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Nexus Mods Profile

About Razoron333

  1. Just so everyone knows there is leg armor but it isn't legendary.
  2. 99% sure the number reader would instantly sky rocket and let you shoot anyone in the Fallout world. But yeah this would be really awesome.
  3. Have you tried looking it up to see if someone has already created it?
  4. That is a brilliant idea. You are a genius. Only thing is how would stats and perks work with the character?
  5. So I would be overjoyed if someone could make Saber or King Arthur from the Fate Stay Night series. However there is a bit of a problem. I am on Xbox One so I would prefer a user that is comfortable with with transporting a mod to that. And to get it past Bethesda's inspections rename it to something like female knight companion and modify her look a bit so it isn't an exact match. Also if possible my personal preference would be her battle dress without the armor. Again probably modify that a bit. But from what I've seen you guys can make the dress a lot cooler. The link below should go to a photo of it and if not or you don't trust the link just look it up on google. Thank you for looking at this post and reading it if you have got this far. I hope someone helps me. I would take a crack at it but alas I don't have Fallout 4 for PC nor a PC powerful enough to run mods on any game. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8e0QSDF7umr77cwXUSWJj6rppLvZqXcxBhVcxsv4YsTHfnplZ_g
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