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Everything posted by roaric1229

  1. Hi; I don't know how easy or difficult it would be but, i was disheartened to see the nerf to the quick hack ping; and would love to have a mod to return it back to its former glory. Thanks for reading.
  2. Hello, i dont know if its only me but it seems like foot steps in kingdom come, are way to fast when walking/running, it seems fine/synced for sprinting but its way to fast for jogging or walking. (eg its like sprinting footstep fx for all 3 walking modes) I was hoping someone would be able to help me make a mod that replaces the walking sounds with something slower, nothing at all, or perhaps the sneak foot steps since they seem to be synced up very well. if this is a bug that can be fixed let me know, i've been playing for +50 hours with this terrible sound effect, and cant stand it anymore, and cant find a solution. Any help appreciated.
  3. Was a fix for this bug ever found? I recently started getting it. full clean install did not help...
  4. Thanks for the reply i tried this mod already, no help unfortunately, the disappearing seems to only happen on certain angles, which i found very odd. i took some screen shots showing what it looks like "https://imgur.com/a/sMeuB2H" also it does happen in both first and third person.
  5. Hey, i'm having an issue in fallout 4 with certain textures disappearing and reappearing when near the bottom of the screen its mainly certain grass (not all grass) and the drills on work benches as the approach the bottom/bottom corner of the screen, they just vanish and appear as they get closer to the middle of the screen, almost as they are unrendering to early compared to everything else in the game, ive noticed the odd room being unrendered as well until i walk into the room and everything magically appears... I've been struggling to fix this any help would be appreciated. ps. I've already tried clean install, with no mods same problem, so it isn't mod related. i'm running gtx 1080 gpu with everything on ultra, i've also tried running game in low setting, same issue.
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