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  1. whooops, didn't want to post it in general discussion o.o sry EDIT: thought this is thw wrong section but now i see it's the right one
  2. So yea, basically get a CTD whenever I press "P" or enter the Magic Menu the normal way. Lots of other people have this problem too and I googled a bit, but none of the solutions which worked for them work for me :P They say this can occur if you eat too many stackable Food like the vegetable soup or you somehow bug a spelltome. I tried all possible solutions: Waiting ingame, Fast traveling, Entering new zones, Curing all diseases at a shrine, adding all spells and then removing all spells (fix for bugged spelltomes no.1), learn a new spell from a spelltome (fix for bugged spelltomes no.2), wait a bit in RL (fix for the stackable effects). Nothing worked. This isn't caused by mods because I haven't changed anything at my whole Skyrim. Didn't add new mods, mod updates, skyrim updates or changed anything in the .ini files. It just occured by playing. Also my old Savegames with my other character work and don't have this bug. The sad thing is I don't have any non-bugged Savegames of my new chracter, so I can't just choose a 5 hours old savegame and try to avoid this bug somehow. An fact thing is that if I try to remove my "flames" spell (which is in my favourites bar), the console tells me it is removed, but I can still use it. So probably my whole spell-system is bugged... Any ideas?
  3. hrhr http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/14.jpg you know one of my favourite nicknames in games? Jesus. Second try: http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/24.jpg So I'm a kind of drunken angle? Seems to be fitting me.
  4. Hey guys, a few weeks a go, my skyrim ran on 34fps, but after I installed some mods I only get about 16 FPS. The mods are: paths of shadows better sorting breezehome small improvements momo acrobatic jump blacksmith hideout (honeyside) sky ui rich merchants (less) More Perk Points per Level and Dragonsouls to Perk Points destr. perks apply to weapons spell sneak attacks balanced magic Dance of Death Acquisitive Soul Gems arrows in the everywhere better eagle eye phenderix magic evolved and a mod called "real dragonborn realistic shout colldown" or something like this, i cant find the link Every mod is working as far as I can see. My question is: how is this possible? I mean, none of these mods is really big or adds/changes huge stuff. I didn't change any of my settings, so why do i have these huge FPS loss? Sry for my english, no native speaker and very tired gn8
  5. Well my CCC doesn't seem to block my FPS, it does not even have an option for this. I also do not have an other FPS limiter installed, at least I think so. I never installed an ENB or anything else which caps my framerate. Well there is this booster posted on page 2 which heps if you have a GPU bottleneck, do you know something for CPU bottleneck's? Do you know something else than an ENB or the CCC which could limit my framerate?
  6. Wth, that could be the f***ing solution :D I'll try to hava a look at my Control Center, but first I have to stop it from crashing when it starts. It seems that many people are having this issue. I don't think Fraps is wrong because I don't see any difference in how smooth my game is on low/ultra. So you and Rennn had the same idea, I'll try to check out my CCC if it's limiting Skyrim and report back later. Nope, Skyrim looks better on ultra settings :P
  7. Nope, I'm able to play other games at more FPS (e.g. 60). I never did anything to my graphic card settings. I know I have a control panel for it, but I never touched it ._. No.
  8. But I can play at the recommended/auto detected settings with 31 FPS. The Problem is that i get 31 FPS with EVERY Setting and Booster. Minimal Settings+Boosters --> 31 FPS; Ultra Settings+Boosters etc. --> 31 FPS. I CAN'T get more, which is somehow wrong. I should get more FPS at lowest settings than at highest. It seems to be impossible to boost FPS dor me. Fraps. I already use FPS and I'll check that booster out, But also read my answer to tetradite pls. If this booster works for me: fine. But I don't think so, because nothing works for me and I'm a person who reads instructions etc. very carefully. Thanks anyways, I'll give it a try. Are also the 3 "Boosters" I mentioned in my first post included? I don't think so, because many people give positive feedback like "woah, boosted my skyrim like 20 FPS" in their commenst section of nexus and Youtube. Even if all these boosters were included, disabling shadows and lowering texture resolution etc. should boost my FPS, but I always get 31 (at EVERY setting from lowest to highest). Thanks dude, i'll give it a try and let you know if it was helpful or not later. Thx for the friendly and quick answers guys, I'm gonna test the 2 boosters but i also hope for some new ideas, because I have a bad feeling anyways ._.
  9. Hey guys, I hope this is the correct section for my question ._. Well, I play Skyrim at Medium quality, although it says my PC [4gb RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450, Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3,1GHz (4 cores, 2 real, 2 logical)] can run it on high settings, and I get about 31 FPS overall. Because thats not enough for me I tried to tweak my Skyrim a bit: I disabled Shadows in SkyrimPrefs.ini. I ran http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5695 as I should. I tried http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5641 . And I also tried http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2531 . (I know, this one and number 3 both use d3d9.dll, so I could only try one at one time i think) Nothing helped to improve my FPS. If i activate Number 1,2 and 4, I can run Skyrim at maxed out Ultra settings and get 31 FPS. But if I try lower settings I'll get 31 FPS too. So to conclude: with all tweaks and so on, I can run Skyrim at every Setting and only get 31 FPS ._. Please help Q.Q ps: Should I try http://alexander.sannybuilder.com/?category=other-bethgames&altname=skyrim_boost also? But it is only compatible with, so it will have no impact on my 1.6.idk Skyrim, shouldn't it?
  10. On the 1st page you say, there is no way you can make more mannequins. But thats kinda easy. Jump and in midair, open your console and type in: player.placeatme 89a85 1 [This creates a living mannequin (the normal mannequins just have frozen animations)] tai [you have to click on the mannequin before you type that in, this freezes its animations (mannequins are normal npc with frozen animations)] openactorcontainer 1 (this opens the mannequins inventory and lets you place armor at it) I hope I helped someone ;) (Don't blame me, if this was already known. I simply don'T have the energy to click through 80 pages.) best wishes Ceronia
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