... every author, musician, painter who creates something needs those laws and it is only selfish people who dont want to honor those artists need for food and a warm home who dont pay for those creative additions to our lives. Sadly the industry is perverting the idea of copyright and the gaming industry is a good example with all the anti-piracy stuff of having to have an online connection to play a game you legally bought. Fight the industry and not the copyright. A "grand library" is a good idea and should be doable with Skyrims bookshelves, but every library is sorted in a catalogue. The books all belong to one or more topics and that is quite a headache to sort them. I am also annoyed in my sense for symmetry by the huge size differences of Skyrims books on those shelves ... and the fact that you cant know the size of the books while they are still in your inventory. Thus there are two questions: 1. Is there a way to categorize the books? (Dwemer, skill increases, history, nature, diaries, quest XYZ, ...) You kinda need to find the books if you really want to use them and if you dont want to use them the whole idea seems a bit too much work for nothing. 2. Has anyone thought about adjusting the sizes to a near-standard-size? (85-115% size variation instad of the current sizes) I always thought spellbooks should be kinda huge instead of those tiny leaflets.