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About narutodays

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  1. is there a way to add more dialouge before the marrage option?
  2. If the follower is able to be married do the following... Step 1. Get an Amulet of Mara (Just in case it is required for a custom follower.) Step 2. Talk to the npc and ask them to marry you. Step 3. Talk to Maramal in the Temple of Mara in Riften. Step 4. Be on time for the ceremony and progress through it. ya i did all of that of course, when i put the voice type on nord, it works, but when i put it on my custom voice type it dosnt, my question is how to make it work on my custom voice type.
  3. i cant seem to get it to come up. i put up the faction,i changed the relationship npc to to lover, is there anything im missing? i also want to custom voice the marriage proposal dialouge, but i dont know were to go in Ck to get it. i know how to put custom voiced dialouge to my charachter, but not how to bring up the marriage proposal.
  4. so it only works with vanilla voices, is there anyway to have it work for my custom made dialouge voices? i really dont want to go through another tutuorial, i hoped for a quick suggestion this time around.
  5. i just made a voiced follower, it works well and performs like it should. but i cant seem to get any marry dialouge to pop up. from the creation kit stand point i changed the relationship tab in actors to lovers and added to correct faction, but nothing will come up when i ask my follower. how do i get the "are you interested in me" dialouge to come up? ps: i also cant get her to follow me unless i force recruit them, no "follow me" dialouge will come up either
  6. it just as the title says, also im not that experinced on creation kit, but i do know how to make dialouge between MC and the charachter, but i want to make npc/npc interactions.
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