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Everything posted by Agnithrax

  1. Thank you lots and lots Ranx31! It's been quite some time since I found a game like FO3 worth learning how to fiddle around with, as you can tell from how out of date and off base my questions were. That null set texture in the geck just terrorized me as, as soon as I was about to give up it would creep back into my stray thoughts nagging at me and making me think 'there's gotta be a way,' and like a junkie I'd come back and pound my head against it looking for a fix of magic pink that wasn't around anymore. The alpha's and compressions are totally new for me and I appreciate your helping me get their applications straight and most of all for helping me let go of trying to short cut things and game the meshes by painting the textures invisible. Sigh, I guess I'll have to invest the time in learning nifscope and do things properly after all. Thanks again, you've helped me out a lot.
  2. Try checking out Peekaboom's load order for them. I think he says FO3 likes the shuffle to be top-loaded like: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm but scroll to bottom of his page and check it out, there might be a few more esps to swap around a bit.
  3. In my experience, removing a mod will present you with a warning when you load a save that some features have been changed but other than that she works fine. I'm not certain if simply deactivating a mod will be so trouble free, but the worst that can happen would be a ctd so you ought to be fine with it. I tend to use FOMM just for ripping textures and meshes from dlc's to monkey around with and I unzip and load mods directly as you never always know if they built that data pathway correctly, also I'm compulsive about checking the readme files. I've never tried the MasterRestore you're working with or Boss for that matter, I find I can check for load conflicts with FO3edit and when I'm good then make my merge patch and roll on into a game. I don't know how MasterRestore builds the .esp that's giving you trouble, imo the geck is really the way to go when you want to build one but there you are stuck with vanilla fo3 and 1 other source for that .esp to be slaved to with geck so there are some limits with it. FWE's alternate travel has never been more than heartache for me though, you might want to try just deactivating that feature of FWE first (if I recall it correctly I believe it has it's own .esp) instead and see if that's whats holding up the works. Since you're only going to be deactivating rather than removing, you may even want to consider toggling them active and deactivated to see if you can track down and isolate which mod may be the cause and which are working well together. Hope that can be of some help and you can get back to saving the wasteland soon.
  4. First off I need to thank Yokosuka-Ue for very subtly and diplomatically reminding me of rule #4 (3 being if it's your first time at fight club you have to fight, and the first 2 rules we just don't talk about,) that rule #4 being RTFM! I've been off again, on again dabbling with re-texturing for FO3 and trying to figure out how the transparencies and how painting parts of textures invisible work in the .dds format. The alpha compressions are a whole new thing to me where I used to think I pretty much had a good handle on it and are offering lots of fun trying to figure them out. I'm new to the Paint.net that I'm using for the .dds too, but it's starting to look to me like a little more than just getting used to new software and finding the applications I want. If anyone knows a resource site that might help me find a magic pink for these raster maps that the geck will like please let me know. I usually don't need to stray far from game modders sites to figure out whats what, but here I think I need something that will give more info on how the compression and mipmapping affect the colors I'm laying down so I can tweak my palette and find where magic invisible 'pink' is lying in the spectrum. Thanks for your help and input, I appreciate it.
  5. Looking at your list I see a lot of texture files and I don't think all of those mods were built with sunny happy BSA's. FO3 is kinda persnickety about having lots of small little files to look for and will pitch a fit at first. After awhile she seems to calm down, but until she uses the new textures a bit she seems to like to crash me; going into and out of the Megaton Player home is where she especially likes to take it out on me. I'm turning my fav mod toys into a single mod so I can make all the Data meshes and textures and such into a single BSA and try to alleviate the same pain you're going through bro. I'd suggest using FOMM to BSA up any of those Data files that are flapping in the breeze, proly wanna do it the easy way though by just making a BSA for each of your mods that need them and if you find solace from it maybe even offer those BSA's as an update for the authors fans to the mod author to do what they wilt with. The other funky weirdness that FO3 likes to be a tease with are the auto saves. Go to your options menu from your falloutlauncher.exe, not fallout.exe, the options from the launcher there and turn off all of your autosaves. You'll have to remember to save early/ save often but she seems to like crashing over the autosaves when she's all modded up. Finally, you'll want to check in with Old Reliable. If those 3 tips don't do it, then I'm sorry but...you knew Steam was the Devil already didn't ya?
  6. Another thing you might need to take a look at is Program Files(x86) in Win 7. I ran into something similar where FOSE couldn't really identify it's problem so it told me to update FO3 as well. If you're using Win 7, and I think Win Vista may have the same ickey poo going on, you'll want to uninstall and reinstall to a folder outside of Program Files(x86). The workaround that I had to do was to just make a Bethesda Softworks folder in C: and then install to that folder instead of either of the Program Files folders, then FOSE was a happy lil' kitten. Good luck!
  7. Sorry Guys, psychodogstudios.com where the file's at doesn't seem to have a clean link. Web of trust does seem to like psychodogstudios when you go and look them up and it seems to me that it's their server, Bluehost, that's caught a little something something. The server that Bluehost has psychodogstudios.com on is IP in Provo at latitude -111.613300 & longitude 40.218100, but for all that I can't get us there without catching the clap. I was going to reverse lookup, but chickened out as Bluehost would be the domain name registrar and I suspect the icky poo whatever is in Bluehost and not pychodogstudios page. If you're more man than I, your tracert oughta come up Provo at the servers IP above and if you don't know how to get the url's IP you ought not to try this. I had high hopes that it was just a corrupt link, sorry my look see ended in fears n tears. Cheers!
  8. FYI I'm getting a warning of bad craziness from my antivirus and from WOT on the link: EGM File Generator This nifty tool creates the critical file needed to keep head wear correctly located on people. Be advised before checking her out. If I can find some alt posting or if there's one uploaded to the Nexus I'll re-post the link for us in these replies.
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