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Everything posted by fetchfox

  1. Congrats mate, I did the same thing (switch from PS3 to PC). Up to 600 hours now, and still playing. Recently installed Realistic Needs and diseases mod so things have really changed. Combined with the assault function of Deadly Dragons makes it a truly interesting experience. But I digress. Some personal favorites are as follows: SkyUI Coverkhajiits Enhanced Lights and FX Deadly Dragons Immersive HUD
  2. I do... the opposite. I often meet Thalmor patrols transporting a prisoner and I always kill them all (usually taking the soul of their mage). I don't know why exactly... no witnesses maybe?
  3. It's probably as Anska says, check the symbol for each stand and match to the writing in the books. It's quite straightforward.
  4. I've only tested it to see what would happen, but on no character have I actually killed Paarthurnax. He's to much of a mentor and friend to my characters.
  5. It's my first time playing any Fallout game, and I'm really digging it. I've clocked over 400 hours in Skyrim with Deadly Dragons and on Master difficulty most of the time, so I'm no stranger to a challenge and some of the builds and how-to's that is similar to Fallout NV. I don't need any specific help, but if you've got any tips, tricks or whatever, do share! No spoilers of course, thank you.
  6. Dead and looted. I usually play as ruthless characters that judge others by their worth as assets. He was useless.
  7. I did the exact same thing. Reread the book thinking there might be something different, and lo-and-behold there was. Just read it again or kill yourself as sajuukkhar9000 said.
  8. Deadly Dragons has an assault option under settings. Check it out for yourself. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3829
  9. I concur with Lachdonin, it's politically decided. The borders were also probably established hundreds of years ago. I somewhat agree with that you must be able to describe a border to agree upon it. But that doesn't mean that the Jarls agree upon the current hold divisions, therefore they do not "need" to know it. To dispute it would only risk a conflict which could lead something more severe, and no one wants another civil war.
  10. it definitely seems worth it from what I've heard from friends who's played it on 360. Personally I won't buy it today, a bit low on cash right now... (student problems). Well that and just to see if any specific mods has problems with it.
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