I've attempted many times, i've followed both official guide and page you've linked. The only two differences i've read on the linked page is that i've lockpicked cachino's suite and that i've talked to Cachino after completing clanden/troike part (today i'll try to follow all the same steps of the page) However here are all my steps: Taken the quest after completing "how little we know", taken the quest after "wild cards" Talked to bar girl in omerta's casino, talked to receptionist (used speech option) talked to cachino lockpicked cachino's suite, taken his journal Talked to Cachino (used Barter option) Attempted both first Clanden then Troike, first Troike then Clanden Clanden - same steps of page you've linked Troike - convinced big sal to free him (used speech option), same steps page you've linked Talked to Cachino (used also speech option) Follow him in the office Convinced big sal nero's betrayal/told to cachino to shoot/attacked at the first occasion in the dialogue option Always stucked :wallbash: EDIT: Well, i've made another attempt, i've taken the key from the receptionist, BUT now i've found another strange thing: after having showed clanden's tape to cachino to identify him, clanden disappears... i've also tried to wait for him in his room, i've checked in every part of the gomorrah but he's nowhere. However i've tried to finish the quest (gone to troike etc.) but there's always the same problem.