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Nexus Mods Profile

About jonmosin

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  1. i have looked through the nexus and i need something to remove negative happiness. all my settlements have more than enough but when im elsewhere they behave like every resource is at 0 (beds, defence, food, water. ect....) PS if there is one on the nexus please notify me.
  2. thank you that looks like it has good potential.
  3. maybe a star craft inspired power armor. closest i could without mods is the Xo-1 with the space helmet http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g87/309787/309787_1273572312_medium.jpg
  4. an assault rifle from halo chambered in 308., full auto, 32 rnd magazine. Could be found in the cave near the alien crash site, next to the skeleton.
  5. i had the idea of more ways to earn caps at settlements using a trade like system. 1 a salt collector: this would be placed on the sand near water connected to the ocean and if a settler was assigned to it, it can earn caps. more if there is a general store in the settlement and/or caravans connecting to other settlements. 2 cotton and/or sheep and sewing stations: a settler would be assigned to the plant and over time produce cotton/wool then someone assigned to the sewing station could turn it into cloth and/or clothing of choice. Same cap system as salt. 3 fishing station: you know how it will work. 4 tobacco plants.
  6. There should be an mod that adds the option to recruit pacified humans and non feral ghouls. I can see that it could be useful but has some problems. one is recruiting too many people and one way of fixing this is making it a speak check like you have to convince them to join you. i don't see any others but im not a moder so i wouldn't know.
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