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Posts posted by thechristoph

  1. This is more of a "wondering how the game works" and less of a "help me fix my game" thing, as I realize replacers should be installed on a new game, even if they do work mid-game.

    It's just weird; not a single Mjoll replacer that I have tried works, but other NPC, Housecarl, Follower, etc replacer does. The Pandorable series, the Glam series, the Milfactory series, plus replacers for mod-added followers like Mirai and Vilja. Even if I have confirmed that the Mjoll replacer du jour is winning all overwrites, or if I disable everything that could possibly conflict, or put it all the way at the bottom of my list. Console commands? Tried 'em. kill/markfordelete/player.placeatme? disable/enable? setnpcweight? No joy.

    So I'm left to wonder if she's treated differently by the game somehow. She's kind of unique in that she's got a follower of her own. I wonder if that matters.... another excuse to snuff that little toady out.


  2. There are several additional mods up on the nexus that expand the number of hotkeys that you can use on a controller, but none of them seem to work right for me. In the three that I've used, Better Xbox 360 Gamepad, Xbox 360 Controller Hotkeys and More, and the Use Both Controller and Keyboard at the same time, I've experienced the same weird issue.


    The LB button is supposed to act as a shift modified, which then changes the function of all the other buttons on the pad. That sort of works; for example in the first two I mentioned, LB+clicking the Right Stick down will turn on auto-walk. That works. But LB+dpad directions for hotkeys or LB+back for wait do not work. Back is still wait on its own. its function is not remapped as it should be.


    I wonder if the problem in all this is SkyUI. It has its own hotkeys section, but it's not very well fleshed-out. It has the awesome ability to set up equipment sets. I want to be able use one of the previously mention mods so that LB+dpad directions are all distinct hotkeys, but when I set that up, it only notices that I've pressed LB.


    Has anyone else out there successfully used a dpad hotkeys mod along with SkyUI? If so, how'd you do it?

  3. White Teeth itself doesn't do much. It seems to change the default brown teeth to a slightly lighter shade of brown. Sadly it seems that if you want to use other redesign mods, you can't do anything else to the teeth.

  4. Apologies for the lame question. I am comfortable with using daupdater to install dazips, and I've been doing that, but I can't really tell what happens with them when you download them with NMM and then activates them.


    So I guess a better way to ask this question is: What does NMM do with .dazip files? I've just been going to the folder that NMM keeps the mod files and dragging them into daupdater from there, so either way I'm covered. Just an idle curiosity.

  5. I screwed up my mods and ASIS started causing CTDs. Did some research and learned that I needed to re-run the patcher. Now everytime I run it, I get the following error:


    There was an error exporting the custom patch.

    (Duplicate EDIDs or FormIDs. Check logs for a listing.)


    Please contact Leviathan1753.


    I researched this error and I found a few instances of people asking questions about it in the official ASIS thread, but could not find an actual fix. I've deleted all the files, re-downloaded the mod, restarted the PC several times, ran the bat file as administrator, everything I found that could help with SkyProc errors. No love. Hopefully someone out there has seen this one before and has a fix. Thanks!


    Edit: I'm running the beta version now... it's been exporting ASIS.esp for about five minutes now, seems like it's hung... but I'll give it some time.

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