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Everything posted by Plankbreaker
"... then I have hopes it will be a long time in the making and make it actually deep and meaningful. Skyrim is a very shallow game." Well said mate, almost every person who knows about and plays TES games say that skyrim is bleak. They just crammed in too much stuff and not enough story, "Go there, kill this, come back for gold" over and over GRrrrAAaaaagGHHHhh! :wallbash: And combat?! In Skyrim combat is based on how fast you can click your mouse keys, thankfully we have modders and their creations. They should bring in-depth lore like in Morrowind or Oblivion. (My opinions)
Ok then try starting a new game with a new character and see if there are any problems. If there isn't then the error is related specifically to your character in that particular playthrough. If the error persists in the new playthrough then it's probably a mod or one of Skyrim's bugs :wallbash: try updating to the latest version. (I had i similar error in which npcs eyes would permanently glitch and look to the right.) I fixed it by exiting Skyrim, restarting my laptop and start playing again. If this does not fix it then its a 50/50 % chance of being a mod. My solution is uninstalling all face texture and/or face related mods, re-instal them one-by-one and check them one-by-one in-game. I know this process of checking/rechecking will be tiresome and annoying but in pays off. Something similar happened to me, this solved it but remember my solution may not work for you, but give it a try! If it still persists seek out the help of one of the Admins. here on the nexus. Good luck :thumbsup:
When i played Oblivion, FO3 and FONV, i always noticed that the bodies of the people/creatures you killed would never rot, even after days (especially in FONV in the middle of a freakin' desert!) of just laying around they would not show the slight sign of rotting or drying up. :( So i was wondering if anyone who is a veteran in modding could accomplish something like this? Is it even possible to try? *Bodies that dry up, decay and start rotting away until there is nothing but a husk and bones. (they remain lootable though) This mod is purely visual and shouldn't affect gameplay, it should promote more immersiveness in Skyrim and make that world and time passing in it more believable. Just an idea i wanted to put out there for anyone to use. :D
I always noticed that there are NO butcheries in Skyrim, i mean come? The only meat place i've seen is Anoriath's stall in Whiterun! Going back to the subject, ya that sword looks great and making it is going to take great time and effort, maybe include it in a mod that adds more meat corners(Butcher shops) in Skyrim? :)
Cool ideas :) I have a few on my mind. Water Water Jets - Spray water out of your hands causing no damage but staggers opponent. (Maybe also makes opponent more vulnerable to frost spells) Whiplash - Channel the energy of water in your hand and release it in a whip-like manner, causing 25 damage. (Similar to firebolt) Tidal wave - Gather water energy(H2O) around you and push it towards your enemies causing 50-75 damage and pushing them away. Earth Stone Shrapnel - Spray sharp rocks, stones & dirt out of your hands causing 15 damage. (May temporarily blind & stagger your opponent) Summon Golem - Similar to the frost atronach, big, bad & brutish. Earth ward - Works like a normal ward but effective in blocking both physical & magick attacks. Sandstorm - Similar to that high-level frost spell, Blizzard i think, *sigh* i forgot. Shadowjin's earth spell ideas are also awesome, the earthquake spell would be great if the pc sticks his hands in the earth and then summons the earthquake, you can continue the spell which drains on your magicka. Air Haste - Already exists, but i would like one that makes your movement and weapon attack speed faster. Levitate - Can be used in combination with haste, makes you float up/hover allowing you to traverse waterways and float down instead of falling. The spell used in the video "The Great Battle of Skyrim" when the pc charges up and slams his hands together creating a shockwave push effect is awesome, plus it looks like air magick. *SPOILER* >>>>>>> There is an earth-like atronach you can summon coming in the Dragonborn DLC called an Ash Guardian. :)
Plankbreaker replied to Soolie's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Dude... just DUDE! THIS IS EPIC!!! Solitude is so beautiful *wipes off tears* with everything else, it's just... it's just awesome! *thumbs up* Kudos :) -
Have you tried opening the race menu, editing your character's eye area and re-saving your character? (Open the menu with *Showracemenu) I usually get something similar because i use custom face texture mods. If it still doesn't work try exiting and restarting your skyrim. Hope this is usefull :)
This is AWESOME :)! The flavored description is better (my opinion) but if you actually go on with this project and release it would be EPIC! *Thumbs up* for immersiveness
Yes i understand as i play as a stealth/assasin type. You want something similar to Hitman ya? Concealing the body would also be a great addition :)
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thanks that would be great! When CK is out i am going to do a complete overhaul of Skyrims landscapes and regions, make them each unique + New locations & quests. :dance: If there are you who are talented in creating NEW stuff (like the standalone armor/weapon mods) i will need your aid, your collaboration could help release a creatures mod (textures + NEW creatures(and their sounds)) together with my mod as a whole, if not give the creature mod idea some thought, i have great ideas and a few good sketches if anyone is interested, when the CK comes out. Peace & Prosperity. :thumbsup: -
Greetings viewers, While playing skyrim on the more hardcore difficulties, some of you might have noticed that cities across the land dont have the firepower or manpower to defend themselves against hordes of unrelenting dragons. So i propose of creating suitable defences worthy of protecting it, like they did in times of war. These new ideas are as follows, -Crossbows (Heavier than the bow, faster fire rate and longer aiming distance, enchantable, upgradable and a basis for city marksman (imagine this with Dragonbane enchantment!)) -Ballistas (Agile and deadly, this would be effective against even the toughest of dragons, it would be as an emplacement or mobile and require 2 people to operate.) -Longcannons (Why not? If youve played a game called Paraworld youll know, basically its big, bulky and slow firing but a deathblow if used properly, it would require 4 people to operate.) -Gunpowder Cannons (Just like in pirates of the Carribean, mounted on pallisades and alongside ports and starboards of war ships!) :pirate: -Guns (Maybe, the ole fashion ones like the Carabiner that require tons of gunpowder and cleaning time!) Note that this would require someone to make ships ALIVE!!! So they can be navigated, fire weapons, harbor a small army and most importantly get blown the fudge up! Although Skyrim already has catapults, though their rare, this would just make a great addition to its arsenal! (maybe the Elves could have some elven stuff too! maybe) Just give it a though, if you decide to create this, know that youll be doing a great act, contributing to war and suffering throughout skyrim! :nuke: YEAHHHH!!! Support your Skyrim, post ideas today! :thumbsup: Plankbreaker.
Who's Your Favorite Skyrim Character?
Plankbreaker replied to SlimShadyIzMe's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Like sergiobor, i find Maiq the Liar great, always blurting out convincing lies... most times. -
As i mentioned above, someone could as a side project work on the DB and thieves guild questlines, as i felt they lacked the secrecy they had in Oblivion. Some of you may remember that getting into the thieves guild in oblivion was quite simple yet thrilling, and meetings for contracts where always shadowy in unsuspecting locations. :ninja:
Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod
Plankbreaker replied to tomhughes's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Whoa! This mod will be FREAKING AWESOME!!! :dance: Maybe those that are given dragon blood/soul could be called Dragonhearts (relation to blood) or even Dragonkin/brothers (Dovahzeymah), just suggestions. "The order of Dragonkin" has a nice ring to it, tomhughes idea for a storyline is great and about the blades, maybe they could join you (because they serve and watch over the dragonborn, not his actions) if they where convinced to do so in the storyline. Like when Delphine and Esbern ask you to kill Paarthunax, that really pissed me off! :mad: Hope it involves killing off the blades, id like payback. Good luck & Godspeed -
LE Purchasing shops like in the Fable series
Plankbreaker replied to thedemoninside's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I agree with Choisai, since i play AC, i renovate all shops then spend my time running around because of boredum and killing guards. Please dont use Ubisofts economic engine as a base. :sick: Other than that, the 'create your own castle and town' idea is actually very good, if this can be done, id give support ten-fold! :laugh: (Get it? Nine holds+This castle/Hold) Meh :dry: Godspeed. -
Yeah, skyrim needs that Oblivion 'Oomph' to add more color and diversity to its quest system, i am partially disappointed that Bethesda didnt put this, would have boosted story appeal amongst everyone. :sad:
Greetings viewers, Ive played morrowind, Oblivion and (out of topic) F3 as well as FNV, as i played skyrim i noticed even though quests are radiant and may not always be the same at every turn, they lacked a certain depth, a mystery or force lurking behind them if you will. :ninja: One Oblivion quest that illustrated this out well was (SPOILER> LOOK AWAY NOW IF YOU JUST STARTED PLAYING TES4-OBLIVION) the "Order of the Virtuous Blood", which involved a secretive group of vampire hunters and as you played you may have discovered (depending on the decision you made) that the groups leader was infact a vampire himself! (sorry dont remember their names, but you have a rough idea.) Its these kinds of mysteries that would make skyrim just that more fun and immersive to play, so maybe when CK comes out, an industrius modder out there will make some such quest or quests involving the unknown and total unpredictability of your decisions while playing. If someone plans to do this, i ask that you redo the Dark brotherhood questline, not that is wasnt fun, but in was missing that secretive, sinister side their predecessors had. Good luck & Godspeed, :thumbsup: Plankbreaker.
The respawn npcs idea is very good, cities are relatively empty, Whiterun for example, a marketplace is usually bustling with people and noises, when i pass there ingame it makes me soooo... Aaaargh... hmmm sleepy. :sleep: Moving on, got a few name ideas - Grognak the Barbarian (Orc) (reference to a skill magazine in F3) -Ta' Raajar the Unjust (Khajiit) -Rodrick Stone-hands (Nord) -Drera Astriis (Dark elf) -Winstor (Breton) -Tara Eagle-beak (Nord) -Trivius Aston (Imperial) -Khaled Wolf-tail (Nords) -Balsiil (Breton) -Urgbal Torg'Lak (Orc) Not a lot, hope it helps, note : am not great with orc or khajiit names, to goddamn messed up. Ill think of more... eventually. :teehee:
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Interesting ideas, most of them are good, the prototype thing a bit far-fetched and the doorway to high vantage points would not be great, due to the downside that enemy npcs can also get to you. Me being relatively new to modding and still learning the basics, i would not be able to do this, but RbtRvltin, you could, of course youd need help, a mod of this proportion would also need a person gifted in the art of scripting and 'stretching' some of the skyrims core params. :ninja: Basically, it will take bone-breaking time and tiring trial and error for the success of a mod such as this, i have full confidence someone will be up to the challenge. :thumbsup: -
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yeah... thats what made AC unique, skyrim needs something similar, but not a complete redo of another games climbing mechanics, it just needs that something extra than the others out there. Well cant complain, must have patience and wait until the CK comes out. -
LE Purchasing shops like in the Fable series
Plankbreaker replied to thedemoninside's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Great idea, a mod like this would be good as i cant seem to empty my pockets from all that gold am carrying. Anyway collers makes a good point, a suggestion, the player has to pay a weekly tax or the jarl of that hold seizes the store and guards come to kick you out! :laugh: -
Greeting viewers, As you all must have seen, skyrim's lands flourish with life yet its underwater world (which takes quite a major part of the map) is left almost utterly dry or wet in its case. What i would like to see and most of you would - A massively diverse waterworld. Just to name a few suggestions - More marine creatures (the slaughterfish is great but lacks more oomph) such as aquatic serpents, schools of small fish (minnows), prehistoric sharks and rays (bonyfish), mammals (including horkers which dont have swimming animations) orcas, seals and whales, seabed crawlers not limited to just mudcrabs, prawns and lobsters maybe? (someone could include them in food recipes too) and giant (dragon proportions or bigger) amphibian bosses, and not to forget small animals as well, frogs and newts (giant ones as enemies), snails, slugs and a modified aquatic version of the frostbite spider would kick a**! :biggrin: Varied plant life, excluding the massively common seaweed beds found everywhere, corals beds perhaps? Mostly near shipwrecks or other sea-based structures, and one of my personal favourites, ancient submerged ruins accessable only by diving. Removing that disgusting underwater smog would also be great, make it less swampy and more sea-e, more blue, deep and dark at the depths and light at the surface with rays of sun passing through. And finally, improved and more radiant (immersive) swimming styles, no more leaning to the right while swimming. (you know what i mean) I was also dissapointed with the argonians swimming style, since they are partly reptilian, they should have more of a crocodile or even snake like swimming animation, not only that, most of you players out there may have noticed that the games definition of current moves only in one continues direction, which is a major drawback since skyrim is such a great game, so to recap, more dynamic water currents and force without breaking gameplay or visual appeal. Ill also be sketching up some ideas and uploading the images soon.(mostly creatures) Good suggestions and comments are always appreciated. Plankbreaker.
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
By using pathing, one can very accurately 'paint' which areas are passable and non passable, a similar method could be used to determine which areas of terrain are climbable or not. Or by somehow setting the script to activate upon passing a certain angle in terrain elevation, but to unactivate when reaching seamingly vertical heights, say pass 55-85 degrees. -
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Walls, trees and rocks are all objects, so lets say 'terrain based script and animations' shouldnt affect objects, it will only apply to the default terrain. -
LE Creeping - Crawling - Climbing
Plankbreaker replied to Plankbreaker's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Not a bad idea thedemonside, trigger areas, but a downside is it will be limited to that specific trigger object, i would like to see something global.