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Everything posted by Deano1981

  1. It's already been done (to an extent) with the above mod. Making a chest piece with a leg slot for appearances (plus a full body version for those who want the shirtless look) It just isn't in a plate variety (yet)
  2. Hello all! I'm a big fan of the Ashara Princes of the Woods mod, which gave me this idea. Plate/Scale armor cuirass that only protects the chest/back area leaving the legs free to use pants from the Ashara mod. Perhaps even use the base pants mesh shown and add a few armor plates onto it for leg protection. (What can I say? I like my characters butt, who doesn't) Hoping someone could construct such a mod, I will likely create something similar myself later, I'm just taxed for time right now with work and study.
  3. HELL YEAH! THIS! YES THIS! FOREVER THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
  4. The idea of improving the lacking marriage interactions is awesome! (In all honesty who hasn't wanted to cement the marriage with the "Wedding Night" tradition) And more spouse functionality is always a good idea. I'd suggest an auto level mod be intergrated with this, so if you decide to take them with you you dont suddenly end up a widow. (Or a means to revive them at least) I fully support the idea of this Marriage Mod being created
  5. Unfortunately you need to side with the Stormcloaks to get this one. Follow Ulfric's orders and the option will come up soon enough. If memory serves you need the "Blood on the Ice" quest done to buy decorations
  6. You spend weeks winning the guy a civil war against the Empire, you bring him a priceless artifact to legitimise his reign that the ungrateful s*** never puts on, you buy property in the city and solve every problem......but take one God damned sweetroll from his table, a massive table always laden with food for a court that doesn't exist, and you're part of the SHOUTED APART BRIGADE! >:( Its because beheadings are too expensive you see? (They cost an arm and a leg) They're trying to cut costs due to the war.
  7. Woah moment 1]: When I first loaded skyrim and saw the graphics. Woah moment 2]: When I walked into riften and the town was under attack from a dragon. Woah moment 3]: When we went to war with Whiterun and following cities. I later restarted and went Imperial in the hopes I get to wipe out the Thalmor, they're soooooo asking for it.
  8. Khorak would've gone into greater detail but I heard Ulfric stormcloak murdered him with his VOICE! SHOUTED him apart. Sad that...
  9. I play a guy because, well, I'm a guy. About the only time I ever played a girl as such is when I play a mage or healer type, dresses are for girls, not guys. Having said that, I rarely play those classes and "classes" as such dont exist in skyrim.
  10. The least liked thing in Skyrim? I'd have to say the ever annoying NPC's near-warp-speed-evasion of arrows even when undetected. I mean seriously. 1] Why can't I ever move that fast. 2] If I'm undetected, are they psychic? 3] If they're psychic then, why didn't they prepare better? (They still wound up dead in the end) and finally... 4] WHO STOLE MY DAMN SWEETROLL!!!!!!
  11. Likes: Immersive, Detailed, Challenging, and really doesn't need to be said but the character I made was OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuthin like a flamin hottie to pique your interest ;) CAN feel a bit repetative at times. Met a really hot guard (can I haz him?) Dislikes: Companions dont level with you (coz... like they wouldn't learn anything from travelling with you since day dot right?) Companions changing to less effective weapons and armor eg. Putting away the legendary glass bow I made him to use a mere HUNTING BOW! (Thanks, I feel so low I could parachute out a snake's butthole) Not being able to lay the smackdown on a person who blatently disses you in the middle of town (Like Im gonna take that crap from a worthless GUARD) Being a widow. Took my hubby with me, they died, now Im all alone :*( Killed a companion because he walked in front of an arrow I fired at an enemy. (Now Im REALLY sad, not only did he die but "I" killed him! And people wonder WHY people went insane a lot in medieval times. Unsure as yet: Can I max out all my skills? Kinda wanna be an epic enchanter to stop further death of my companions. (Absorb health ftw) Do area of effect spells hurt your companions?
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