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I'm not sure if this should've gone in mod requests or not because I feel like there's likely some mods that would fit the category of what I'm looking for already. But are there any mods out there for giving you more control as ruler of New Vegas after the Wild Card ending? I was hoping there would be more decisions to make with this story choice after taking over, and I think that's a place mods could really aid if they don't already. There are two mod options for running the Lucky 38, for example, which at least gives me something to do. But are there any mods that give you the ability to order robot soldiers around? To squash rebellions or delegate to other tribe leaders? To distribute territory and resources? To imprison NPCs or draft them? To pass and repeal laws? In other words, mods that enable you to govern? If even a few of these features can be found in mods that would be pretty sweet. Skyrim has "Become High King of Skyrim" which lets you do a lot of these things, so maybe something similar to that? (But tied to the Wild Card quest route.) If anybody knows of some mods with good features for post-Wild Card play, I'd love to hear about them.
A mod that adds coca and cannabis farming. As well as certain side-effects for use. The idea came from this song: So it would be really cool if the cocaine could be introduced via quest cutscene with a low-flying plane dropping bales of completed product as well as coca seeds. But I understand if this is impossible with the modding tools available. Just adding the drugs would be a neat feat.
I've been getting some bizarre graphical errors in two very specific instances - male mage robes and signs outside of the Palace in Windhelm. In both cases the errors become more severe the further away the camera is from them. Here are some photos: See what I mean? Anyway here's my plugin loadout: Additional info: -I'm also using Skyrim HD, which I installed after SMIM because SMIM's page says to. -I'm using a mod that uh... "changes" female models and outfits, which I can imagine might relate to why the women are unaffected. -The robe glitch doesn't happen to master robes for some reason. -I'm using MO and on some of my other profiles I'm using amidianborn, but not this one. Any clue what the cause could be?
It might be an issue with administration ownership. I'd check to make sure Nexus Mod Manager is running as administrator. Right click on your NMM shortcut, click "open file location", then when you see the exe file for NMM right-click on that, go to properties, then compatibility, and you should see "Run as administrator" as an option.
I've finally had two successful setups with very infrequent crashes. I decided to take my favorite mods from both of those setups, update the ones that were out of date, and make a whole new setup. When I ran the setup today, I found frequent crashes. Several times the game has gotten stuck on the black screen when I load a save, it's crashed loading a save and so far I'm unable to get past the part where me and Ralof kill the wolves because it crashes every time soon after that down the road. I've included Papyrus logs of both the after-load crash and the after-wolves crash. Below is my load order: Here's my papyrus crash log from loading a save: And here's my papyrus log from the crash after killing the wolves with Ralof: Few more details: -I've built this setup and ones like it after many threads of advice. For example, I use EFF now because I heard in a previous thread that it's more stable than UFO, and so far I like it more. -Yes, I used LOOT to sort this load order. Yes, I'm sure. The stand-alone, not the one included in MO. -I made sure to make overwrite mods for Bodyslide, FNIS, and Dual Sheath Redux. I've used all three of these in every setup since I began modding. -I checked out as many of these mods as I could for updated versions before I assembled this setup. -Since my last crash issues thread, I've upgraded my machine. I'm running 16 gigs of RAM and a GTX 1060. -I'm still able to run my other two working setups fine and without issue. -I upgraded from the LITE version of Skyrim HD to the FULL version. Could that be the cause of all of this? -Familiar Faces is also a new addition. I wanted to save this mod until I built a configuration I was confident I would want to replay over and over. However I had this issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2mfz1s/familiar_faces_could_not_write_to_datavmyc/ but when I saved and reloaded the mod reinstalled seemingly without issue, and I'm able to use the portal stone now to make a copy of myself. So it appears to work now but for all I know it could still be causing my problems because it's never played nice with my game before. I'm still waiting on SKSE to come out for special edition before I make the switch, but I am aware that special edition has improved memory usage. However, in this setup I'm also using this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51038/? as well as this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? and crash fixes was previously a godsend that prevented this type of issue. So I must be really screwing up somehow if even CF can't stop it this time. Please let me know what you think I might be doing wrong this time. As always every mistake is a teachable moment for me. When I started out modding I didn't even know how to use Wrye, LOOT or Tes5Edit, but now I've come far enough that my own friends seek me out when they need help modding. And I owe that to you guys and the many guides I've watched and read, but obviously I'm still not perfect. I still don't know how to read papyrus logs, for example.
Can't figure out why CTD, Papyrus log and mod list included
OBmodist replied to OBmodist's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Okay, in my latest loadout, I've gotten rid of ENBs. It appears that the ENB was causing me the lion's share of my crashes so I've sworn off the damn things, they're just not worth it. I've found some fancy alternatives that look almost as pretty, and I've been using those along with purity to replace CoT. I've been able to play my game pretty effectively, sometimes for hours on end. Unfortunately, I've had two CTDs. I thought the first one was a fluke because I was running a browser in the background and I figured it was taking up too much ram. But the second one happened just now and my computer was entirely committed to Skyrim at the time. My game also froze once last night when I was leaving the inn in Rorikstead, and occasionally I still get the problem with a normally smooth-running town cell giving me stuttering until I alt+tab in and out. Lastly, the axe and the wolf's head over the fireplace in my Witchwood house mod had blue missing textures until I reinstalled that mod. Here is my current loadout (sorted by LOOT) and my latest papyrus: -
Can't figure out why CTD, Papyrus log and mod list included
OBmodist replied to OBmodist's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Update post #3. I have some vague memory of the guard issue being related to UFO's experiment version, so I went with UFO's earlier stable version. Redid my Bashed Patch, sorted with LOOT and clicked "Apply". Began a new game with vanilla start. Didn't even get all the way through the first conversation with Gerdur outside when I got a CTD. Load order: Papyrus log: EDIT: Just noticed on your troubleshooting guide the thing about UFO being unstable. I think I'm going to work on a third redo of Skyrim after reading through the guide extensively. But in the meantime, feel free to diagnose my existing loadouts for any other issues they might have had (or let me know if LOOT is acting weird pretty plz). I appreciate your help so far. -
Can't figure out why CTD, Papyrus log and mod list included
OBmodist replied to OBmodist's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for your reply. Answers: -In my follow-up post I installed loot properly instead of using the mod organizer one, and used that to sort my order. Yup, I clicked "Apply". -As I mentioned, I'm not using the unofficial high res dlc patch because of its apparent issues of not being able to be overwritten by other texture packs or something unless I type the high-res packs into some config pad file somewhere. I can't entirely remember the whole reason why, but it was a complicated issue that sounded something like that. However, I'm thinking of ditching Skyrim HD altogether and just sticking with the original high-def textures, so I may get the unofficial patch then. -I've taken photos of what my XMPSE settings look like in the SkyUI interface and attached them to this post. -Also noticed a new problem: For some reason I'm also unable to get into Whiterun during "Before the Storm" even though the quest directs me to the Jarl through the doors. I've talked to Gerdur, and the gate guard is there, but he's not approaching me. I'm playing the Vanilla Start, but I'm wondering if Alternate Start might be causing the problem, or guard dialogue overhaul? In my latest iteration of the game that I designed at the end of my first follow-up, I haven't CTD'd yet, but I'm experiencing the Whiterun issue. -
Can't figure out why CTD, Papyrus log and mod list included
OBmodist replied to OBmodist's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I used Mod Organizer's "sort" function. I've seen many guides that said loot is fully integrated with that, but I have no problem downloading it independently if it's better that way. But pages shouldn't say that if it's not true. =/ I've been following guides, instructions, and doing things by the book reading each mod page to have whatever the mod says I need. These sorts of directions shouldn't be leading people toward CTDs. The fact that they are isn't on me, I didn't write them. I'm not trying to be defensive, but how am I supposed to learn anything anymore when half the information out there is wrong? For example, you ask why I have Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp below my bashed patch? Because it told me to. Because when I click on "Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp" in MO and read its description, it says it needs to be placed under bashed patch to fix something that bashing apparently undoes in the mod. Another example: ELFX exteriors. I installed that one because Realvision's page (which is designed to work with CoT) specifically says, verbatim, under its option B path for ELFX, "Install core + enhancer. It's recommended to use exterior module also." So yeah, not my fault. And as far as I know, none of the mods I installed ever mentioned needing FISS for compatibility, nor are any of them listed on FISS's page as mods using it. I appreciate your reply though, I don't mean to sound like I don't. It's just frustrating that I end up feeling like a fool for following instructions. Instructions shouldn't be misleading you, that defeats their whole purpose. Anyway, so since I last wrote, I redid my setup, grinding it down even further and removing mods that have often caused me issues, and started a new save. Yet I still got a CTD just now. Here is my recent mod list: And here was my papyrus after the crash today: Now I'm going to follow your suggestions. First here is my mod list after I install LOOT independently (as administrator) and use it: And then here is my mod list after I redo things applying your other instructions. Reinstalled ELFX without exteriors, installed FISS, got rid of crime radius and included that tweak in the bashed patch. However, I didn't install Immersive Citizens because it looks more comprehensive than I'm looking for and I don't want to risk more compatibility issues, so I kept Run for Your Lives and When Vampires Attack. I hope these two mods are at least functional, even if they aren't modern. Here it is after I used LOOT: Lastly, a few details: I know CoT can be difficult to work with, but the reason I use it along with Realvision and ELFX, along with Skyrim HD is because I cannot get over how beautiful I find Riften to be with this combo. I love the foggy effect, the lighting, and the night. But I'm absolutely open to alternatives to make my game look pretty for less of a hit. Also, you may've noticed I'm not using unofficial HD textures patch, reason being some web pages say the unofficial patch will only work with my Skyrim HD if I add the original HD textures to some note file somewhere or something, and I'm afraid I'm still too confused about it to prioritize it. As far as I know though, I'm not using Winter edition of CoT. And I looked for additional CoT patches for some of my other mods but I'm afraid to no avail. Anyway, I'll try a new game with this setup and I'll let you know if I get anymore CTDs. Let me know if there's anything I should still ideally change. I appreciate your help again, sorry if I seemed argumentative. I'm just frustrated and tired of feeling dumb. -
I've recently tried to use a watered down version of the mods I used to use, but for some reason I'm having more issues and now instant CTDs. I used TES5Edit to clean the master files, installed script extender, wrye bash, and mod organizer. After that, I added Skyrim HD Lite and Realvision Enb with ELFX, Medium version. Then I added the unofficial patch, and all the mods I was going to use (I got all of them from the Nexus except for flan's eyes, which I got through steam.) And I ran FNIS, Bodyslide, Dual Sheath Redux Patcher, and Wrye Bash all through Mod Organizer, (making new mods out of the overwrite from the changes produced by each one.) In the end, I had a load order like this: I'm also running Skyrim Startup Memory Editor. Now as far as I know, I've done everything. The game runs perfectly smooth when it works. But I must have messed up somewhere because now I'm getting CTDs on startup. I just created a character, slept in the bed in the alternate start to activate the vanilla beginning, and got an instant CTD. What am I doing wrong? I'll answer any questions to narrow this down. Here was my papyrus log I've messed up many, many times before, so I've had to learn and relearn how to do many things. But now I'm drawing a blank. However I will note that I've never had a working game with Weapons and Armor fixes in it, but Crafting Overhaul recommended it highly. Follow-ups: 1-http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3683320-cant-figure-out-why-ctd-papyrus-log-and-mod-list-included/&do=findComment&comment=33383570 2-http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3683320-cant-figure-out-why-ctd-papyrus-log-and-mod-list-included/?p=33389265 3-http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3683320-cant-figure-out-why-ctd-papyrus-log-and-mod-list-included/?p=33396375 4-http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3683320-cant-figure-out-why-ctd-papyrus-log-and-mod-list-included/?p=34077560
I wanted to use the 2K texture packs on top of the high-res texture packs, just figuring the hi-res ones might cover a few things the 2K ones don't. But in order to do that, I apparently had to do this first. (Please read so you know what I'm talking about.) It doesn't say anything about the third high-res pack, but I assumed I should do the same thing for that one too. Now, because I followed that method in the link, Skyrim now loads the hi-res textures automatically and the plugins are now deselected. But because the plugins are deselected, I can no longer use the unofficial hi-res patch which requires those plugins to be active. In other words, if I include the hi-res packs in the ini file's archive, according to the thread I'm then supposed to deactivate the plugins, which means I can't use the unofficial patch. But if I remove high-res packs from the ini file and select the plugins so I can use the unofficial patch, apparently that would prevent the 2K textures from being able to overwrite the high-res ones when it needs to. So you see my dilemma. Is there any way I can both use the unofficial high-res patch but also enable the 2K textures to overwrite the high-res ones as needed?
Whenever I load up Skyrim, it crashes just as it's getting to the main screen. I've figured out that if I deselect "CCF PreReproccer Patch.esp", the crash goes away. But obviously I wouldn't want to leave this patch out unless it turns out I don't need it. I need some advice on my current mod selection, and whether or not this combination is even viable. Below is my Load Order and after that I'll post additional information that may help you lovely smart people with the diagnosis. Additional information and questions. -The last couple of mods I installed were http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34093/? the "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" mod, and "http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48629/?" SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches mod. To be honest, I wasn't experiencing any issues but I saw these mods and installed them because I assumed they'd come in handy or fixed some issues. Did I even really need to install them? -I use LOOT for my load order. I've heard it's antiquated but I've also heard BOSS is antiquated. -I ran the ReProccer, and all the other proprietary .exes these mods came with that I need to make them work right. I was careful about reading each mod's instructions, and googling forum posts to check for compatibility issues ahead of time. -I don't know how to make a bashed patch or even what it does, nor do I know how to edit two patches together in the TES5 thing, which is a fix I often see suggested for a variety of things. -Do you see any mods here that are just inherently incompatible? That I'd be a fool to keep installed together? All help appreciated. I'm really a mess and I could really use some advice!
I like your answer a lot. I'll do that then. In the meantime, I'll play normally with the weapon to see how it feels during regular gameplay.
I'm having a bit of a dilemma here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36151/? This is my favorite Desert Eagle mod. It comes in all three calibers, it includes versions of the gun that are not too flashy, but it also has flashy versions for those who want it, and it includes a version that shows the recoil blowback animation... Or it did, up through 2.4. But TorchedBlade, the modder, forgot to include that version of it in 2.5, and 2.5 has too many good features to be ignored. Also, he wrote a "7" where he meant to write a "70" in an aim setting, and this resulted in one of the six guns having an iron sight zoom that would rival a sniper rifle, as if you were sticking the iron sights in your nose. From the posts on his mod page, I'm not the only person who was disappointed that he forgot the blowback version in 2.5, and I'm not the only one who noticed the zoom bug either. I noticed TorchedBlade hasn't been active for a while, but I couldn't wait. I just had to go in and try to fix these issues myself... and fix them I did. I found a way to put the blowback animation back in, and fix the zoom. I changed the final file, added some notes, and in-game it works perfectly. I'm so happy that it came out the way I did, and I'm sure many other people would be happy to have this fix too. But can I upload it? It's somebody else's base work. And I know Caliber would be cool with it (his mod uses caliber), but TorchedBlade doesn't mention anything on his mod page about people editing his mod whether he's for it or against it. He does include resource-only files without the esps, which would imply that maybe he'd be okay with it, but that's about all the evidence he gives one way or the other. So what I'm asking is, can I upload my fixed version of his mod's esp? Or would that be a violation of his stuff?
I'm modding a fresh Skyrim and I want to make my female characters attractive. But I also want to indulge in such wondrous gaming and immersion-improving mods, like Immersive Armor, which happens to have a compatibility mod for UNP. So I decided to go with UNP. But I also got BBP for it because I like unrealistically large breasts. The thing is though, I'm a SFW kind of guy. I tried using the Ashen race with this mod, but it overwrites the SFW settings and uses nude textures by default. And the Enhanced Character Edit seems to have issues with UNP BBP integration, not to mention the faces all look kinda... not good. Are there any great mods that match pretty faces well with UNP BBP, and don't overwrite the SFW underwear skins? I don't mind a lack of realism, I'd just like youngish faces and smooth skin. I've seen some extremely pretty elf girl faces matched with UNP BBP, but I have no idea where those come from. I'm not really talented with the facial character edit, so preferably a facial mod that doesn't require a lot of meticulous work to get a pretty result.