it resets to zero and counts again. These are the properties for directions. I am not sure if the game only calculates an angle based on if it has been turned clockwise, so I covered both bases - clockwise and anti-clockwise. Not reflected in the portion of script I posted. ; statue starts facing south Int Property IsNorth =0 Auto Float Property IsSouth =180.0 Auto Float Property IsEast =90.0 Auto Float Property IsWest =270.0 Auto Float Property IsWestAlt =-90.0 Auto; alternative rotation Float Property IsEastAlt =-270.0 Auto; alternative rotation Float Property IsSouthAlt =-180.0 Auto; alternative rotation Thanks for your help, I'll get around to it sometime today. EDIT: The statue will always take the 'shortest route' to get to where it needs to be. Meaning if it is facing North and the West Shrine is activated, it won't turn East, South then West to get there. It will go from North to West - hence my query as to whether the final degree of rotation is 270deg or -90deg.