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Everything posted by selamiye

  1. Wow, thanks! We definitely need it. Current mods don't feel as real as they could if they had room scale tracking. I have not modded any games in my life before so this may be a super naive statement. But I'm still having a hard time understanding the need for the simultaneous use of mouse and a controller. At least for the Vive, I imagined all you need is a single trackpad of the Vive controllers to move around, but use just your head to look around, use the orientation of the controllers to center the body, and the position of the controllers to determine the position of the hands. If you needed to add another helper to move the body maybe use the other trackpad but that would take out a lot of controls. There is a saying from back home, translates to "for those sitting, the sky is in reach". By that I mean I don't know the technical complexity of implementing what I described above. I also want to learn how to mod and I'm a developer and I have experience with developing games in Unity, if you can give me pointers on where to learn about modding I would love to help out with your effort. Also, please let me know when you release your mod; I would love to check it out. Thanks again!!
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