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Posts posted by nesbit098

  1. In response to post #56081996.

    JimmyRJump wrote: I like the overall concept, although for SSE this could prove a bit of a hornet's nest with a lot of "modders" adapting restrictionless Skyrim2011 mods for the SE version.

    What I'd like to know is if folk willing to donate to the pool will be able to do so on an automated basis for a fix amount per month, like the recurring fee paid for Supporter/Premium status?

    Interesting point of view....
  2. In response to post #56082096.

    Niborino9409 wrote: At first I was a bit against this system but after reading it all my fears have subsided. I only mod for fun so I have no wish to get paid for it, that would ruin it for me. That's why I like how it's set-up. Micro rewards sounds very good and since my mods are small scale it will still be for fun.

    My mod is a full time job day in and out..for both versions and I get people wanting an xbox version too...I was against paid mods for a long time but now my viewpoint has changed...I need to live.
    This is why I am branching out to youtube videos with the hope of making some ad revenue...I am not going to hold my breathe though...But this is a nice idea for all type of mod makers....
  3. Let me be blunt that would be nice and is a good idea... I work my ass off on sse & classic and only a few people have ever given anything...I understand that many don't have much and it's a tough world; but when less than 1% donate to authors I sometimes feel there is a serious lack of appreciation of just how much work we do! Especially when the f*#@ers at beth net charge £5.00 for a shity f***ing mod!

    Authors fix Beth's f***ed up games, make better mods in many cases and give pleasure to millions of people and what do they, the people give back to the authors? In many cases nothing but s***!...While most who benefit are sites like the Nexus, ( not having a go at you Nexus you give us a platform ) beth and thieves who steal our work!


    It really is time for an address...Maybe this is a start!


    As for those who have donate and given to me, or thanked me, or endorsed I thank you. I never did this for money, or rewards as such, but when you take so much shite from people it is nice to get something back at times!

  4. God I hate to be part of ANY crowd, but I do prefer the old design; but I guess it could be argued that people get set in there ways, I see this when others struggle to see beyond what they have known.


    So I ask only this, can you create a main menu option of color choice for the new design and add a colour option, among others of course which reflects the old design, as this soft blue gets on my tits!


    Thanks for your ear!


  5. Hi,


    I am looking for great voice actors for the upcoming The Rise Of The Thalmor. & The House Of Zel.


    If anyone knows of others who are gifted.............Send them this way I would be grateful...






    Creations For The Community By The Community:
    The People Of Skyrim Ultimate Needs The Nexus Community.
    Multiple Actors Required. Male & Female. Choose Your Character, Make Your Mark And Be Apart Of The Skyrim World & The New World Of Eleon.

    Give the users of this mod multiple choices & multifaceted characters for their game.

  6. Not everything is about money. f*#@ that. The joy of this site and modding is the good nature of the users, site owner, and mod makers. Money is a tool we have to endure in our every day lives and is a trap designed to enslave and divided us, as it is already doing in this thread.


    UGC will destroy the 'heart' of this site and modding in general; bringing petty issues of greed, jealousy, claims and counter claims of ideas, mods, etc to the forefront of peoples consciousness .


    Robin should resist this change if it comes with all his might. We should resit this as users too.


    Sure a few quid is nice some might make loads of dosh. But what will we lose. A f*#@ing lot I say. This might be a online community, some might argue not as important as ones day to day life in the real world. Not as important as a pocket full of 'pretty green'. But I would strongly disagree; I guess it depends where you sit within side yourselves doesn't it. For me unity through a shared enjoyment of gaming is one of the best past times after family and music. I am astounded by the creative and friendly environment of the users of this site.


    And as for free mods that is not a dirty word. All I ask is that people endorse or acknowledge my mods depending on the case. The shared experience of having a guy or girl from another part of the world who enjoys my mods rocks my boat and does it for me. I do not need a buck.


    If and when UGC comes watch what will happen very quickly. We will lose the essence that makes this world so special. I for one hope that day doesn't come but alas we live in a world of greed and self indulgence, so I guess I might as well prepare for another good thing f*#@ed up.


    Long Live The Nexus


    P.S I am a skint farther. But that's OK.



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