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Posts posted by DavinaJo

  1. I take it you mean HDT PE Physics, thing of it is if your not using the Physic extension or it required mods, the mods with physics support in them won't do anything. Your best bet is to just see if there is a non physic version of the mods available and use those.

  2. As a user of Alternate Start live another life, i can tell you you can play that senario out only thing you need to remember is that after a month in game the dungeons repopulate only thing is if you killed any quest related npc's (IE Arvel the Swift - the Golden Claw) (sorry for the spoiler but most people know about him) they will not respawn however if you never go near a word wall you'll never get the word and it will always be there to get.


    Note even if you acquire words they don't become unaccessable to you, you just can't use them until you decide to start the main quest and start killing dragons to get the souls needed to unlock them.


    Another thing the main quest doesn't trigger until you visit Helgen so there is that too, you'll need to avoid that area like the common plague.


    small side note if you ever end up doing something that only has a one go just remember to save your game before you do it then if you change you mind just reload the save and you can change your mind.

  3. Lovers Lab i presume? if you want something that will allow you to have sex with whatever or whomever you want it's there, The mod you want is called SexLab Zzz version 2.01 this is a LE mod but works flawlessly in SE only thing you need to know is that it choose animations randomly so you may have to choose the option gay filtering in the framework to keep it to girl-girl animations. Another thing to know the spell to choose the actors works thusly cast it once with no one other than yourself in casting range will add you to the "list" casting it while someone is with in range will add them first casting a second time will remove the actor the order in which you cast the spell will decide which actor "leads" casting on just one person will end up with self love animations.


    note to get two actors involved you need to cast once on yourself and once on yourself . (depending who get's cast on first "leads").


    another note this mod doesn't discriminate it works with both male and females.


    Final Note once installed spells can be found as follows 2 in Illusion and 2 in powers , all 4 are preface with the word Sexlab Zzz

  4. Probably not First off , outside of the people who are paranoid about mods and modding there game do without the benefits of modding there game. Secondly depending on what other quest or dungeon mods added by the end user to help out to fill out the museum may or may not delay or cause certain events to happen in LOTD to be trigger (so you may not get the same experience in game from one player to the next.


    I take it you manage to screw up your playthrough of LOTD and the save files you have to fallback to are quite a ways back before Rkund. Hint/tip make back ups of your hard saves (not quicksaves or autoaves) before attempting something that may cause your play through to bork.


    another hint when talking to quest npc make a save and then reload that save just before talking to the npc. (it helps with scripts loading correctly)


    another thing is the version of LOTD your running I'm using v5.x.x all versions of LOTD require SKSE and SkyUI (for MCM menu) as well. As of version 5, any saves made with previous versions will not work .

  5. There is no fast or easy way to "Fix" your problem, Either alter your load order so the desired mod comes after (further down the plugin's list ) of the undesired one and hope this corrects the problem or 2 uninstalled the undesireable mod roll back to a save that doesn't have referances to that mod and play on from there.


    Depending on what the mod does you'll have to rerun certain utilities after making changes. (in Example FNIS, Wryebash etc.)


    small hint this is why it's a good practice to get into to take your last save you made prior to add new mods and make a backup of it so you can fall back to it if things go south and you have to uninstall all the new mods.


    Modding Rule - never change mods mid play no matter what, you want to try mods out create a throw a way character (on a different profile if your mod manager supports it)

  6. Ok, I've gotten all the files and ran everything, what do I do now. How can I get mods like skyUI into the game



    you'll need either add mods to your game manually (which i don't recommend for a beginner) or else use a mod manager (IE Nexus Mod Manager ,Wryebash, Vortex)


    Thing with Wryebash that it's interface doesn't give you a way to add them via the menu you have to basically download the mod from a site then add them to a directory that was created by WB durning it's installation (EG x:\(where x is drive letter you installed Wryebash to - U:\steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimMods\Bash Installers (btw this is my setup it'll most likely vary for yours but the thing is the directory your looking for here is Bash Installers).


    finally run WB when it finishes loading up click on the installers tab let it do it's thing after it finishes that you can then choose a mod to install, to do so right click the mod and choose Install .

  7. Mod Packs aren't allowed on the nexus simply put, due to the mod author rights, you'd need to get a lot of permissions to get a bunch of mods put together. secondly, the chance of you getting exact result that mod author got in his or her screenshots will vary by user (not everyone has the same skill sets.) 3. Are you willing to go the extra mile to get skyrim stable before you start to mod (anyone can just download mods activate them and hope for the best).



    Theoretically speaking if such a thing where possible one you'd be looking at 1000's of Gigs in files 2. you still have to install all those mods which requires a mod manager 3. you'd have to know which mods to install first, 4. and when your done your game may or may not run and no guarntee that it'll be exactly as you seen in the screenies.


    To close a good mod author has his or her game tweak to show case there mods which means they have a separate profile they use for doing this, and it';s most likely setup to be not usable for playthrough purposes. if you could duplicate that you'd find it unusable for day to day use.

  8. I might was well jump on this bandwagon too, since I as well have problems with Vortex, at least mine come from fustration trying to meet Conflict Manager's requirements to fix the conficts Vortex seems to think exist (that don't exist in either NMM or Wryebash (due to LOOT sorting the Load Order) I've tried using Gophers Tutorials on Vortex and most of it seems straight forward however when it comes to the Conflict Manager i just can't wrap my head around it.


    to give an example Oblivion under NMM you have Oblivion.ESM followed by Shivering Isle followed by knights of the nine followed by all the smaller DLC . normally you add Unofficial patches and they're supposed to be placed after the Game or Mod they affect, Under NMM and Wryebash this is allowable and the game runs fine but you try and do that in Vortex and Vortex's Rules won't let you. (at least it doesn't for me) and I've haven't got the faintest clue how load order rules that Vortex uses works.



    Before Vortex you install your mods, run LOOT or BOSS let the changes take affect and your pretty much good to go, for some reason (beyond this country bumpkin's comprehension ) Vortex doesn't allow you to do that.



    I really wanted to like Vortex and MO as well but neither are a "set it and forget it" mod manager, I want to be able enjoy the modding process not belabour over the minutia which is exactly what this conflict manager in vortex is and does.




    @1ae0bfb8, ("it's only confusing if your're thick") you may want to remember that the next time your totally fed up and frustrated by someone else's ideas of how things should be done, there is a word in the english dictionary that means single or different, that word is indivdual and just because you may get something that doesn't mean others will. and you shouldn't be putting them down for it.


    Thick as defined by the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary "5. Thick - Obtuse or Stupid. (This could be taken as an aborgation of Site Rules.)

  9. I can see one small hitch to getting this sort of thing into a mod first off is getting Permissions from Camille and Kennerly as it's their likeness you want to see in this mod secondly would be music as copyrights on it require permission to use as well.



    If you can get in writing said permissions then someone might consider your request.


    of course you could just learn to how to create the mod yourself (if you can get decent tutorial (s) and have the greenery to pay for the programs).

  10. @ Colt17752, just what is it exactly are you trying to do (obviously you want to install UNP into your game ).


    First off don't manually install files (at least don't manually install anything that goes into the data folder) a good mod manager will take care of what goes where in data directory and also help deal with restoring files back if you decide to remove a mod.


    2. Do read all Descriptions for all the mods you want to install, (mod author has instructions how to install .


    3. If you're going to use animation mods you'll need FNIS, and for sorting load order you'll need LOOT


    4.) as for order you install stuff (either CBBE or UNP) if base body replacer you don't need to do much more than install UNP with the mod manager , check to see if the .esp file has been check and you should be good to go. if you're 2attemping to add animations specifically BBP or HDT there is a bit more to it i would suggest using a mod like HDT Bounce and Jiggles for UNP (mod author has a very detail install section and exact order of everything.)



    small note on game folder, specifically the data folder - by default there isn't very many folders in there but as you add mods it adds to what is there, a good chunk of mods go into folders Meshes and Textures these folders aren't there when you first install the game (reason for this is bethesda has all it core stuff in BSA files) .



    What i would suggest is grabbing the Utilities need to mod your game.


    1. Mod Manager there are four programs to mention but only two are currently worked on so they have support . NMM, MO2, Vortex and Wryebash - NMM is the easiest of the lot , followed by Wryebash then MO2 and finally Vortex (the last 2 are written by the same guy and have a bit of a learning curve, NMM is the easiest but was replaced by Vortex


    2 . SKSE, this is help with scripts in game


    3. TES5Edit - you'll need this to help with CTD's, cleaning the DLC


    4. LOOT - this is for Load Order (not to be confused with order in which you install your mods)


    5. FNIS - this tool is used in conjunction with Animation Mods.


    6. Bodyslide to be used in conjuction with your body replacer . eg this allows you to setup how your body looks in game it also allows to you to generate morphs to use with HDT or BBP


    7. Wryesmash aka WryeBash - it's use as a modmanager is secondary but I list WB here because it used to create bashed patch not to be confuse with a compatibilty patch.


    Final suggestion get your hands on a good tutorial get the basics down before going for something that can be fairly complex. Unfortuantly with Modding specifically modding a Bethesda Game, there is no such thing as a mod pack everything has to be installed seprately, build upon the last. eg- SKSE, SkyUI (with this example you can see you need to install SKSE first then SkyUI (one of the reasons that SKSE is listed as a core Utility


    With that said Modding can be rewarding but you need walk before you run, learn the basics and the rules,



    NB one thing i didn't mention but is sort of crucial is the Unoffical Skyrim Legiondary Patch or USLEP .

  11. @Subtled0ct0r, i've tried in the pass to use ENBoost with mixed results, might have not been installing it right or else i just don't know how to setup ini files to make it work, right now i'm just following the guide and so far, i've tried playing the game with Quarl's Texture pack and Bomret's Texture pack for SI and so far, (knock on wood) = ) the only thing it's done is just froze for a few seconds and then came back, however if it continues to do so i'll look into More heap and ENBoost , i'm using Bevilex's recommandations for now. (stutter remover + Cleanup 0p +Engine Bug Fixes + NVSC (the last supposedly works on Oblivion and skyrim to lesser degree (it's meant for NewVegas).



    Btw i'm using Nvidia 10 series cards in both rigs but right now it's my 1050ti i need to make sure it working well with Oblivion.

  12. Here the thing, i'm cleaning mods via SEEDit aka XEdit and LOOT and one of the mods needs manual cleaning , so I'm thinking no problem I'll just follow the links and just use the guide here's the problem the guide in question, the pictures used are too small to be able to read where they want me to be in SEEdit and two they don't point out where in a ESM file (this case Hearthfires) where i'm to take the fix from.


    here's the link to guide


    Link> https://cptmcsplody.github.io/xGuides/#-moon-and-star-



    Now the request does anyone know who you report such problems to.


    Problem starts at step 2 (pass the part about open SSE Edit , clear all the files and choosing Moon and Star and setting the cleaning filter.


    Thanks in Advance


  13. I too have Quarl's texture pack version 1.3, this came down as a multiparted Omod, I don't think i can just install them one after another and i'm not sure how OBMM handles such things is there a way to revert omod files back into directories so i can create a normal mod archive?



    update found what i was looking for left click mod then right click and and choose export from

  14. @Sigurd Stormhand, Considering how old Oblivion is (came out in 2006) we should all be thankful that Microsoft still allows us to play our old games on their current OS.


    I do use the Unofficial patches in fact they're almost the first thing i install right after i install Oblivion (but not before i clean the DLC with TES4Edit)


    I have tried to use the Oblivion Stutter Remover before but had mix results but am willing to try again.


    I've found Bevilex's guide and I've taken on the bull work of converting the mods I plan to use to work with either Wryebash or a Modern Mod Manager.



    NB (when I first gotten into Modding I wasn't aware that I had to run the game in order to initialize the .ini files).

  15. Not sure what exactly is needed to get Oblivion stable, as to keeping it from getting usual Problems when Modding IE screen tears, micro stutters etc....


    Thing is it's not my first rodeo as far as modding is concerned, i would just like to be able to Keep my game from the accursed CTD, memory limitations video limitations engine limitations etc.



    On top of things like Unofffical patches, Wryebash, TES4Edit, LOOT (yes i use LOOT instead of BOSS (just easier to update it) and the other patchers what else would i need



    I have two system one with socket 1150 processor (4790k) and GTX 1050ti with 32gigs ram - second with Socket 1151 processor , GTX 1070ti and only 8gigs ram (still building this up but mention it as my games will be going on to this system. My copy of Oblivion is the Steam version of the GOTY Edition


    On top of this any Tutorials, (I've used Gopher's Tutorials for modding Bethesda's games they're excellent (if all your doing is modding your game not getting the game stable before you mod)).



    I thank you for your time.

  16. From the look of the screenshot i would say that the Character was created using RaceMenu Mod along with all it associated plugins, you'll will also need ApachiiSkyHair and the Female addon as well KS Hairdos, as for body it could be either UNP Based or CBBE , you have a choice of eyes but i prefer to use the Eyes of Beauty and Natural Eyes to get the skin tone you can add Fair Skin Complexion (for a more pale complexion). Also you'll need a Skeleton with the proper nodes , the best one out there is the one done by Groovtama aka XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended. (need to handle the morphs) due to the last option you'll also need SKSE and FNIS.



    I'll warn you now what can be done with Racemenu or ECE is quite considerable but you need to get comfortable using the mod learn what sliders affect what on the face (most of the tabs and sliders deal with facial ), you'll need a lot of patience to get something you'll be happy with, there are certain things it won't do and it has to do with the limitations of the engine and or the mods you decide to go with.



    Here are the links to most of the mods mentioned


    SKSE -> http://skse.silverlock.org

    Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?

    Race Menu -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624

    Show Race Menu Precache Killer -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33226/

    Fair Skin Complexion -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602

    Faceshop - Face Texture Options in Race Menu -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27785/?

    RaceMenu Overlay Compilation -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48705/?

    UNP Replacer Configuration Package -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20884/?

    Eyebrows Match Hair -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/627/?

    Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666

    ApachiiSkyHair -> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168/?

    KS Hairdos - Renewal -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?

    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS -> Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS

    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000


    there is of course a lot more mods but these are sort of the ones you'll need to start with you can change up certain things if you think there are other mods that are better ie eyes hair body mod


    Notes : only choose one body mod as for eyes and hair most can be installed and active at the same and are ok working together.


    The skeleton has to be installed last to avoid anything ovewriting it.


    FNIS has to be run after installing the skeleton


    Bodyslide is use in conjunction with Racemenu to alter the way the body looks , There are tutorials on this mod that explain how to use it in better detail.


    I hope this helps .

  17. only problem with that thought is the fact that not everyone installs there Steam app in C:\program files - I and most of the more seasoned modders usually will buy a second drive and use it for there games so they don't have to deal with windows Security if such is the case you'll need to find out the drive letter for that drive and then look at the directory tree to see what is there. the pathing no matter where it's install is drive letter :\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim. The exception to this of course is if you install it to program files or Program Files (X86)

  18. To BlueGunk, this isn't a bug per se, when you exceed your in game carry weight you become incumbered and if you continue to add things when this happens the game just parks your character until you unburden yourself only three ways i know of to fix this, one use the in game console to up your carry weight, two install a mod that allows you "carry more than your physical game weight allows or three just keep yourself aware that your getting close to your limit and don't try to acquire more things than you can carry!! (almost forgot you can raise your stamina at level up - for some reason bethesda made Stamina equate to carry weight .)



    i would suggest the following mod - skyrim adventures tent - the advantage of this mod is that 1.) a player home, 2.)it's a spell you cast so you don't have to worry about it taking up space (ergo no weight involved) 3.you can roleplay it as a minor spell you learned somewhere. 4. because this is a player home it's a place you can dump all your things in your inventory.



    two small cavets 1. be careful where you deploy the tent (internal spaces like dungeons could be a bit of a challenge), two this mod has dependancies so read the description carefully.



    P.S. standard carry weight in Skyrim is 300 unless you're using a custom race, the command to up or lower your carryweight is: Player.setav carryweight XXX (where X is the amount you wish to carry. (for realism sake i wouldn't up it beyond 400 as most humans and Elves can't carry a tonne or more in weight. (though i've done it to my poor wood elf)


    Link -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15272


    I hope this helps

  19. So you want to duplicate anothers work huh?, first off without contacting them and asking politely what mods they used, your going to be S.O.L. so I would say the best you can hope for with this small bit of guidance, is a approximatation of what you see in the picture.


    First off you're going to need either RaceMenu or Enhance Character Edit and the associated plugin mods for the same


    Next your going to need hair the two most downloaded and widely used are Apachii SkyHair and KS Hairdos


    Follow this up with eye mods (sorry can 't give you exact mod so you're going to have to try several until you get a close approximate of the color


    as well as brows, same thing going you'll have to basically have to try things out until you hit upon the right one.


    Throw in skin mods and a body mod (the body mod you choose can affect the base skin tone)


    You're also going to need SKSE, Show Race Menu Precache Killer (start adding all those hairs, brows and eyes mods in and it'll bog down the precache, Groovetama's Skeleton mod, and FNIS (the last two aren't necessary for the facial creation but are necessary if you where thinking of adding animated hair or the like further down the road.




    Hints and Tips


    Do Mess with Race Menu /ECE to see how thing work (try creating your own characters to start with before you start tackling something from a picture).


    When using pictures as a resource to create your characters from I would suggest more than one, specifically same model from different angles i.e. face front , side shot etc. (having a multiple monitor setup is helpful here).


    Use the Built in Races with their presets as a jumping off point one is bound to be close to what you need to start with.


    Have Patience, this isn't a paint by numbers here you're going to be doing a lot of adjusting and fiddling, you may have to use a combination of mouse and keyboard to get the look you're after (a lot of sliders and some adjustments are finicky than others. (don't be surprised if you end up spending hours getting it right.)


    Try out mods first before you commit to ones you'll use.



    one last word, as much as they say that imitation is a sincere form of flattery, a lot of people are more likely to be less annoyed if you asked first.

  20. Sorry to hear you're still having problems, I've managed to create a asian character just using the base character presets and Racemenu with it addons if i knew how to post the pictures when i created her it would give you at least a start.


    I guess we just have to cater to our strengths and weakness.


    one last suggestion try to get in touch with the person who created the photo and let them know you like it and want to create something simular but don't have the talent to do it yourself, maybe they might offer to create a preset for racemenu that you can use. (i could do something along the lines of that photo but it would still be only a approximation and it would take a while. (without the photos of this picture from different angles it's going to be difficult to get some thing correct.)

  21. Getting the asian look is tricky but it can be done, To achive this , you'll need to first get a preset that will lend it self to be tweaked to what you want. 2 take your time in the eyes settings 3rd working with the nose, there are settings for changing the the way it looks.


    I would suggest highlighting the slider then using cursor keys to move it back and forth one step a time and looking at your character moving it with the camera sliders to see what effect the changes your are making have.


    Also you can also use the sculpt feature in Racemenu (but it takes even more patience (requires you move the vertices to make the changes (not really for beginners).


    all else fails you could look for a preset addon for Racemenu on the nexus. (look under character presets in catagories)


    btw the hair in that photo is either apachii Skyhair or KS Hairdo/Hairstyles


    beyond that I really can't tell you as it mostly a creative process.


    small suggestion you might want to try using real photos possibly those with multiple angles to get the features right.

  22. To the original Poster more than likely you have a conflict in your mods, since you're aware of TES5Edit, and LOOT, there are a few other things you should know


    1. Did you read installation info on the mod pages for each mod


    2. Did you Clean your DLC ie update. dawnguard, hearthfire, dragonborn, using TES5Edit?


    3. do you have all the necessary utilities to setup your game for modding eg, mod manager, TES5Edit, LOOT, Wryebash, FNIS etc. etc. etc.


    4. Modding tends to be less of a pain if you add mods 1 or 2 at a time and test them in game, modding is a lot like a science experiment, take it slow and you can keep the problems to a min.

    my suggestion to you would be to disable all your mods and add them back in a controlled manner check them in game along the way


    also check to see if there are patches available. (google is your best friend here).

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