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Everything posted by RogueNineCH

  1. I am having the exact same problem, must be an issue with their servers.
  2. Just wanted to add my name to the list as well, didn't notice it until about an hour ago.
  3. Been getting back into Skyrim again, and I was wondering if anyone is doing a sound Mod like Cliffworm's "Sounds of Skyrim"? It's been so long since he worked on those I'm sure they likely don't mesh well with Skyrim anymore. Man I wish he hadn't gotten discouraged and quit, those were great add ons to the game!
  4. I have been a Nexus member since early last year, and I love your site. After reading your post, I love your site even more, what you and your partners have done is outstanding. Even more so that you have gotten outside help. I am glad to hear that you have a plan that doesn't involve going corporate. Not that I begrudge any site that does that, but I just have more admiration for sites that don't. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop, and I hope this plan results in much fewer server issues for you guys.
  5. Good to hear that the card is working for you now, it sucks when you invest that much money into something and it gives you trouble.
  6. That's okay however I would still welcome any more input from Kepler users.
  7. Really, I thought these cards were supposed to be on par with each other. It's disappointing to hear that isn't the case.
  8. I was thinking about getting a 680 for my PC build next month, and I was wondering how the card handled Skyrim? Especially with HD texture mods and Sharpshooter's Lighting ENB mod, does the 2gb of VRAM bottleneck the game or no? Thanks in advance for your input.
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