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Posts posted by Karnepae

  1. Here's an idea for that lovely fountain of supposedly INFINITE KNOWLEDGE.


    A "spell log book" of sorts. A way to give and take spells you can add to your own Oghma.

    First, you'd have to get it, second, it'd be a 5 pound weapon with 20 damage. Blocking with it would open it and show you several alphabetized pages where you can add spells you hardly ever use to it.


    Tired of all those frost spells filling up your destruction page? Add them to the Ohgma. Feel like you'll never need the "throw voice" shout? Give it to the Oghma.

    Downloaded tons of magic mods and feel the 400+ spells you've gathered is too much to sift through even with your favorites menu filled to the brim but you paid a damn bit of septims on them all and you're too cheap to use that one mod that lets you delete spells? Well... GIVE IT TO THE OGHMA.


    But wait! It gets better! Lets say you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and you really need a lightning spell for whatever reason. Well... You've got the Oghma!!! Just open it up, find the spell, and relearn it!

    Gotta get the unmeltable snow from the throat of the world but gave the shout to Oghma? It's a fountain of knowledge! Feel free to take it back.

    Feeling a little nostalgic for ypur first fire spell? Ohgma still remembers...


    Oghma, a magic users best friend.


    Update! A new idea would be to turn a spell back into a tome or something

  2. So there's bandit shacks all over tge world, but how do they get there? Who builds these shacks?


    Well... Why not the dragonborn?


    What about a mod that makes craftable books that are actually walls you can move and place in the world like any other item.


    I've seen mods that make furniture into books for moving and stuff, and i've even been bored enough to use such a mod to make a shelter out of shelves and carpets.


    But it would be cool to take actual walls and make a shack anywhere you wanted. It'd give more use for wood, and you could live anywhere.


    Might need a way to make it permanent in the world so your screen isn't filled with "Take Book" when you enter your home.


    Maybe it becomes an actual wall, and then you have to destroy it with your axe for half the anount of wood.

  3. How about a mod that will teleport you through random cells throughout the game? Like, you drop 10,000 septims on a spell, or a ring that can only be used twice before it needs a new soul to recharge, or something from some psychotic merchant deep in the ratways of Riften and you can use it to teleport into any possible cell in the game with maybe a favorites menu to add to it. Or it just takes you to a different cell that's a hallway filled with hundreds of portals all leading to different cells that you'd have to figure out yourself. Then, we could all go back to Mistgrove and chill, or have an escape back to one of your homes, or a chance to get dropped into a random dungeon and have to fight your way out of it.

    To balance it, i think it'd have to be a VERY taxing spell, or maybe a power of sorts. Maybe a shout? It could be something that only works once every 24 hours and steals all your magicka and stamina and slices your health in half.

    It'd probably have to be limited to cells the player had been to previously, to keep people from walking into Serena's bed chamber or something...

    It'd totally be compatible with any cell-adding mod, as it'd really just run a command, but there could totally be new cells thrown in too! Like maybe you get dropped in a pocket dimension cell and it's just an island with sparce grass and a single mudcrab, or you get teleported to a grassy valley with a rabbit running away from you.

    Or there's a room where all you can see is Molag Bal beating that priest... Nothing but that...

    Or you go to a realm and you find random summonable creatures.

    Just so many random places you could end up at.

    I don't have the knowledge necessary to create this type of mod, but there's already a command to go to a cell, so how hard would it be to make a mod like this?

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