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Nexus Mods Profile

About smtc

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  1. Like the title says, I'm messing around in the Creation Kit, and want to try and figure out how to "add" affinity to Ada. I want to give Ada her own likes/dislikes, as well as her own companion perk (which I already have made. I can add it to my character but it doesn't show up in the Pip-Boy) to make her stand out more from the Automatron robots you can create (beyond her occasionally giving you junk items). I think I figured out how to add basic trait preferences to her (ex. likes it when you're nice, dislikes when you're mean..etc), but I can't find any help on how to set it up so she'll react to actions you perform. I looked around on Google for a tutorial/explanation on how to give a custom companion affinity (since Ada has no defined likes/dislikes by default I figured I could use it as a reference), but could only find mountains upon mountains of people asking how to edit a companions' appearance.
  2. I'll be keeping a close eye on this post. I haven't seen much, but what I have seen gives me high hopes for the mod whenever you finish it. Hope everything is going smoothly!
  3. Ironically I used Blender to export it as a nif. I only have Blender though so I guess I'll have to start from there.
  4. As the title says, whenever I try to edit the number of bones for a BSDismemberSkinInstance my mesh just breaks and I have to go back to a backup that wasn't messed up. I'm rather new to Nifskope and I want to apologize beforehand if the solution is blatantly obvious, but if someone could explain why it's happening/how to avoid it I would really appreciate it! :smile: Here's what the mesh looks like prior to editing the number of bones: This is the result of editing the number:
  5. Could I ask for your assistance with this? My knowledge of Blender is limited at best, and I don't have the time to learn the ins and outs of 3DS Max. Can I upload the NIF to Google Drive and let you tinker with it and see what's what? Also, when I try to mouse over the item in my inventory in game it causes a CTD, any idea what would cause that?
  6. I'm trying to get this mesh for the Mask of Truth from The Legend of Zelda for the mod Relics of Hyrule to work properly, and I've gotten it into the game, but it doesn't stay "attatched" to the player's face and move with the playermodel. I'll add a link to a video showing the issue. Any info/help would be much appreciated! If someone could explain the process to properly export NIFs from Blender to Skyrim that would also be a big help! The video showing the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZIq_lgXBUg&feature=youtu.be
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