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Posts posted by fetchfox

  1. I just recently started playing it for the first time and loving it so far. So many quests, and guilds and houses... almost overwhelming! I use a slightly tweaked and updated version of Morrowind Graphics and Sounds Overhaul 3.0.


    I started Playing Morrowind recently, got myself a copy with Pre-installed mods for graphics and stuff, now I have terrible issues T^T

    What pre-installed package did you use? I'll always help a mod lover in need.

  2. I remember playing through your NVB and Someguy quests when they first came out (and then again after you improved them). It truly changed how I played Fallout New Vegas, integrating the quests from the start of my game and tailoring my character(s) after your story. I'm so glad you chose to com back, I never thought I'd get a shot at killing "you-know-who". Can't wait to hear more!

  3. On my current character, pure Nord with two-handed Axe, heavy armor and shouts (great with SkyRe). Just a real brute, heavy and slow. He started out as a Paladin character (even murdered the brotherhood), but he was corrupted by Molag Bal and the quest for Daedric artifacts. Now he has a dark side, using human souls for enchanting and killing who he sees fit.
    And, uh, stealth can be fun.

  4. The sound nice. I roleplay down to what guns I use as well. My character prefer a scoped hunting rifle for sniping and a good shotgun and/or handgun close up. The Ranger Sequoia holds that spot at the moment (Project Nevada and WME makes it pretty useful and powerful).

  5. He was good at medicine in the movie so I suggest investing in it and perks to help yourself heal. He's also very good with his hands and uses unusual weapons. See what you can make of that.

    Also, play on hardcore. Eating, drinking and sleeping makes the game a lot more immersive. Try checking out Project Nevada as well and some weapon mods for more options etc. Good luck :)

  6. Hi Benovelence,


    I also have a shitton of mods installed and the same problem as you. Loading a really old save or creating a new character returns the FPS to normal. I have looked up my savegame and it is about 12mb. The last lagfree one should be around 10mb I guess. If this is the issue, I may want to try this savegamecleaner that just might wreak havoc on my item collection.

    I still will give it a try because 13fps are not too enjoyable to say the least.

    Also, does this 4GB New Vegas change anything? I did not sense any positive or negative impact on the game O.o


    Wrye can be tricky to get going.. here is the link to its page at Bethesda>>>Link


    In the opening post is a spoiler, make sure you have everything installed. Pay attention to version numbers as they do matter. If Wrye still wont run post their as they know it best.


    I have not used CASM....if it gives you new saves and more then one ..then you would be good.

    You should both take a look at performance mods and see what you can get there. Stutter remover, 4GB enabler, there are many options and combinations that might work for you. I recommend Gophers tutorials on it for more info.


    For comparison reasons, this is my load order and I've played over a 100 hours on my current character. My latest savegame is are around 8491 KB (ca. 8,29 MB) in size and I get around 45-60 fps at all times (except on the bloody strip of course). I rarely to never get crashes.


    Advanced Recon Tech.esm=1
    More Perks.esm=1
    More Perks for Dead Money.esm=1
    More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm=1
    More Perks for Old World Blues.esm=1
    More Traits.esm=1
    Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
    Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1
    ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1
    New Vegas Redesigned II.esm=1
    Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
    Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
    The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
    Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1
    Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1
    Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1
    More Perks Update.esp=1
    More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp=1
    More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp=1
    More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp=1
    More Traits Update.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Gear.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Tech.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Armor.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp=1
    Advanced Recon Armor - Original Ranger Models.esp=1
    boa ncrpahelmet.esp=1
    ADAM - MAIN.esp=1
    ADAM - HH.esp=1
    ADAM - LR.esp=1
    ADAM - Rangers on Patrol.esp=1
    ADAM - Outcast Ranger Armour.esp=1
    ADAM - Nemesis Armours.esp=1
    ADAM - NCR Patrol Armour.esp=1
    ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp=1
    ADAM - Project Nevada Patch.esp=1
    NVR- Recommended.esp=1
    New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.esp=1
    Voice dissonance fix.esp=1
    MMUE-CP-New Vegas Redesigned.esp=1
    AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp=1
    Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1
    EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1
    Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp=1
    Weapon Stat Viewer.esp=1
    NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1
    NevadaSkies - Darker Nights.esp=1

  7. It's the Ranger Clint Teaser Trailer:

    What do you think?

    It looks great so far, I'm really looking forward to see Clint develop and hear his voice. Have you gotten a voice actor yet? The project seems very ambitious though, which is always something that might discourage a modmaker over time. I'm not saying this will happen to you, but I've seen it many times before. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen of course.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more, I always love a good companion mod :)

  8. there no lever on the outside though so she can't take the back way in. And we see a tone of dead on the way there plaining a clear path TO the spider room.

    Perhaps they'd spun new webs? Technically she could have taken it long before the Dragonborn got there, giving the spiders time to rebuild. Or, you know, they didn't really build her entrance and exit after the games rules.

  9. Little update. Finally found a character select mod on the game that works like a dream. Stil lleveling my "dagger/thief/toomuchthief" lol. I've been spamming courage on my companion to raise my illusion skills up. Pretty easy faceroll/farm for it since i'm so far behind on it. So pickpocket is level 200 lol. 100+legendary 100. sneak is 75 ish. daggers aren't one hitting the tankier monsters, but i don't mind it at all. Keeps me on edge a little. Trying to find my groove with soul trap. I'd like to enchant but it doesnt seem like I can fit it into all the stuff i already have to work on lol.


    Oh! I killed 1.9 dragons!! lol. A dragon attacked me in front of a cave i fast traveled to and a bear tanked it for me. Finally got to kill it! lol. Second dragon also in the forest. I ran around spamming arrows, hiding under a rock and getting my companion to tank it. after about 10-15 minutes I had it down to 10%... all of a sudden it loses aggro and flies away. I was sad for a little bit... lol


    I gotta say, I'm really glad i stuck to legendary. I will probably try a mod next SkyRe sounds rough, but I like the concept of many of his skill changes and gameplay cahnges. The parts I don't like I'll just have to see for myself.


    Any thoughts on SkyRe? Anyone play it on legendary? Sounds reaaaallllyyy difficult lol.


    I'm level 32 on Skyrim SkyRe, currently playing on Expert. And yes, it's hard (especially with deadly dragons installed), but also extremely fun! Neither you nor your enemies are arrow-sponges anymore. You take more "realistic" damage and deal it as well. The skill tree and other overhauls in the mod are also great imo, it will completely change how you play. Be advised though, you CANNOT add the mod on an existing character. You have to start over . As it will change how Skyrim works in general, old saves will also not work properly or at all. It's sort of a big commitment, so think about it or save it for a later playthrough.

  10. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Of them all, not counting graphics, Oblivion is, for me, the best of the lot. Finished Skyrim and have returned to playing Oblivion.

    As per the "essential", you might want to try the looking at the top 100 mods. Depends on what you are looking for. Some people really get into the immersive and landscape mods.

    Thanks to Wrye Bash, I am running 302 mods, batched down to 248.

    Aight, I'll check out some mods and see how I like it. Thanks!

  11. I've played some of Morrowind and hundreds of hours of Skyrim, and love them both. But there is still one in between that tend to get the shaft from the community.


    So, should I play Oblivion, having enjoyed the others, and what mods are "essential"? I tend to thoroughly mod my playthroughs (SKSE, SUM patches etc.).


    Have you installed Reproccer correctly? I simply use NMM and it puts it in the "Skyproc Patchers" folder in the data folder, it works fine for me there.


    The only thing I can think of is to right click it and "run it as administrator".

    It's under data/skyproc patchers/T3nd0_ReProccer/. I've installed through NMM. There are no run as admin options on it though. I have the newest version of Java installed. What version is yours?


    I got it to work through purging all java from the system and re-installing it. Not sure why it didn't work before... but whatever now, haha. I'm on windows 7 so I haven't encountered the same problem as you. I hope it works okay for you as well.

  13. Have you installed Reproccer correctly? I simply use NMM and it puts it in the "Skyproc Patchers" folder in the data folder, it works fine for me there.


    The only thing I can think of is to right click it and "run it as administrator".

    It's under data/skyproc patchers/T3nd0_ReProccer/. I've installed through NMM. There are no run as admin options on it though. I have the newest version of Java installed. What version is yours?

  14. Hi, and I'm sorry if I'm posting this the wrong place. I'm starting a new Skyrim run with SkyRe, and I'm following Gophers tips as I always do.

    But... reproccer.jar will not open. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing Java, but to no avail.



    I've tried several java installs now and tried running the executable through the command line. I get the error


    missing attributes for JarRsrcLoader in Manifest <Rsrc-Main-Class, Rsrc-Class-Path>.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main<JarRsrcLoader.java:46>

    So... god f*#@ing s#*&#33;. I've been trying to fix this for hours now.
  15. Can no one help with this? I'm getting rather desperate here.

    I've tried several java installs and tried running the executable through the command line. I get the error

    missing attributes for JarRsrcLoader in Manifest <Rsrc-Main-Class, Rsrc-Class-Path>.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main<JarRsrcLoader.java:46>


  16. The OP is asking about a person, and yes, the Dunmer Divayth Fyr is by far the oldest (possibly 4000 years old). But we don't know if he's still alive as we haven't heard of the character since Morrowind and the Red Mountain eruption (or the dwarf for that matter). And if we rule out vampires (who are technically dead), I believe Neloth is among the oldest. I don't have any evidence to back it up unfortunately.

  17. I love the idea for this mod and your work looks promising so far. I'll check in here periodically as I hope something comes of this!

  18. I personally prefer Skyrim as immersive and realistic as possible (within the lore). I've added most of the mods from Gopher (immersive UI, predator vision aso.), Realistic Diseases and Needs and Climates of Tamriel for a rougher and richer experience. This again makes Dragon Assault from Deadly Dragons really dangerous, but a lot more fun. No fast travel as well of course.


    So how do you play and mod Skyrim? Immersion, reality or lore-breaking crazy, whatever floats your boat.


    (I can add my loadorder later if there's interest for it).

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