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Everything posted by NordicMist

  1. erebus2075, I agree with your point, plus you deserve a kudos for your last post ;-)
  2. While we have reason to disagree with your statistics, I have to agree with the rest of your comment. Regardless of their age, most gamers today seem to suffer from the kind of allergy you describe (just look at what the most popular games today are, and what happened to those favoring depth over surface). The logical choice for Bethesda was to follow the money.
  3. "Desire to maintain and enhance immersion", exactly.
  4. Simply put... I like the spells, but I hate the change from Oblivion's mixed fighting/magic casting to the new system where you have to "hold" the spells you want to cast in one or both hands.
  5. Now that the CK is out let's hope a male body replacer gets released soon. The default meshes are realistic, detailed and all, but the 40 years old warrior gets old soon...
  6. I simply said Skyrim doesn't feel like an RPG - a matter of personal opinion and preference. In fact I started my post with the line "in my opinion the best for each category is..." Then I said plus (= in addition) Oblivion has stats, classes, etc. i.e. things that Skyrim is lacking. I can live without them, and I don't believe they make Oblivion "more RPG" than Skyrim, I simply wanted to specify this fact because it belongs to the same category (Roleplaying). Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but I wanted to make a short comment for each category, not a detailed description of what I think and why.
  7. I said "Skyrim doesn't feel like an RPG ... plus, Oblivion is based on stats, classes, birthsigns, etc. instead of the perk tree". Two affirmations, not one consequence of the other.
  8. Mods that enhance dialog choices and interaction, increase population and villages, and improve roleplaying. Everything else is optional for me.
  9. About people: I agree, but new NPCs should be voice acted... you can still use default voices, but in that case you'd get very limited interaction, they wouldn't make much difference.
  10. :wallbash: Please recommend me RPG games made by any other company but Bethesda. And probably I should buy a console after all...
  11. The official website has been down all day long, however the mod can also be downloaded from http://www.moddb.com/mods/nehrim-at-fates-edge/downloads
  12. For someone who doesn't want to waste his breath you sure are talking a lot. What is this fantastic company doing for us, apart from taking money from us, breaking promises and forcing us to install third-party crapware nobody wants? Edit: Oh, great... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/545794-steam-update/
  13. On Skyrim's launch Bugthesda promised that "the Creation Kit won’t be far behind". Now, 2 months later, they reannounce the same promise again. Failure is expected and sometimes (e.g. bugs) acceptable - lies and deception are what I am talking about.
  14. The world of Skyrim offers a rather stark change from Oblivion, and in my opinion the best for each category is... Graphics: Skyrim (newer, although unoptimized for PCs) Size: same (Bethesda promised a bigger world for Skyrim, but since most of it cannot be explored...) Combat: Skyrim (not really much different, but more functional and interesting) Spells: Skyrim (I preferred Oblivion's variety but I love the new spells, more originality in this area is welcome) Magic system: Oblivion (Skyrim's system is terrible in comparison, especially if you want to play a fighter-mage) Story line: Oblivion (however Skyrim's culture, politics, etc. is more detailed) Setting: Oblivion (all sorts of scenic landscape etc. and an open, classic fantasy settings; matter of personal preference, compare with Skyrim's arctic landscape, wars and talking dragons) Main quest: Skyrim (unfortunately it lacks any impact on the world and on NPCs, unlike Oblivion's MQ) Quests: Oblivion (the new Radiant Story is nice, but as far as quests are concerned I find Oblivion's quests more interesting) NPCs: Oblivion (amazing what you can do with just a handful of voice actors; in comparison I find most NPCs in Skyrim either boring or irritating, and it doesn't feel like there are 70 (really?) voice actors) Roleplay: Oblivion, hands down (mods or not, Skyrim is useless in this regard; it simply doesn't feel like an RPG, plus Oblivion is based on stats, classes, birthsigns, etc. instead of the perk tree; however Skyrim incorporates a few ideas from its mods, like cooking, crafting and the companion system)
  15. There's a WIP at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6777
  16. You're right, lol. I've been playing so many mods I completely forgot about vanilla armors... Thanks!
  17. I've been looking for this armor: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/38471-1-1314476506.jpg Anyone know where I can find it?
  18. Lest someone thinks me a troll for "bashing" (or more appropriately, expressing frustration)... Simply put: too many promises went unkept, my trust for Bethesda's been shattered. Skyrim is just another game in my library.
  19. ^ And probably a port of Pluggy (source code available: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23979) to SKSE.
  20. Turning pages takes forever, and I find this particularly frustrating when looking for information in books. So unless I'm missing something obvious, I'd like to see a mod to make book browsing easier (like it used to be in Oblivion for example).
  21. ^ Don't forget the flying horses and mammoths :biggrin: Really, I wonder what kind of beta testers do bethesda hire?
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