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About keylancer13

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  1. Just had this issue and came here to see if anyone else did too. Oddly I'm fine on one PC but the other won't work.
  2. I did load and exit the game but I'm currently not loading it through the launcher so it won't download the AE update and break everything. If that's the issue I guess I'll have to let it update and then undo it.
  3. SSEEdit, for some bizarre reason, will no longer detect and load my Skyrim SE plugins and will only show the last plugin I edited in FNVEdit in the plugin list whenever I try to start it. (FNVEdit loads its own plugin list fine) Checked my plugins.txt, it's normal, tried deleting and redownloading SSEEdit, same issue. Anyone else ever encountered and fixed this? It's the weirdest problem I've ever run into with any xEdit variant.
  4. Nope, I actually have a Win7 machine specifically to run NV to avoid that problem.
  5. So out of the blue my NV install has apparently broken. I load it up today and I'm greeted with a blank purple screen. I shut the game down, restart it, and it loads fine now...except it loads as if no mods are enabled. If I load a save I get the missing content message and the invisible character stuck in the ground bug that occurs when you load without your race mod installed, and looking around any modded objects are gone. I've tried re-verifying the game files, reverting to an older backup install, tried loading through NMM, the games' base launcher, and directly clicking both FNV4gb and the base NV .exe. Same problem every time. No idea what caused this, it worked fine yesterday and I didn't change the game at all since then. Anyone else had this problem and figured out what's causing it? I'm absolutely stumped and I really don't want to have to completely nuke my install.
  6. Lol, imagine my shock when I go looking for your old post about your canceled Groom lake mod and see "Last active: Today". Belated welcome back. Hail Culus.
  7. This is great to hear, if nothing else than because it leaves open the possibility of more Bobby Bass.
  8. Recently reinstalled Skyrim and am now getting this on the player char's body: http://i.imgur.com/9ZmjjDU.png Anyone know what causes this? I didn't have this happen the last time I had the game installed, and I'm running literally the exact same mods as before and I haven't changed my hardware at all. Texture mod I'm running is just SG female textures. EDIT: Aaaaand now it's gone away on its own. Bizarre. Well, still would like to know what it is, if anyone knows.
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