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About AnonDraco

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  1. I made the base model in blender, that took.. few weeks? more or less intense work. then few days of zbrush experimenting.. If i had known about zbrush earlier, i would have made only the very basic shape in blender, instead of more detailed model. this is the blender version. http://imgur.com/9SLl6 edit: membrane http://imgur.com/FWR1y
  2. thread needs bumpin' here's what i have managed to do (and decided to keep) in zbrush.. most of the time goes pressing ctrl+z or reverting old save :wallbash: i also fail miserabely with any attemp to create believable scales.. i have desided to give up with them for now..
  3. Thanks for all the info.. i have barely got hang of blender and now i jump to even more complex program.. I started modeling about 2months ago, when i joined the project, so im pretty much just fumbling around and haven't developed any proper work methods.. it's just.. there is soooo much to learn and so many ways this could go horribly wrong. I currently feel overwhelmed by all this, but i'll take it slow...
  4. Inspired by Almightygir, i started using zbrush too. so far i have mainly just watched tutorials (about 2h). now i'll start poking in zbrush while wathing more tuts. This is the model imported from blender, i managed to sculpt teeths on it :tongue:
  5. :wub: Edit: how did you do the scales? what program are you using? zbrush?
  6. At first i tried to make it Saphira, but then i just gave up and made anything that looked good. And what is Saphira anyways, is it the movie character, or one of those hundred fan art images, or the book cover? you tell me :wink:
  7. now it's starting to look like something.. fck me the old version was awful. :pinch: --- post attempt 1 "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board." what the hell does that mean? --- post attempt 2 "This file was too big to upload" :dry: image posting options in here pretty much suck..... i'll just post the links then. old wip http://i.imgur.com/9Eafy.png new one http://i.imgur.com/TMayn.png
  8. Don't apply it, just put it in use. and if you mean the vertex count goes too high, yes it does, that's why separate low poly is needed.
  9. use subdivision surface modifier. (and if you still don't use mirror, now is about time....)
  10. Didn't our scriptes say that it would be their priority no1? i'm done for the day. here's the progress. not much done today... reworked the pommel. tweaked some points and started sculpting.
  11. have you baked the normals and applied the normal map for low vertex model to see how the normals bake? i suggest you do that. possible trouble points are where the model has near 90degree angles. Anyways, pretty nice work. the tip of the blade seems pretty blunt tho..
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