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  1. when you run it, it automatically put your mods in the "correct" load order (sometimes you could have to change something... for example mods affecting face modifications often cause grey face bug if not loaded near the bottom of the LO) For the unrecognized mods you have to use bossGui to create your own rules (just use the same near the same logic..)
  2. Sometimes, when you uninstall a lot of mods together, something can get "lost" and the game become unstable.. if it's the case the only way is a fresh installation. it's possible too that you have some conflict or just uninstalled some master file (but this doesn't explain your ctd without any mod installed..). Your load order could help (better if using spoiler function)
  3. a lot of people reported magic duel reborn as bugged.. try the old version http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18763/? anyway you said you have 325 mods? skyrim esp\esm limit is 250\256.. but there's a script for Tes5Edit to merge plug-in (read description.. there are some limitation): there is also a useful link to a forum with merge report http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37981/?
  4. use BOSS http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/?
  5. Use BOSS http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/?: it automatically put your mods in the correct load order (mostly). For the unrecognized mods, use BOSSGUI to create your own rules. Concerning mod's conflicts, you should read descriptions before installing anything
  6. Is there some (SKSE) program who run scripts for testing them, or a way to do such thing? or the only way is really run hours of game?
  7. you should post your papyrus log, and your load order too p.s. to enable Papyrus log: in your skyrim.ini in Documents > My Games > Skyrim >[skyrim.ini]: Quote
  8. Does it really work? it just clean the warning or does it "fix" the floating script?
  9. I'm begging for it since i bought skyrim ^^ the best would be setting it as a random event, and different executions according with the hold's alignament (bandits every where, stormcloack in imperial's hold and viceversa..)
  10. UFO2: ET should by nearly to release
  11. without d3d9.dll enb don't run.. maybe you have an uncorrect version.. enb mods need to work the correct end device: so if you use an apdated version of the device the mod stop working: if it neeh exp. the v0.196, you can't run it with the 0.2xx version.
  12. If you have an amd card, his driver can't use 4gb ram to run, so with HD texture your system CTD otherwise you have to add this iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2000000000 to your skyrim.ini [Papyrus] section generally located in C:\Users\youruser\Documents\My Games\Skyrim concerning Bash tag suggestion: download and install wrye bash (this program is simply essential for mods affecting levelled list) - open the program: at the bottom of the list you should see Bashedpatch.esp, right click on it, rebuilt patch.. that's all (boss will continue to suggest patch...). Not every mods are tagged automatically: If you'll download mods whose change levelled list and them have not a bash tag suggestion in BOSS, you'll have to add the tags Delev Relev to the mod (in wrye - select on the mod, there's a lil window named Bash tag on the right bottom corner - right click on it(or left.. i don't remember ^^) and a list of tags appear.. choose the tags - rebult bashed patch - that's all edit from http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_%28Papyrus%29 (more recent guide) iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2147483647
  13. personally i prefer Tes Mod Manager... al least for me, it's the only bug-free manager
  14. have you toke the correct enb device from here http://enbdev.com/? it doesn't affect cdt but you should clean the mods with Tes edit (run the program, select just the mod you want to clean(processing), on the left pannel right click on it, apply filter for cleaning (processing), remove identical to master records (appear a message... "yes you are sure"), close the program. P.s. enb is good, but it's also an fps killer for amd... if it gave you problems try using rcrn with enchanted lights instead. In my case (but i've 6970 series) i had to give up highres patches too (dlc included) to make the game work decently (and skyrim as a wonderful graphic as well)
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