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Posts posted by SamuDabu

  1. Hola a todos, me gustaria saber si alguien podria compartir conmigo algun tutorial para crear Armas/Armaduras en Español al completo. Ya que la mayoria de tutoriales que he encontrado nada mas empezar (segundo 1) tengo cientos de preguntas y de esa gente no me contesta nadie :(


    Agradeceria la ayuda de cualquier persona, da igual si es novato o profesional. Gracias de antemano.

  2. feel like Singed (League of Legends)


    BTW, your idea is very good, because actually Alchemist is useless and nobody upgrade it :/ (same thing with Speech Craft, Lock pick... etc)

  3. 82 views and nobody coment? :S

    why nobody answer or make something like this? is more amazing make a non-lore-friendly armor like Warhammer 40,000 armors or extreme boobs or very little Bikinis? :S

  4. Not sure if Blizzard allows the use of their items published on the Nexus.


    You should probably ask them first, or someone else here who has some experience when it comes to Blizzard and porting of stuff from their games. Other than that, I agree, there are some awesome armors - even though not all of them are perhaps "lore friendly".


    Oh noes! is not 'Lore Friendly' but hey! the people still making bikini mods or warhammer 40,000 armor, or sabers from Star Wars, and all of you've download any mod like that.........

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