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Everything posted by DarthSokar

  1. In response to post #57300561. #57342191 is also a reply to the same post. Seems that way, shame really. I'd legit pay a subscription fee to keep the old.
  2. Could you offer a pay service that allows us to access the old site aesthetic for a monthly fee or something? < legit willing to compromise here. lol
  3. In response to post #55594929. I'd legit pay to go back to the old design. lol.
  4. In response to post #54675133. I'm with you on that. I prefer the old design but if I must then I'd eventually get used to the new I suppose.
  5. It's a little disturbing how many advocates for thievery are trying to defend Bethesda's negligence and the wrongful actions of others. It beggars belief how people can try to twist a simple concept like "respect the wishes and work of others" into platforms for "gimmie gimmie gimmie or else!" mentalities. Thank you Dark0ne for saying what needed to be said.
  6. In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990, #36148665, #36152660 are all replies on the same post. Pretty much. Opted in, Same issues as you describe. "Working as intended" but without the console, It's pretty much cancer at its current state, One stuck terminal and it's gg and an excellent reason to shut the game down and go outside and have a smoke. lol.
  7. In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990 are all replies on the same post. Console is for debugging, that's not a "beta" issue, that's what they're calling a full release "feature", removing that is f*#@ing retarded, It's really that simple, in a game where getting stuck is a matter of when not if. Especially when you remove the ability to save on the fly. No. Apologists need to get off whatever adderall they're on and realize that this is only going to hurt the game long term. No mods for the beta? fine, but the console's the only thing that made dragonborn -semi- playable on release. That's full release, not some awkwardly implemented beta. Nothing to do with "cheating", everything to do with fixing bugs that -inevitably- catch up to you. Losing an hour or so of gameplay for no damn reason at all, Adds up very quickly and interest goes down just as quickly -when- it happens, Not if. Sure I'm annoyed that I can't use mods with the beta and I've accepted that, but the console isn't really negotiable in a Bethesda game.
  8. Yep, no mods, no cigar. Got a good idea of what few mods might conflict with whatever new records and the ability to remove/patch whatever does still conflict so this is pretty obnoxious. ( Yes I know alot of folks aren't as savvy but I'm still annoyed because I was excited and then this. xD )
  9. Agreed, would very much like moar customization.
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