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  1. Hello, i currently am using the Gypsy Eyes Caravan mod, and it really pains me to have to physically drive the caravan to any place that i want to have it located. Is there any way to have the caravan teleport to your location, the same way the horse does? Also, i find that the weather changing effect when un packing the caravan, realy breaks immersion when using frostfall. Any way you to disabel that too? Hope these things arent too hard. Thank you. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33219
  2. Anyone know of any type of resolutions to this?
  3. Oh nooo, man i hope im not screwed, i really just wanna marry Aela. Atleast i got beast form before they went retard on me.
  4. Hello, sorry if i am posting in the wrong section, but i did not believe this to be a valid topic for "tech" support. I just finished the quest with Aela, where our friend died by the silver hand's. Upon this event she is supposed to give me a quest called "retrieval" however she does not give me this quest. I went to my home and slept for a day and went to find her now at jorvasskr but she still will not give me any quest, and no members of the companions will give me any more quests. She has the dialogue option of "whats the next target?" but when i press it she says something about me being eager and then that's it. the dialogue is over, she doesn't even give me a new target. The companions are bugging out man, and i don't know what to do to preogress the Companion questline.
  5. Reminds me of one of the bugs in http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Bonds_of_Matrimony supposely fixed in patch 1.2 But since several scripts were changed, it might have an impact. Thanks, this seems to be the issue i am having. Supposedly i can talk to her again and it will work.
  6. Hmm, i seem to have a problem with re marrying mjoll. I was married to her, and killed aerin, she had no idea, now when i try to re marry her she meets me at the temple but she says she doesnt want to talk to me, and everyone is telling me to leave, and aerins dead body is laying at the door.
  7. Hell yeah, glad to see hope is not lost.
  8. i hope you guys haven't given up on the most sought after mod yet to be released.
  9. Yes, this is one of the more noticeable flaws in the game, it seems to be a relatively small fix.
  10. Haha yeah sorry. Really though, i just want to be able to take a lot of npc's and place them in my hideouts, and watch them sandbox and have guards and sexy women. I accomplished this goal on Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but that was due to the amazing companion mods, with the recruit anyone dialogue interface, man it was easy, hundreds of hours of building fortresses, placing sandbag walls, turrets, land mines, guard, static lights, i abducted the world into my army. now i just wait, for the time to come when i can build a black sacrament army of darkness muahaha
  11. For the love of god make this happen
  12. This type of mod has been a necessity since oblivion, through Fallout 3 and Vegas, we must have some sort of companion system!
  13. Please for the love of god make this happen!!!
  14. Ok im gonna bump this one time, maybe someone else will see it and have the will, i hope :)
  15. Nobody wants to try this?
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