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Posts posted by BraveBear

  1. It's a huge "it depends" kind of scenario. One bully might do it because of problems in his personal life (e.g. parents divorce, abuse at home) or even having a history of being bullied himself. Another bully simply does it because he can't help himself. It could be in his genes to be more aggressive and something else.

  2. Hearing my special younger brother screaming and kicking stuff whenever my mother sends him or drops him off to his special school. Then when all is said and done, he goes back to watching Youtube on his iPad, being more useless than ever. Believe me, he does that EVERY SINGLE DAY, and it's only been getting more aggressive ever since he started to learn to speak more adult stuff, even swearing right in front of our whole family. I love my brother, but sometimes I feel like he deserves a big smack to make him reevaluate his life in such a dangerous and complex world.


    Then she complains that I butt in too much to try and stop it, saying she can handle it, all while she deals with the burden of having to drive the little s**t early in the morning every weekdays, while my dad works overseas almost every week.


    All this drama is the reason why I've started to exercise more often, so I can vent my frustration on something else while still improving myself. I remember people calling me shy, but also being kind and generous. What they don't know is how I imagine bashing their face in. I don't want to do it, but as I get older, I get more impatient from even the tiniest f**k up from others. I feel like I'm suddenly going to suddenly snap, but I think to myself, "is this really who I want to be?"


    Here's to anyone who used to be in a similar situation who has gotten out of it. Thank you for your time. :happy:

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