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About melikeblunt

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  1. i have currently been having a lot of problems when it comes to animations and skyrim DLC's i finally managed to fix not being able to fly dragons by manually extracting the skeleton.nif file from the dragonborn esp file and putting it in the right folder in skyrim meshes directory. so ill im asking is what are the animation files names for me to manually replace concerning my other animation problems which are listed below. 1. most creatures added by any dlc. gargoyles, reiklings, seekers, lurkers are not able to attack or use movement animations instead they just float around 2. crossbow is unable to fire and is using hand-to-hand combat animations (able to left punch with crossbow equipped but nothing else) 3. unable to switch between blood magic and claws with VL, also i cannot use the bloodmagic attacks. any answers will be appreciated as i have no idea which animation files are the ones needed for the animations i need to fix. thanks.
  2. i just managed to fix this! all i idd was open the dragonborn.bsa with fallout mod manager searched for the skeleton.nif file within the bsa and copied and pasted it to the right meshes location now works like a damn charm :D
  3. well i have had animation problems ever since i got the dawnguard DLC and also with the dragonborn DLC i will list them below dawnguard problems -unable to go to ground attacks and use blood magics in VL form so it was basically useless. -gargoyles float in idle animation and do not attack. dragonborn problems -creatures such as seekers, lurkers, and reiklings all stayed in idle animation and unable to attack. the only one who could attack/move properly was the ashspawn -miraak was unable to fly away on sahrotaar in first encounter he just stood there and the dragon never took off. -unable to complete final quest as i was unable to fly sahrotaar so instead i used the command TLC and ran to miraak but the quest marker still stayed on sahrotaar and miraak did not start his rant about the dragon changing sides. after i attacked him even with no rant and it went smoothly until he killed the first dragon to absorb, it always went to me even if i used tlc and ran away so miraak could absorb it, with no such luck fixes i have tried listed. -complete uninstall/wiped from registry -installed no mods just all DLC's and unoffical patches for them. -installed latest version of FNIS and ran for users with no change. -updated skyrim to newest version -removing various animation files as instructed from other posts and still no change. -with final quest i have tried killing miraak very slowly as i have seen it has helped others.. still unable to finish quest. sorry if theres alot to read there but i have tried everything i can to try and fix these bugs any suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. i have just done a done a full reinstall of skyrim with no luck.. i have the exact same prob as you man.. even with no mods just the DLC's and unoffical patches for them... so even a full reinstall wont work for animation problems like this. :( very annoying bethesda...
  5. thanks bravobravo for the response, but even so my bug is still there in the game and i am still unable to mount sahrotaar for battle miraak :/
  6. yeah still havn't found a fix for this, as far as i know i cant seem to find any other people with the same bug as me :/ feeling disappointed bethesda
  7. l i have no idea where to start off so ill go at the start, just as i had got on the boat that takes me to solstheim i received a error stating a WETriggerscript error based on myholdlocation being at -1 not 1-2 so i hit ok and got to solsthiem. when i arrived i was unable to do anything at all so after 5 mins i decided to use enableplayercontrols in the console and bang im able to move around the island all was going good until i saw some of the funny little goblin looking people and they were all floating and unable to attack so i ignored it and moved on. then when i had finally reached the black book in the temple i was sent to the new area, upon arriving i listened miraak and he told the seekers to banish me and walked to his dragon. the seekers floated to me but did not do anything at all at miraak was just glitching up unable to even start the dragon mounting animation, so i used the console and got out of the black book and continued on. all was going well after that until i had to shout at the stones to release the people. when i shouted the stone crumbled and the lurker appeared but as well was floating and unable to attack so i killed it and went about following the mission. all went good till the dwemer temple to get the second blackbook and the new dwemer enemy's were not able to attack as well. it was like all the new enemy's added with the DLC were corrupted. then the final bug i have encounter is the big one when i had learnt the last word of power for the dragon taming shout. and it worked well on miraaks dragon but like him i was unable to even start a mounting animation all i did was stutter and move slowly foward for a few seconds.. and i am unable to finish the storyline at all. i have done several things to fix this like getting FNIS and fixing the errors FNIS was stating when i ran it , and doing a update for skse and skyrim. i also have got the new versions of all unoffical patchs for all DLC's in skyrim. i also have no mods affecting animations as i have tired this with a full reinstall and leaving mods out. but still no luck i understand that skyrim has always been a rather buggy game, thats just how bethesda is. but seriously this is just damn unacceptable i cant believe bethesda released this crap with all the amount of bugs i have been reading about on the net and my own. i would have been happy to wait another month just for them to sort this mess out. it shouldn't be upto the customer to fix this crap, very disappointing please people i have run out ideas for fixing this damn DLC, and any ideas would be appreciated asi have fully run out how to sort this out. thanks in advance one annoyed skyrim player.
  8. ok well i have no idea where to start off so ill go at the start, just as i had got on the boat that takes me to solstheim i received a error stating a WETriggerscript error based on myholdlocation being at -1 not 1-2 so i hit ok and got to solsthiem. when i arrived i was unable to do anything at all so after 5 mins i decided to use enableplayercontrols in the console and bang im able to move around the island all was going good until i saw some of the funny little goblin looking people and they were all floating and unable to attack so i ignored it and moved on. then when i had finally reached the black book in the temple i was sent to the new area, upon arriving i listened miraak and he told the seekers to banish me and walked to his dragon. the seekers floated to me but did not do anything at all at miraak was just glitching up unable to even start the dragon mounting animation, so i used the console and got out of the black book and continued on. all was going well after that until i had to shout at the stones to release the people. when i shouted the stone crumbled and the lurker appeared but as well was floating and unable to attack so i killed it and went about following the mission. all went good till the dwemer temple to get the second blackbook and the new dwemer enemy's were not able to attack as well. it was like all the new enemy's added with the DLC were corrupted. then the final bug i have encounter is the big one when i had learnt the last word of power for the dragon taming shout. and it worked well on miraaks dragon but like him i was unable to even start a mounting animation all i did was stutter and move slowly foward for a few seconds.. and i am unable to finish the storyline at all. i have done several things to fix this like getting FNIS and fixing the errors FNIS was stating when i ran it , and doing a update for skse and skyrim. i also have got the new versions of all unoffical patchs for all DLC's in skyrim. i also have no mods affecting animations as i have tired this with a full reinstall and leaving mods out. but still no luck i understand that skyrim has always been a rather buggy game, thats just how bethesda is. but seriously this is just damn unacceptable i cant believe bethesda released this crap with all the amount of bugs i have been reading about on the net and my own. i would have been happy to wait another month just for them to sort this mess out. it shouldn't be upto the customer to fix this crap, very disappointing please people i have run out ideas for fixing this damn DLC, and any ideas would be appreciated asi have fully run out how to sort this out. thanks in advance one annoyed skyrim player.
  9. ok well i have just tamed sahrotaar and when i go to mount the dragon i go into 3rd person and my character stutters/flickers like hes got tourettes for 5 seconds then nothing happens at all, i have searched everywhere for a fix but i havnt even been able to find another post to do with the same problem.. its really buming me out -.- any comments/advice on this at all will be greatly appreciated!!
  10. why is it when i go to C:\users\your user name\AppData there is no appdata folder in there?? please help i have no idea where to find the plugin file..
  11. Again unfortunately i am not running the game through steam, i bought the game in-store via disk :/
  12. Thanks for the input Mekii but unfortunately i was having these problems before i had even installed FNIS as it has only been installed on my system for a few days and i have been having these bugs since i acquired dawnguard several months back. also when i was looking through my animation files i noticed there isnt even a crossbow animation file. this was before and after FNIS, is there someway to seperatly download these animation files without the use of FNIS?
  13. well first off i am having a list of problems when it comes to dawnguard they are as follows crossbow animation bug - i am able to wield the crossbow but cant sue it all i can do is left punch. gargoyle animation bug - gargoyles just float and move towards me but do not do anything else vampire lord bug - i am able to transform into a vampire lord without problems but i can not use blood magics or go to ground level for melee attacks. and before you ask i have done a full clean install (wiped any trace of skyrim via registry) i have removed every mod i have except unofficial skyrim patch and dawnguard patch and SKSE (latest version) and FNIS ( latest version) i am currently running skyrim version 1.8 (latest i could get to date) i have also started this from a new save not a previous one i have also tried deleting all animations from meshes folder and redone them with the FNIS but still no luck! can someone with a bit more experience with these types of problems please give any other ideas to fix this damn crap!?!?! i have run out of ideas completely. Regards. Melikeblunt.
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