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About germanware

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    A little bit of this, a little bit of that
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  1. Thank you, I'll just tell them no and that's it, I guess.
  2. Hi everyone. I have a very simple question: Are China's users not able to get into the Nexus? Or to download? The reason I'm asking is because I've recently uploaded a few followers and i just received a pm asking for permission to upload in some chinese site. I mean, it sounds fishy. I don't know they're just very simple followers and I don't really care, BUT i've used many assets and tools from other people so it's not completely up to me. Besides I see a lot of chinese translations in the Nexus so idk what to think of all this. Would it be a good idea to just upload a Mirror download?
  3. Edit: Nevermind. I'm changing the Heels thing so please Delete this post. I don't know how to do it myself or if I'm able to.
  4. That looks pretty awesome. And it didn't show up on nexus when i searched for only male armor. Thanks :smile:
  5. As the title says, do you guys know of a mod that adds an armor like this? It's badass. Male or female, i don't care. It kinda reminds me to Darksiders' War design. http://img03.deviantart.net/88fe/i/2017/064/9/9/paladin_by_angevere-db193k7.jpg
  6. You know when you get to improve the relationship with some npcs they allow you to just take items from their homes? Well, that's what i want to change, without loosing the relationship level if possibly. Is there a mod or a command that let me set all items in an specific store/house/city to "steal-able". It's just to add a bit more of realism to the game, specially when playing as a thief. A mod that makes this automatically would be awesome but it would have to take in consideration some places to leave them unchanged, like strongholds or bandit towers, and of course the Thieves Guild. If there is a command that allows to set all items to "private" or whatever in a specific cell, i wouldn't mind using such command every time i want to go someone's place to steal their stuff. I tried googling but with no success, so any help would be appreciated.
  7. Thx for the reply. I already tried to set the relation to 1 and 0 with no results, and in this particular case it happened after being caught pickpocketing on the bannered mare, i chose to go to the jail, then when i came back to the inn everything was free to take. It sucks cause i'm trying to role-play as a thief but i guess i'll just have to get more into character.
  8. So yeah, i don't want items on shops/inns/houses marked as 'free to take', i want them to remain as 'steal'.. Any way to change that with mods or console commands? I already tried setting the relationshiprank to 1 but that didn't work.
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