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Everything posted by GoldenDragyn

  1. I think you are correct and OS is deleting bones from the list for a mesh. I just don't understand why it does that. I only discovered that because of the unweighted vertices warning. For example head -hair 1 - hair 2- hair end . Hair 1's parent bone is Head. Hair 2's parent bone is Hair 1. Looking in the bones tab Head, Hair 2, and Hair End are listed in green. Hair 1 is not listed, it is missing from the list even though it shows up in Hair 2's info as it's parent bone. Which means I have re add it? The hair in question is from a SSE mod.
  2. Hello, Currently on my quest to learn nif porting I decided to look at the bones for a hairstyle. I eventually noticed a few bones having a parent bone that is not listed. How is that poss8ble? IE: bone C parent is bone B. Bone B's parent is bone A. It is assumed bone A's parent is Head bone. Assumed because bone A is not in the list of bones for the hair mesh. You can see that bone B is connected to the head bone. It makes no sense when I don't see it's parent bone listed. Does that mean that parent bone is missing or just bone A doesn't have any part of the mesh weighted to it? Anyways thanks in advance
  3. Where can I make a request on nexus? I have a mod that includes a hair. I would prefer if it actually had texture instead of looking like it is "cell shaded". I am a beginner when it comes to editing dds files. I have gimp and paint.net. I have just watched a few tutorials so far. This left me with the questions of 1. Add texture to existing dds or 2. Retexture the nif. I would be an absolute newbie at that. The hair in question comes from a Miku mod originally ported to skyrim now fo4. Thanks in advance for reading and any help.
  4. Thank you kind sir, google hasn't been my friend lately.
  5. Hello While trying to modify Noir penthouse I realized that it wasn't working due to seemingly consisting of precombines? I would either move things out of sight or remove the models, but stuff would still spawn or there would be sections of walls floors etc missing. I then remembered that others have made craftable animation markers, so I decided that it would just be best to add animated markers instead. Does anyone know how to do this? I have yet to find anything on making animated markers. Thank you for your time.
  6. Update, I think I have the hair issue figured out except that it appears on her head texture the scalp area is shiny. I have no idea what to do other than edit the texture which I don't know how to do that.
  7. Hello I am back again. I have been trying to figure/fix the shininess of a followers hair. She also appears to have glowing skin. She was made using a preset of which when done on the player character none of that happens. Does anyone know what may be causing this issue? Thanks in advance.
  8. Just a newbie myself but did you duplicate a helmet and change its name and nif to your model's? My guess would be it possibly might not be using the correct slot as it looks like it "lags" behind when you move? Or maybe its because you added physics. As for dropping it on the ground I think you need to use a whatevermodel_GO.nif and change the model to your ant head.
  9. Hello again, I have another issue with a WIP companion. Her skin texture appears to have excessive glossiness as does hair I have her use. The hair when on my character does not seem to exhibit this glossiness, though it does show up in Nifskope. I compared the hair's bgsm with the bgsm of basically the same hairstyle from a different mod and noticed there were files linked in that mod's bgsm that don't appear in any of steam's FO4 Texture folders where the path says they are. So I have no idea where they are actually located. They aren't in that mod's folder's either. I will post a screen shot in a response of said files I can't locate. I did note the hair bgsm was using the template for skin wetness and changed that to the other template, no change on glossiness with the companion. Anyways thanks in advance for any help and knowledge.
  10. Update, I somehow finally got her face to work. Not sure how or if it was CK being stupid. Apparently I had to make sure in Race > General Data I had FaceGenHead and Playable clicked. I also had to make sure all of her headparts had Playable clicked too. Hope that info helps anyone else.
  11. That's why I think FO4 is more of a pita, SSE is more friendly. Atm I'm dabbling Blender (older version before they got bought?). At least in SSE I could go to character creation make my face export it and get the nif and face tint. Here I don't seem to be able to. I looked at the preset mod in CK but could not see how it applied the preset other than preset was a npc of a different race. Face was still messed up in preview but is normal in game. I got as far as the companions face looks black with weird texture which could be an error on the texture paths, idk. Otherwise her face seems like it may be correctly rendered. I pretty much just for experiment created a new npc in the preset mod trying to apply or figure out how to make the preset apply to it, I ended up adding face geom and tint folders where they should be. At least my brain is getting a work out. I might have to pick apart the 2B mod though since I know it has a face tint and an imported head. As it stands, spf gives me a nif with all the head parts and 3 dds files with the same name as the nif. In SSE I get a nif and 1 file that is actually the face tint, no new texture files.
  12. That tab has been totally blank when I have looked at it wierd enough. As for bones, I did notice a 2B follower mod I am trying to fix/ improve has what seems to be facial bones included. Now that follower does have a different head and body compared to FO4 vanilla, different proportions. In fact she does not have a full body unless you give her a FO4 one. Any skin you see is part of the outfit for all intents and purposes. I believe this preset changes the player into a custom race. It also comes with a json file that I assume dictates the head appearance. I just have not figured out how to make use of that. Maybe I need to include that so the game knows how the face is supposed to look?
  13. Hello, Would the process be similar like in SSE? Load preset in character creation then export. Find Face gen files ie: dds and nif putting those in the appropriate folders? Seems like FO4 is more taxing than SSE, I can do it there but been struggling here. I know about face ripper and have used it in the past for Curie, but this time I am trying to make an companion from scratch and so far the face is not working. There doesn't seem to be any facegen files from other companion mods like Heather Casdin and I am guessing it's because how mods are packed for FO4? I check the head nif for the preset I'm using in nifscope and the textures look fine, but in CK they end up looking like they are stretched in preview window. Anyone have experience making a companion using a non vanilla face? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. I have been trying to wrap my head around this one. It seems like the shape you see in BS looks one way while in game it looks different? I have followers that I'm making and clothes I want to fit their body shape. An test outfit I have ported I noticed that if I use a preset to build it, doesn't seem to have changed size/shape in game. As for presets, how do I make their body into a reference in Outfit Studio? Wiki isn't really clear to me how you make references/ templates. I want to load their shape into OS so I can make the outfits fit their bodies correctly. Sometime I think I am overthinking things.
  15. Update: @robotized did what you suggested and that fixed that issue. Thanks for the suggestions, never would have thought that would keep one from exiting a crafting menu.
  16. @RoNin1971 It shows up as the outfit in main menu and not a sub category like Utilities etc. It shows up under recipes, open chemlab >outfit>recipe then the craftable pieces.
  17. I will try that after I figure out wether the newest CK is being stupid or I have bad textures/bgsm since CK is crashing now when I click to see nif in the AA's I have created. Starting to swear FO4 is a real pia compared to Skyrim. all I did was make sure the dds's were named correctly ie: _d.dds _n.dds and _s.dds.
  18. So I made a mod to add craft able clothing to the chemlab. I have a keyword, AA's, AO's, and COBJ's. The recipes show up and the items are craft able. I just can't back out of that clothing's recipe list to exit the chemlab. What would cause that? I even loaded up another mod for comparison, and I don't see anything I may have missed.
  19. Ah ok, my work around was to open the armor up with my mod and add their race, not what I wanted lol. Ok this is solved! Thanks for the help!
  20. I made a couple of companions using a custom race. How do I add them to an armor/clothing mod's valid races? In CK I don't see my custom race listed which has gotten annoying.
  21. Hello, I am wondering if anyone uses XNALara and if so, where can I find the pose used in Outfit Studio and Bodyslide so I can pose outfits before I export them to tweak in Blender? As it is XNALara seems to have only a built in default T pose which will be problematic when it comes to importing into Outfit studio. Update: Figured out how to make the outfits go into a pose close as OS pose. Just Don't know how to make it as a loadable pose for XNAL yet.
  22. I have been attempting to make a companion mod. I have noticed for some reason when enabled, the follower's face/head seems to be replacing mt character's face besides the rest of human npc's I come across, ghouls are not affected. What would cause this? The companion has her own race with which she has her own meshes. Turns out for some reason CK applied her face to 348+ female npc's including synths regardless of her head being only tagged for her custom race. Deleting that head and making a new one fixed things.
  23. Hello, I am completely new to modeling and texturing Bethesda wise. I tried modifying a armor piece in blender. First I exported it as obj (also have imported as nif into blender) via OutfitStudio then imported into blender. All I did was resize the mesh and adjust the spacing between 2 parts. Blender wouldn't export as a nif, it just kept coming up with errors, something about faces not having attributes, but would export as obj. I then imported the obj into OutfitStudio made adjustments there then exported/saved as nif. In Nifscope and CK textures show up pathed to the correct textures, but in game it's invisible? I am guessing I missed something? So I am asking for some wisdom while I dig around in the wasteland known as google. Thanks in advance! Blender error currently is : blender error object has no attribute "face maps"
  24. Update: I believe now it is and was in the past an eye texture issue. Mesh and texture not compatible.
  25. I thank you for your time an knowledge. I had always wondered if some things were strict in thier placement. If I could give you kudos I would. As I said it seems to me there are others who don't seem to follow a proper structure and at times makes the data folder look like a mess, if not make it harder at times for newer players wanting to make mods whether personal or to share. I really don't like my data folder looking like a mess. Just makes it a pain at times to fix or change things. Again thank you.
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