What is up Nexus Forum!! I wonder if someone can make a mod that will add the Armor + helmet from the Witch Slayer from Angmar and/or the armor + helmet from Sauron in Lord of The Rings. I'm a huge LoTR fan and when I play skyrim I like to roleplay a bit. So I want to make an evil character who is overpowered (but balanced) and looks like the Witch Slayer and Sauron. So I would be very happy if someone could make a mod that will add there things, preferably craftable. And if you're good enough with making mods, could you please try to make a shout or replace a shout with the Witch King's scream? That would be awesome! Witch King of Angmar: http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Witch-king_of_Angmar http://images.wikia.com/lotr/images/e/e8/Witch_king_Sword.jpg http://images.wikia.com/lotr/images/c/cd/Witchking.jpg Sauron: http://images.wikia.com/lotr/images/7/7e/Sauron_hi_res.jpg Witch King of Angmar Scream at 2.31: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TnpbxUnw0Y