Like the title says, I'm messing around in the Creation Kit, and want to try and figure out how to "add" affinity to Ada. I want to give Ada her own likes/dislikes, as well as her own companion perk (which I already have made. I can add it to my character but it doesn't show up in the Pip-Boy) to make her stand out more from the Automatron robots you can create (beyond her occasionally giving you junk items). I think I figured out how to add basic trait preferences to her (ex. likes it when you're nice, dislikes when you're mean..etc), but I can't find any help on how to set it up so she'll react to actions you perform. I looked around on Google for a tutorial/explanation on how to give a custom companion affinity (since Ada has no defined likes/dislikes by default I figured I could use it as a reference), but could only find mountains upon mountains of people asking how to edit a companions' appearance.