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Posts posted by aok

  1. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

    Getting used to the new layout but must send HUGE thanks for the large images in the image share!! You almost drove me away a long time ago when the size was reduced, but now I am overjoyed seeing my friends and my own images in full glory!

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

  2. In response to post #40101175. #40102435 is also a reply to the same post.

    aok wrote: Excuse my ignorance. Is this an expansion of Skyrim or a stand alone? That is to say, can our Skyrim characters and followers travel there or will we be making new characters?
    This looks AMAZING!!!
    MrNewson wrote: This is completely standalone. It has its own worldspace, lore etc.
    There are 2 companions which you meet during the main quest and which have their own background and questline.

    For further informations i recommend you to check out the Enderal Preload (German) Mod here on the Nexus.
    There are plenty of informations about the game etc. written in english.

    Thank you!!
  3. In response to post #39563100.

    RattleAndGrind wrote:

    The act of creation is an experience like none other. I create a thing and a piece of me exists in the thing.


    Sometimes I wish to share the thing with those I hold as friends knowing they will cherish the thing which holds a piece of me.


    But an interloper comes. He takes the thing. He cares not that he has taken a piece of me. He shares the thing with others who care not that they have taken a piece of me.


    I address the interloper and he hears me not. I address those who have obtained the thing the interloper took, but they hear me not.


    Some say that the interloper did no harm. Some say that the interloper is entitled to the thing. Others say that I am at fault because the interloper took the thing.

    But I say, "The interloper has cheapened and sullied the thing. The interloper been cheapened and sullied the piece of me in the thing . The interloper has cheapened and sullied my joy of creation."


    The interloper took so much more than just the thing.


    And I cannot get it back, the things which the interloper took.



    Dramatically stated but true. It's a matter of respect for the creator.
    However you can't teach someone a thing they do not have. I can only assume their parents failed teaching them such a basic concept of humanity.
  4. I'm not a mod author, but as a "modoholic" it really doesn't matter to me if an author requests an endorsement if the user likes the mod. It seems to me more of a crime if the user likes it and doesn't endorse. (How hard is it to say thanks really?)

    What does it matter really? "Hotfiles" I guess. But if the mods really good we will find you. I see no problem with an author saying basically "Hey if you like my mod don't forget to say thanks"

  5. Thank you Dark One for the quick response to this. I have been writing stories for several years now using pose mods and showcasing mod authors. It is a relief to know the work is not on the chopping block with the upgrade.

    Standalone97 makes a very good point that hosting images offsite will reduce the load on the Nexus.

    I will happily post instructions on the Wiki and encourage other authors to direct people to it if they would like to know how it's done.


    Thank you!

  6. Greetings.


    First of all huge thanks to all those involved in making the Nexus such a great site.

    I am hoping the ability to post off site images after the main Nexus hosted image will be preserved in the site changes.

    I know I should probably wait and see but as a feature I am passionate about I am anxious to know what the plans are for this.

    For a storyteller / Mod show-caser like myself it is absolutely essential.


    Story example http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/591630/?


    Mod showcase http://www.nexusmods.../images/291751/?


    With 146 stories and counting I am naturally concerned about the fate of this feature (They often take weeks to create and I am one of MANY doing this kind of work and Mod showcase work on the imageshare)

    My hope is not only that it will be preserved but embraced and a larger format will be provided for these images. Since they are hosted offsite they have no effect on the Nexus bandwidth and effect only the viewer.






  7. In response to post #34959000.

    aok wrote: Just tell me that the feature to allow offsite hosted images to show below the main image will be preserved (And hopefully given a larger format) It is essential to those of us doing story work and mod showcases in the image share.
    Thank you.

    Tried PM'ing this question but got no answer.
    Would be reassuring to those of us doing showcases and story work to know if this feature will be preserved.
    Thank you.
  8. Just tell me that the feature to allow offsite hosted images to show below the main image will be preserved (And hopefully given a larger format) It is essential to those of us doing story work and mod showcases in the image share.

    Thank you.

  9. Greetings! Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

    As a screenarcher showcasing mods and writing story's I hope one of the upcoming projects will allow larger images to be displayed. Especially for series of images that are hosted off site creating a story board effect. An example of one of my favorite authors HERE.

    Cheers and best wishes!

  10. Makes sense. (At least there is a reason) I hope the page will be redesigned to a wider width soon, as I stated I do enjoy viewing the story style posts in a larger format.

    That aside I want to thank you for preserving the format that allows story style posts. That is appreciated.

  11. Have to say I don't like the change. I enjoy sharing the larger images that I host offsite (affecting nobody but the viewer) and enjoy viewing the larger images others have posted as well. Particularly story work.

    I hope this can be changed back. I notice you can expand it in editing but will revert back to the small size upon posting.

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