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About adzscott

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  1. This sounds totally possible... you could implement a random chance of them failing as well, just to keep it interesting. Maybe make the odds of them failing and the rewards vary according to how "restored" the thieves guild is.
  2. Not sure how you'd do the silverware thing... You could make it so that having any silverware in the player inventory or consuming any food items which look as though they involve silverware would apply a negative buff or do damage to the player though I guess. I think requiem (role playing overhaul) does the silver weakness and werewolf damage buff, so I'm sure you could find a mod for that somewhere.
  3. That's... not a bad idea. It would certainly remove a lot of the limitations of perk fragments (They don't hang on to variables too well). Let me give it a go and see what happens. EDIT: So I gave it a go. Can't find a way to get the quest script to target the activated object. Also, QuestProperty.Function() doesn't appear to be working.
  4. So I've been messing around a little with perk fragments, and have made a mod which triggers a perk fragment script when an object is activated in game. Is there anyway I can prevent the script from being triggered again before it has finished running? I'm trying to prevent a situation where the player can simply mash the "activate" button and run the script a dozen times before it has even finished the first run. States cannot be used (this would be the obvious goto) as fragments are const scripts and therefore cannot support states. I've looked into setting up a perk-conditon which prevents the perk from being used if the fragment is running, but cannot find a relevant conditional. Any advice on how to approach this?
  5. Great idea: So what factions would this mod work for? I'm thinking: RaidersGunnersBoS! Probably not the institute (not like its easy to fake being a robot)There was a mod pretty similar to this for skyrim, let me see if I can dig it up.
  6. I'm having trouble expressing actor values (Perception and luck in this case) as integers. The endgoal is to multiply the players luck and perception levels to create a third integer (PL). Any attempt to express actor values as integers within a perk-fragment (see below two examples) spits out the "type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)" error. int PL = (Game.GetPerceptionAV())*(Game.GetLuckAV()) i int P = Game.getPerceptionAV()Any idea what's causing this?
  7. Not sure if it can be done the way you want it, but it can be done for sure. You could set up an object to take fusion cores which are not fully charged and then return fully charged ones once a specific time has elapsed.
  8. Alright so, progress! I've set up a perk that comes into effect whenever a locked container or door is activated. The next step (I think?!) is to create a script that runs whenever this occurs. Unfortunately I can't get it compile :sad: Scriptname LazyLocks extends ReferenceAlias {Attached script **should** work out if the force-lock attempt is successful or not.} ActorValue Property Perception Auto Const ActorValue Property Luck Auto Const int P = Game.GetPlayer().ActorValue Function GetPerceptionAV() ; Returns players perception skill as an integer value int L = Game.GetPlayer().ActorValue Function GetLuckAV() ; Returns players luck skill as an integer value Int Function GetLockLevel() native ;Returns lock level of target lock as an integer Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If locklevel == 25 Int RI = Utility.RandomInt(0, 25) elseif locklevel == 50 Int RI = Utility.RandomInt(0, 50) elseif locklevel == 75 Int RI = Utility.RandomInt(0, 75) elseif locklevel == 100 Int RI = Utility.RandomInt(0, 100) else Debug.Notification(This lock cannot be forced.) end if ;Generates random number, with the available range based on lock-level. End event int PlayerSkill = L*P ;Defines playerSKill as the product of a players luck and perception. Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If PlayerSKill > RI akTargetRef.Unlock() Else Debug.Notification(You fail to force the lock...) end if End eventThe following errors were produced: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\LAZYLOCKS.psc(7, :cool:: no viable alternative at input 'Game' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\LAZYLOCKS.psc(7,12): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\LAZYLOCKS.psc(7,4): Unknown user flag game I'm guessing this is to do with not declaring something correctly, no?
  9. Damn :/ I was hoping this would be simpler than it looked. Any advice on how to approach this? Thanks for your help so far.
  10. I don't buy it. The game has to check if the player has the required perk to pick the lock, so there must be a script of sort that runs to verify this.
  11. So I've recently decided to jump head-first into papyrus.. Does anybody know the name/id of the default script that runs when a player activates a locked object? I'm trying to piece together in my head an idea for a lock picking skill-based script, and thinking it would be a lot less work to extend of the normal script that runs. Also, how would I go about preventing the normal lock-picking animation from playing? What I'm trying to achieve is essentially: Can this lock be picked?: NO: Player does not have the required locksmith perk Yes: Player has required perk If yes: Activate [skillbasedlockpicking script] Many thanks, Adzscott
  12. Sorry to necro an old thread, but I have the same issue. Whenever I enabled ASIS, random NPCs are naked. Even on a new game, so this is not a corrupted save issue.
  13. I have installed no new mods, and have made no change to my Skyrim, but when I tried to launch skyrim from the SKSE loader today, I got the following error message: Launching C:\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\TESV.exe failed (5). HELP!! Reinstalled skse, validating my archive on steam.. nothing works. What do I do?
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