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Nexus Mods Profile

About mwang

  1. Looking very very good, excited for the release of Part 3. Will this mod end up having anything strategic involved in it, or basically any way to directly effect combat past all that hack and slash that is found in vanilla Skyrim?
  2. This was an amazing episode, I could see the work that it took to make it, it really showed. :thumbsup: I literally couldn't put it down, and had my funniest moment in Skyrim, as I turned invisible and watched Kasia swing desperately at the air for thirty seconds. The characters were well fleshed out, and there were so many dialogue options it made my head spin. This is better than the majority, if not all of the quests that I have played in Skyrim, including the DB and main quest. The talks about Matari didn't look down upon the player (you, not your character) as some sort of idiot, and I found myself thinking about who she actually is and what it implies. If you haven't heard about CHIM, take a look, somehow the entire quest strongly reminded me of it. This explains it well: http://thepixelbeat.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/the-elder-scrolls-what-is-chim/. But yea, all around amazing mod, I'm blown away. I hope you continue it, and thank you.
  3. Sounds a little like Mass Effect :tongue:
  4. Will Kasia be the only LI (Love Interest) for this mod?
  5. If you could say, how much of this is RPG vs Fan Service?
  6. So I had Skyrim for a while now, and after i did some installation for mods on the NMM, my game started CTD after the loading screen would disappear. What would happen would be that my computer would turn black, and exit out. I uninstalled all my mods, and tried again and it still didn't work, even on a New Game. I'm pretty much stuck right now. May someone please help?
  7. Hey people, It's my first post, so if I'm ignorant of some rule I'm breaking, just tell me. So I have Skyrim for the xbox, and I've noticed all existing mods are for PC, I don't think its worth it to shell out another 50 bucks to buy a pc copy of skyrim, so is it possible for a mod to be altered for the xbox? Thanks.
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