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Posts posted by Fentist1x

  1. Just my thoughts, but if file sharing, make it so you click i want this "pack", then sit back for a few in most cases hours, and let it automagically download each individual mod from each mod authors nexus page (ensuring they ALWAYS get proper credit for their hard work), then add in the above with a dependencies list and boom, you have a mod pack that is playable, assuming if there are any ini tweaks etc, they are listed on the "pack" page, so they can be made accordingly. This gives all mod authors proper credit, it gives people new to modding a "simpler" way to get a fully modded game up and going (may take hours, but but instead of them downloading vortex does it for them). I guess I'm dense and dont understand how that isnt the best of both worlds in giving mod authors all the kuddos they rightly deserve, as well as making getting a new "pack" easier, but understanding it will still take a while to download all the mods.



    Um Loot does not do this. I had 3 merged patches and they were all over the load order. I had ESMs and ESLs both of which should be at the start of the load order throughout my load order, this after both the in vortex sorting and running loot several times, just to be sure. so no LOOT is not the answer. and thank you to NoShotz yes I did figure out about the priority on the plugins tab, however the numbering is convoluted and isnt in order as it goes -127 to 127 but -110 will show before -127 which mathmatically isnt possible if you are using that range. So either the negative is useless and just use 0-127 or that needs to be looked at.



    I should clarify, it loads merged patches after their masters (which is where they need to go, they don't need to go at the end) or if you name it TES5merged.esp it'll go at the end.




    I always set my own categories in NMM. Every mod user had different approaches, so the default category system can't fulfill everyone. Yes, "Skyrim flora overhaul" and "UNP female body replacer" both provide models and textures, but they are quite different things. And I don't think they will ever conflict each other. There's no point putting them into same categories form a mod user's perspective in my opinion.



    Vortex does allow custom categories. Click on the "categories" button. It brings up this menu




    It doesn't allow tagging though, nor arbitrary ordering of mods.



    i do understand what you are saying, and what loot should do. however, loot is not working correctly. again esms and esls do not go at the bottom of a load order, vis and all its patches traditionally goes at the bottom of the load order. when you make a merge patch that encompasses all of those vis patches (i had over 50) and it loads at the top of the load order, with most of the mods it is patching below it, that is a problem. its as much a problem as esms and esls being loaded last. these are loot issues. i have found my temporary work around by brute forcing using the plugin priority and forcing mods that i need to be in specific places so that they actually function ex esms and esls as well as my merge patches that must be loaded last and no i dont name my bash patch tes5edit i name it something meaningful to me so i leave it alone.

  3. LOOT already puts bashed and merged patches last. :armscrossed:


    As far as the install ordering (man this is confusing already!) it's not ordered in the order you installed the mods like NMM. It's not ordered at all. It's just a list of the mods and some rules that tells Vortex which files to hardlink in the case that conflicts exist.



    Um Loot does not do this. I had 3 merged patches and they were all over the load order. I had ESMs and ESLs both of which should be at the start of the load order throughout my load order, this after both the in vortex sorting and running loot several times, just to be sure. so no LOOT is not the answer. and thank you to NoShotz yes I did figure out about the priority on the plugins tab, however the numbering is convoluted and isnt in order as it goes -127 to 127 but -110 will show before -127 which mathmatically isnt possible if you are using that range. So either the negative is useless and just use 0-127 or that needs to be looked at.



    I mean, Vortex literally has an optional Advanced tab for more experienced users, so why not just put manual mod ordering behind that? Mod Organizer made managing hundreds of mesh and texture mods a breeze, instead of having to uninstall and reinstall everything in order, you could just drag the items into any order you pleased.


    You don't have to install or uninstall things to get them in the right order, as you can resolve conflicts in Vortex, turn on the dependancy column in the mod display, and click the red lightning bolt beside the mod and you will get this





    So my question with this is, how do you do this with say mod a which is at the top of the load order, and mod b which is in the middle and mod c which is at the end. c depends on b which depends on a. when you have 200+ mods and it wont allow you to scroll up or down when you are trying to link dependencies this is an issue.


    My next question is what about merge patches or bash patches? How does one keep those at the bottom of the load order? Do you make it depend on every mod either (merge patch) every mod that the merge covers (think VIS patches all combined into 1 merged VIS patch) or on the other hand with a bash patch it would cover every mod in your list, do you then make it dependent on every mod in the list? and if so please tell me how to scroll and do so? (Edit: So possible way to fix these both, under the plugins tab there is a priority column, however the numbering there makes no mathematical sense as -110 would not be above -120 if you are going from what appears to be a range of -127 to 127. Global and local priority im not sure about which is which but they have differing effects on the load order. So in theory for say my esm's that loot and vortex refuse to put at the top under the actual game files, I could presumably set the priority to such a level that they are forced to that position. Same with ESL's and same with things like merge patches and bash patches, and a few mods that for reasons cause issues if they are not last in the load order. More experimenting and learning)


    I honestly love Vortex and what it can and will do for modding. We all know BGS games are a bit special when it comes to modding them. Thank you to those who have worked so hard on this, and to those who have been putting out info like the above quoted to help those of us just getting in on the alpha.

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