If you have an amd card, his driver can't use 4gb ram to run, so with HD texture your system CTD otherwise you have to add this iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2000000000 to your skyrim.ini [Papyrus] section generally located in C:\Users\youruser\Documents\My Games\Skyrim concerning Bash tag suggestion: download and install wrye bash (this program is simply essential for mods affecting levelled list) - open the program: at the bottom of the list you should see Bashedpatch.esp, right click on it, rebuilt patch.. that's all (boss will continue to suggest patch...). Not every mods are tagged automatically: If you'll download mods whose change levelled list and them have not a bash tag suggestion in BOSS, you'll have to add the tags Delev Relev to the mod (in wrye - select on the mod, there's a lil window named Bash tag on the right bottom corner - right click on it(or left.. i don't remember ^^) and a list of tags appear.. choose the tags - rebult bashed patch - that's all edit from http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_%28Papyrus%29 (more recent guide) iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2147483647