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Nexus Mods Profile

About HorseKingHercules

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. Every time i reinstall Morrowind. I always get the MCA mod and the Undead mod by the same creator. It's a must have for me as i really like how i can see different npcs in towns and different enemies in ruins, tombs, wilderness in either the island, mournhold, or sotheism. Just looked into Morrowind Rebirth and i also really like how much it changes and adds to the game. These two mods conflicts with each other from what i read so i was wondering how many new npcs are there in Morrowind Rebirth? And are they in many different locations? What other pros and cons are there in rebirth compared to MCA? Thanks!
  2. I added a bunch of gunners to a exterior cell but i want to make it more immersive etc. So i'm planning on adding gunner barricades and beds too but i got a few questions if somebody may help. 1. Would placing barricades into a exterior cell cause any problems? So far adding extra npcs have been fine but not sure about static objects yet since i have never thought about messing with them until now. 2. Would adding beds cause any problems and would the gunner npc auto detect and use them? Thanks in advance.
  3. I went to the neck section in the npc's gen morph but moving the y x z doesn't appear to make the neck shorter nor did moving the scale on the bottom. Does anyone know wheres the option to make a npc's neck shorter? Thanks in advance.
  4. Don't think that does what i want. What i wanna do is open the mod in CK where the pretty npcs are. Than select certain actors and copy their faces into a save or something and then close the mod. Afterwards, i'll make a new nuka world mod and go to the pack, disciple, and operator npcs and import all the pretty faces i saved before into these npc, replacing their ugly faces with the pretty ones in the process.
  5. There is this mod that makes most of the npc's faces prettier in the commonwealth and far harbor. Basically i want to export some of these pretty npc faces into a file so i can import it to the ugly npcs in nuka world. This is of course for my OWN PERSONAL uses so it won't be uploaded anywhere since these faces are made by the mod creator, not me.
  6. Anyone knows how to do this? I want to save a npc face in the creation kit to a file so i can import that npc's face to another npc's face that i don't like. Thanks in advance.
  7. I downloaded a mod long ago that replaces all vanilla gunner and raider faces. But now all the Nuka World Raider looks butt ugly compare to the commonwealth raiders and i wanna know if its possible to make the Nuka World Raider use the raider faces from the commonwealth raiders? Thanks!
  8. Say i make a copy of a npc enemy in a mod (like raider02copy) and in another mod i also do the same thing by making a copy of the same vanilla raider. Would the two mods conflict with each other? And say if i make a copy of a weapon. Would this copied weapon also randomly appear in the world or would it be unique to itself only? Thanks in advance.
  9. How do i make it so that npcs won't wake up if they're sleeping, even while a gunfight is going on? I mostly want to do this for raiders and gunners but if there is a setting that effects all npcs than thats good also.
  10. I know how to edit the base explosive damage of the missile explosion and mini nuke explosion but what i don't know is how the outer radius, inner radius, and is radius is calculated. I changed the explosive damage of the fatman mini nuke explosion to 1500 and the missile launcher's missile explosion to 700 and i wanna know how control the damage with the inner radius, outer radius, and is radius. Does anyone know hows its calculated? Thanks in advance.
  11. use the link in my profile and test it, that should do the trick. It's high lighted in green ! I already tried out every possible console enabler mod from the nexus and still nothing works. I assume the mod from your link is one of the nexus mods. I have searched for hours upon hours online for a solution but to no avail. It seems nobody else has my problem. Thanks for helping anyway.
  12. I have tried everything already and still no luck. The console command just doesn't work me. The ` brings up the console in every fallout and elder scroll game but in Fallout 4, for some reason it just pauses the screen with no console bar appearing in the bottom. I was in survivor but ever since 1.5 i have moved back to very hard mode. I have tried everything listed below and still no luck. 1. putting bAllowConsole=1 in both fallout.ini folders. 2. putting -console on the launch option. 3. making sure my keyboard is set to U.S in the control panel. 4. even downloading different console enabler mod from the nexus. Pressing ` does indeed pauses the screen just like in the past Bethesda games but the problem is it won't allow me to type anything. At first i thought maybe whatever i typed is invisible but it turns out thats not true as nothing i type works. Nothing works.
  13. Got a few simple questions and was wondering if any experiences modders can confirm these. If i duplicate some npcs like say a gunner private and a glowing one and rename the copy versions to something else like gunner hazmat and Atom's Spawn. Then placing them in certain cells. around the map both indoors and outdoors. Would this effect the original npcs in anyway or form? Would other mods that effect the original effect my renamed copy versions too? I just wanna copy and rename a few npcs and none of them are named npcs. When i place my own copy versions in the cells. If i want them to respawn, i leave the respawn check on and if i don't want them to respawn, i uncheck the check mark right? Or do i have to do something else for them to either respawn or not? Thanks in advance.
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