Combat system, Bugs, Linear quests, dumb A.I., just to name a few. Linear quests: A great example for the linearity of quests would be when the Blades demand for you to slay Paathurnax and they do so in commanding tone. It's ridiculous because they're supposed to serve the Dragonborn, not command them. You can choose to ignore that quest but the option for killing Paathurnax always remains available. There should've been the option to kill/injure the Blades instead and put them in their place. Combat system/A.I.: It doesn't feel like you're wielding a real sword when all that is required of the combat is to aimlessly hack away and spam health pots until the enemy's health bar is depleted. There should have been some element of aiming/skill involved with the weapon attacks and the critical attacks should be made when you hit an enemy in their vulnerable areas, and not based off a fixed critical rate. It's due to this failure of a combat system that 8 forsworn are able to kill an ancient dragon, where as a player could effortlessly sweep through 8 forsworn but face great difficulty with a big D. The monsters just don't scale properly and I blame it on the poor combat mechanics. Dragons should be invulnerable in some places, where as vulnerable in other places but they're not, which makes ancient dragons equally susceptible to a mass-gang bangings as a run-of-the-mill cave bear, whom doesn't possess dragonscales or comparable natural armour'resistances. An Ancient dragon should meet a skilled Dragonborn on even terms, where as slaughter 8 unorthodoxly-trained barbarians. This doesn't happen in-game but logic dictates it should. At the end, the victor of combat goes down to which party has the most Health and Damage stats, and not by how well the attacks were aimed or evaded. tl;dr: An ancient dragon should absolutely murderstomp anything but a Dragonborn. Isn't that the whole point of TES 5:Skyrim?