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Everything posted by dudlete

  1. Yeah, put in 2 years of work and have the mod banned from every mod site. No worries, right? This is the internet. Would you like to take a hint? A word starting with T. Torrents. Cool, right?
  2. It's all right to play as a Girl when you're a Guy in a singleplayer game, vice versa. After all, I think it would be quite boring remaining in audience to an inbred-looking Nord male for 100 hours straight. If it's an online game however... For singleplayer games, playing as the opposite gender is rather justified but as for the multiplayer modal.... Gay. I've never played as the opposite sex, btw.
  3. Agreed. In Skyrim it all comes down to either joining a faction and becoming their tool, or not joining and missing out on the fun/story altogether. There should always remain an opposite, alternative option to every boot-licking one.
  4. Combat system, Bugs, Linear quests, dumb A.I., just to name a few. Linear quests: A great example for the linearity of quests would be when the Blades demand for you to slay Paathurnax and they do so in commanding tone. It's ridiculous because they're supposed to serve the Dragonborn, not command them. You can choose to ignore that quest but the option for killing Paathurnax always remains available. There should've been the option to kill/injure the Blades instead and put them in their place. Combat system/A.I.: It doesn't feel like you're wielding a real sword when all that is required of the combat is to aimlessly hack away and spam health pots until the enemy's health bar is depleted. There should have been some element of aiming/skill involved with the weapon attacks and the critical attacks should be made when you hit an enemy in their vulnerable areas, and not based off a fixed critical rate. It's due to this failure of a combat system that 8 forsworn are able to kill an ancient dragon, where as a player could effortlessly sweep through 8 forsworn but face great difficulty with a big D. The monsters just don't scale properly and I blame it on the poor combat mechanics. Dragons should be invulnerable in some places, where as vulnerable in other places but they're not, which makes ancient dragons equally susceptible to a mass-gang bangings as a run-of-the-mill cave bear, whom doesn't possess dragonscales or comparable natural armour'resistances. An Ancient dragon should meet a skilled Dragonborn on even terms, where as slaughter 8 unorthodoxly-trained barbarians. This doesn't happen in-game but logic dictates it should. At the end, the victor of combat goes down to which party has the most Health and Damage stats, and not by how well the attacks were aimed or evaded. tl;dr: An ancient dragon should absolutely murderstomp anything but a Dragonborn. Isn't that the whole point of TES 5:Skyrim?
  5. I created my first character as an all-knowing sort of guy, despite knowing that he would consistently break roleplay. But I did it anyway as I needed the preparation for future DLCs, if any of the current storylines were to be extended upon. imo, it is the most time-efficient way to play. As far as lore is concerned, canon-wise, there would be separate characters that exist alongside each other; one for each faction. There would be a character that went on to become the Listener for The Dark Brotherhood, another that became the Archmage of Winterhold College etc, because it makes no sense for one character to be a master of all. The most canon-like approach for the main storyline would be Male -> Nord -> Two-Handed or One-Handed with Shield -> Dragonborn -> Stormcloaks -> Greybeards, with no other factions involved.
  6. This: The quickest and easiest way to attempt this mod would be for a total world conversion of the TES 4:Oblivion map over to TES 5:Skyrim, as the landmass is already available. Modders from there can edit the maps to make it seem like 200 years have passed, with respect to the lore of course. As for legal issues... Meh. Work on the big picture first i.e. the entire map, status of Cyrodill, main storyline etc. The details can come at a later date i.e. npc dialogues, side quests etc, as they are far less significant when compared to the big picture.
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