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  1. It works! You've saved me, gsmanners! Hoorah!
  2. So, I wrote a book which I intended to place into Skyim. Unfortunately, it seems I can't copy and paste it into the Creation Kit text box. It's somewhat long, so I'd like to avoid transcribing the entire thing. Is it at all possible to get text into a Skyrim book without typing the entire thing out again? Are there perhaps any fan programs which support copying and pasting in this way?
  3. If anybody is still interested, this is the effect I want for all High and Dark Elf NPCs, but can only achieve for player characters: And here is my process: 1. Open Race menu. 2. Alter tint data as desired under Tinting tab. 3. Go to Head Parts directory. 4. Create copies of human eyes, assign to desired race. Remove certain eye options. 5. Make sure that all NPCs are displaying desired flesh colour in CK preview window in Actor editing window. 6. CTRL+4 all High Elf and Dark Elf NPCs. 7. Load beneath Ethereal Elven Overhaul. Result: Working faces but mismatched colour on the bodies. If anybody could take this in hand and find a way to make it work, I'd be very appreciative.
  4. I definitely still feel prison can be made into a more immersive experience. Think of all the interesting possible scenarios that could take place in a prison setting. When a player is arrested, they are already being punished. Their stolen items are taken away and they're forced to spend a tedious moment in a prison cell. That's definitely punishment. If prison could be made interesting, however, it'd at least be a rich, colourful, immersion enhancing punishment. It could, for example, open the road to some custom quests, like delivering word to a skooma trader's friend on the outside, escaping with a wrongfully imprisoned old man and helping him seek revenge, becoming a snitch, organising a mass escape, precipitating a riot and then sneaking out alone etc. etc. This would greatly enhance roleplaying and immersion, and it would turn what is at the moment a minor inconvenience to the player into an exciting experience in itself. Is it necessarily an accurate representation of prison life in medieval times? No. But, then, how much in Skyrim is an accurate representation of medieval life? The point is for it to feel believable within a fantasy context and be enjoyable to play. As for the taverns, the taverns I was talking about are indeed the smaller ones which are copies. I don't underestimate the level of work that went into designing the world of Skyrim, but they clearly opted to take a short cut as far as these taverns are concerned. And, really, who can blame them? They're a minor part of the bigger picture. But seeing as modders have the time and capacity to make them unique, I don't see why they shouldn't. Execution is an awesome idea. +1 to that. It shouldn't be too difficult to create. After all, an execution is featured in the first few minutes of the game, so all the basic elements are already there. I agree with you on fire, so +1 there too. It's also quite immersion breaking if you're using Frostfall and you can literally stand inside the fire waiting to warm up. More seedy activity would also be good. +1. The Lively Inns and Taverns mod adds some of this to the taverns, but what is strange is how people confine their drunken dancing and behaviour to allocated areas. Very public spirited of them! If some of that celebration could leak out onto the streets, that would really add to the feeling of Skyrim being a real world.
  5. To add to some requests I made here, I have decided to create a large list for modders to mull over if they're at a loss for things to do and would like to help Skyrim feel like a more real world. If any posters would like to add suggestions, I'll add them to the OP, and modders can simply browse the list and select which they'd enjoy making. We can make this a sort of repository for all immersion based mod suggestions. I'll start with my own: Unique Inns and Taverns: The taverns of Skyrim are mostly copy-pasted. That's a shame, as there are so many unique interiors, and yet taverns - the places you're most likely to enter - are dull copies of each other. There used to be some projects which intended to do this, but they have since been discontinued. It's time to revive this great idea. Though there are some mods which alter existing taverns slightly, I feel a more radical overhaul is necessary. Young People & Infants of Skyrim: Skyrim seems to be a region inhabited exclusively by people in their forties, young children and the elderly. What about young people in their twenties? What about teenagers? What about infants? We need a mod to rectify this. Women carrying infants with them, or strapped to their backs as they engage in field labour, would greatly increase immersion and make Skyrim feel like a real world with real communities. Diverse Giants & Female Giants: The giants are one of the more memorable creatures in Skyrim. Unfortunately they're all clones! This mod would give existing male giants new unique faces, to make them seem like individuals. It would also replace some existing giants with female giants, who would behave like their male counterparts, though unlike the males they might have a collection of man-sized children following at their heels. Prison Overhaul: In Skyrim, apparently you can sleep your jail sentence away. What is sorely needed is a mod which makes prison a real experience. There already exists a mod which attempts to do this, but it hasn't been updated in some time and unfortunately has many bugs. In this mod, you are daily forced to spend time in a mess hall with other inmates, where you can gamble, trade prison currency for goods, gamble and brawl with other inmates. If this concept could be refined, it would do wonders for Skyrim's immersion. Lively Villages & Farmlands: We have populated city mods, lively inns and taverns mods, but what we lack is busy village mods. Ivarstead in particular has a larger guard population than it has a civilian population! Perhaps in conjunction with a Young People mod, the populations of smaller villages ought to be expanded. Farmlands around villages should be expanded and populated with NPCs, engaging in daily chores. Those armies we keep hearing about have to eat!
  6. Okay, so I recently attempted to alter an existing mod to see if it's a problem with the particular way I'd been doing it or with my save states or some other mystery. So I altered Ethereal Elven Overhaul as desired, and I found it didn't alter the Elves at all. Not even their faces. Is there any explanation for that?
  7. Some ideas I had for immersion mods: Perishing Flames: Open flames and camp fires that are not continually attended by NPCs will burn out. They can be reactivated by the player character if he/she is carrying three pieces of firewood. Should be made Frostfall and Hypothermia compatible. Flames will only burn for a day or a night unattended. Weathered Camps: Similar to the one above, camps which are not attended by NPCs will begin to fall apart over time. The tents will collapse and eventually be consumed by the earth. The pots, pans and supplies will also be surrounded by grass and weeds. The player character can erect the tent again, if it's at an early stage of decay. Now if you slaughter a band of brigands and return to their camp some weeks later, you won't find the fires burning and the camp fully functional! Decaying Corpses: If bodies are left in a particular spot for over three in-game weeks, they decompose (vampire morph & discoloured flesh, perhaps) before finally becoming skeletons and being consumed by a surrounding of grass blades and weeds. They can also attract skeevers and wolves.
  8. I agree. There are a few hairstyles on nexus which do this, but far too few.
  9. Oddly enough, even without my Flesh Elf mod installed, certain Nords are still displaying blue face. I'm going to try to save their facegen data. Hopefully that will help. It seems to be effecting only Lively Inns and Taverns NPCs, though. I hope I can fix this... Edit: Okay, so I export the facegen data for all LIAT NPCs with CTRL+F4, I update NPC body tints and yet they're still blue in the face. I no longer have my flesh elf mod installed, so it shouldn't be a problem. All elves are now displaying as normal again. I have no idea why Nords shouldn't be displaying correctly. I'm truly at the end of tether. :wallbash:
  10. Well, I just tried that. It said it had updated the NPC body tint data suspiciously quickly. When I went into the game, Nords were displaying blue faces! Bizarre. I'm afraid I may just wait for a superior modder than myself to create the natural-flesh-tone-elf-mod I want, because apparently I keep finding ways to screw it up! That or I'll just start from scratch. Sigh. Edit: Oh, and now apparently even without that mod installed, Nords now have blue faces. This is so frustrating.
  11. In the drop down menu for Valid Races in the Head Part section, my custom race doesn't appear. How do I add and remove hairstyle and eye options for that race, then? Thanks!
  12. Thanks, IsharaMeradin, you've been a great help. But could you run through updating NPC tint data in a little more detail? Do you mean start up the Command Console and type in "update NPC body tint colors"?
  13. @ budcat Yup! That's just the method I used. But for some reason, this monstrosity is the result: And I have no idea how to fix it. So I'm hoping a more competent modder could do it successfully.
  14. It must be that the Dunmer are different from Redguards, because when I checked every individual Dunmer to see that their tint data was what I desired, some had custom data. The hireling of The Drunken Huntsman, for example, had her own unique tint data. I changed it, and she still comes out with a different coloured body. Perhaps you could try altering the Dark Elves or High Elves and see if you get the same error as me? If you don't, it's almost certain I have some mod installed which is causing the error, although I cleaned out the texture directory and I still get the same error. Just so you all know, this is where I've edited the data: It is the right place, isn't it?
  15. I've been attempting to make this mod myself for some time, to no avail. I keep receiving strange errors when I thought it would be fairly straight forward. Basically I wanted to replace the exotic blue/grey and yellow/orange flesh tones for Dark Elves and High Elves with more natural, earthy flesh tones. For the Dark Elves, I had decided to use dark flesh shades like we see on human races. It was a simple but, I think, effective change which made the Dark Elves more natural looking. As for the High Elves, I decided make them bright fleshed albinos with lighter shades of hair. I thought this would give them a simultaneously alien and "delicate" or "refined" look. Here's one success I had in the case of Dark Elves: The others, however, glitch horribly. I'm making this request in the hopes that a superior modder than myself will find a way to avoid stumbling into the awful glitches that have stalled my attempt.
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