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About C0N0R

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    Cyberpunk 2077
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    Skyrim Special Edition

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  1. First off, I am using MO2 so my fallout 4 folder has no mods or edits (aside from creation club, enb and F4SE.) The problem is, I have removed all of my mods that previously changed textures (Commonwealth Connifers, Vivid Fallout, Flora overhaul, greener grass) Yet my game still has trees with autumn leaves and my grass is still green and long.. as if I never uninstalled these mods. I completely deleted these files from my drive.. not entirely sure what is going on. Here is my mod list/load order
  2. They are in there. I have had no problems pre update with this same load order.
  3. So upon listening to the frequency to start fire support... it doesnt start. If I show up to cambridge and help, danse simply walks inside not saying a thing. Console commands do not help. Nor does the BOS quest start when the prydwen arrives. load order: https://pastebin.com/QHDCinhx
  4. I have opened my mod in the old CK, gave me errors about wrong biped armor slots. I went in and adjusted them however, the game still refuses to launch with the new saved esp and bsa.
  5. Trying to figure out how to port a mod I made for SSE back to Oldrim, the lack of SKSE on SSE has made led me to revert back to oldrim; be that as it may, i wish to release me SSE mod on the Skyrim nexus. all help is appreciated!
  6. Have not altered my FOV, but I tried setting it to various common things, none worked.
  7. So I installed the XRE cars mod a few days ago, everything was working fine. After installing a few weapon mods I am now unable to drive due to this bug that makes the car camera lock to whichever angle I was at when I pressed E to enter. http://i.imgur.com/ZxEF1p5r.png I have tried uninstalling the weapon mods, back to when it was working smooth. it is still broken.
  8. I am looking for someone who would be able to model a pair of wings for me, with the style of daedric armor. Here is a reference image: if not, could someone point me in the right direction regarding modelling software, guides and perhaps a legit resource website? Thanks C0N0R
  9. Just ran into this weird bug with hearthfire. I married Aela and moved into it with her, adopted two kids, but I sent them all to proudspire because I wanted a separate place for my things. Now, aela has no dialogue to tell her to move somewhere else, I can't buy children's bedrooms, all it says is "buy child's bedroom for ([...]) Gold" After I click it, it takes 3000 away from me but doesn't add the bedroom... Happening in all places.
  10. SO I listened to the radio frequency... all static no matter what. I show up and clear out all the ghouls.... nothing... Danse and Haylen go inside and I cant talk to either. Rhys is the same on the outside, injured like he is. Even after completing Reveille It doesn't start... console commands to start it have not worked either.
  11. if anyone has a link, that would be amazeballs
  12. Need to do the quest in the memory den but I CTD entering goodneighbor either through the gate or console command PLUGINS/LOAD ORDER SPECS Intel® Core i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 16 GB RAM Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit --VALIDATING FILES DOES NOT FIX IT-- Most recent debug log
  13. Started the quartermastery quest and it brought me to the Nakano residence, unfortunately I CTD before I get there. Same spot every time.  PLUGINS/LOAD ORDER  SPECS Intel® Core i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 16 GB RAM Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit Â
  14. Started the quartermastery quest and it brought me to the Nakano residence, unfortunately I CTD before I get there. Same spot every time. PLUGINS/LOAD ORDER SPECSIntel® Core i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHzNVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M16 GB RAMMicrosoft Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit
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